Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1318: Join the war

"The leader of Bowers is still in danger. The hospital has formed a group of experts under the leadership of the medical group to jointly give treatment plans. From the internal situation, it should not die."

In the same office as a small conference room, the author had seven dark-colored men in different dresses, and in front of them faced Holmes.

The overall style of this governor's office is metallic bright silver, but some people may think that this is a gray, over five meters tall and simple style gives this office a special minimalist industrial style.

The angular decoration lacks some gracefulness, but it is also a bit more sharp. Bowers sat behind a huge desk wide enough to be a small conference table, tilted his legs, and looked at the seven people outside the desk. Subordinate.

His shiny hair was meticulously combed out of the gully, and even shaking his head would not make these hairs shake a little.

There was a faint light on his slightly greasy face. He looked at the seven people in front of him, supporting his chin with one hand, pressing it on the armrest with one hand, and tapping the armrest with his fingers.

Talking to his secretary, a handsome male in his thirties, wearing a pair of glasses, standing beside him meticulously reported the news currently received from the Imperial City.

"We got some other news from some friends. Du Lin rushed to Emperor Capital on the day of the incident and witnessed the whole thing. It was reported that ..." The male secretary extended his finger and pushed the bridge of his nose. "Dulin is also fighting for a position, the vice chairman of the committee."

Everyone gradually understood what Du Lin wanted to do. Although Du Lin did not make any amazing moves in the past year, his attitude to attending regular meetings from time to time has made people understand. He began to take initiative to work within the party.

Inside and outside the party are two systems that are not much related. In the middle and lower levels, it is certain that extra-party work has more practical power. After all, the power of an office worker in the party is limited to the work he can handle.

Those outside the party have often started to work in government departments, and they have more places to reach out, not to mention that there are some official positions such as parliamentarians and mayors, which have greater power.

But at the top, the power of party positions will gradually increase, because no matter how great those parliamentarians or mayors are, they cannot change the fact that the power in their hands comes from the party.

This sentence may seem a bit funny, because the imperial government has always propagated that power comes from the people. It is every citizen who has the right to vote who has cast a key vote before choosing their recognized main government official.

That being said, if there is no nomination within the party, first of all, the candidate will not be able to obtain political resources within and outside the party, which is also the most important core resource.

Officials, especially government officials who are qualified as the governing party, will publish their own governance programs and development plans before and after taking office. These things are not something that a few people can think of and execute in the office.

This requires the mobilization and coordination of resources within and outside the party. Only then can this policy framework and development plan be carried out. Therefore, support within the party is very important.

Second, if the party committee decides to promote members of a party organization in a certain region to become mayors or parliamentarians of a region, then if someone wants to compete with the party nominated members, they will not get any support, and the winning rate is almost zero.

Because it is obviously more partisan than any individual measure, the help of capitalists or social enthusiasts is naturally directed at the party, not an individual act.

Combining more small details, it is said that the higher the status within the party, the greater the power, because these people have gradually grasped the issue of the distribution of power in certain areas, and the arrangement and transfer of important party members' work outside the party. .

Indeed, these people may be mayors, lawmakers, or key figures in important departments, but as long as a high-level executive order is issued, it will be enough for them to lose their power or even everything they have.

Du Lin began to pay attention and devote some of his energy to the party's work. It is a vane in his own right. He reduced his state government work and deepened his influence within the party, which indicates that he also began to plan for higher Intra-party status.

Bowers's accident is such an opportunity. From what he has learned so far, Bowers' recovery in the short term is minimal, and the timing of his accident is too clever.

If at other times, such as this time a year ago, this time a year later, he would have more time in the hospital for treatment.

But not now, because it ’s Golden March and the mid-term elections are about to begin. Even if everyone knows that the mid-term elections are mostly a cut scene, it is emphasized by the name of “elections” after all. Importance.

As the new party that was completely defeated by the old party in the last general election, in this golden March similar to the mid-term summary, it is necessary to show the stubborn and cheering side to the public.

Let them see that the New Party is working hard, and let people see that the New Party did not sink because it lost the election campaign, but instead broke out and did better.

Therefore, the position of the party leader who can represent the New Party cannot be left unused. This will give the whole society a very terrible feeling, and it will make people feel that the New Party now has no leader, not only lost to the old party, but also to This is absolutely impossible for yourself.

Then, if Bowers cannot meet the golden March in a decent image within a month, the committee will choose a new successor to replace Bowers and become the party leader.

At present, due to Du Lin's reasons, the high-level figures of the New Party have led to a serious loss of the image of the high-level officials other than the Presidium. Each time he participates in the regular meeting, he lashes out at the party's high-level officials. It seems that spraying these people is a correct political action.

This also makes some of these high-level ... difficult to get on the table, then there are only four who can replace Baoworth to temporarily replace him as the leader of the New Party.

One chairman, two deputies, three chairmen, and a party whip.

The original plan of the party whip was for Dory, but due to some other reasons, this position was still vacant, so the final result will be born among these three people.

As the first chief of the Development Office, Dori was promoted to the Presidium only four years ago. She has qualified for political achievements, but her qualifications are still lacking. The party's work achievements have been somewhat reduced, and no female leader has been born so far. Precedent, so her chances are small.

Another vice-chairman is responsible for the work outside the party all the year round. He has been in contact with too many people outside the party and lacks sufficient achievements in the party. At the same time, because his work direction is outside the party, he is not born by nature. Qualified as a leader.

Then only one person is possible, or inevitable, that is His Excellency the Chairman.

These things are not known to laymen, especially ordinary people, but they are not too complicated for these people in the center of power.

Even Holmes had realized that Durin had spent more time than he was plotting it. He was just staring eight years later, but Durin focused his eyes directly on the mid-term election.

No matter how well Durin prepared, he actually helped Holmes when he launched the incident, so that Holmes didn't need to wait another four years.

If Your Excellency is elected as a leader and a Vice-Chair is promoted to the position of Chairman, there will be an additional Vice-Chair seat.

All governors and above are eligible for election as vice chairmen. It can be said that Du Lin has helped everyone a lot.

Holmes' eyes dazzled with dazzling meaning, and his finger hitting the armrest began to speed up. The secretary knew that Holmes had entered thinking time, and closed his mouth in a timely manner.

In the huge office, there was only the sound and echo of the thumping of the handrail. It took about seventy-eight minutes and fifty-six hundred sixty-eight hundred and ninety seconds. The thumping sound and the echo stopped at the same time.

Holmes moved his shoulders to readjust his sitting posture. His straight spine made him look a lot taller than before. He looked at the seven people outside the table and pursed his lips. "I will participate in this competition You must be prepared ... "

"I think the final result will be between me and Dulin. Others have lost from the beginning of the game, so we will focus on Dulin in the next period."

"We each have an advantage that our opponents cannot match. This is bound to be a difficult battle. I also hope that no one will hinder me ..."

Holmes sees clearly that this election is not so much the competition between him and Doolin as the collision between the overall strengths of the states of Ambiloo and Woodland.

Such an important position cannot be said by a single person, and this requires a committee vote.

Judging from the current situation of the New Party Committee, everyone has their own ideas, because of the loss of personnel and the coercion and oppression of other parties, the New Party has had a difficult time this year.

Those who can walk are almost gone. The remaining ones basically have more or less power, or people who have been holding groups for a long time.

They all have their own ideas, and they won't let others decide, unless the person is Magus.

But even if it is Magus, everyone may not dare to oppose Magus for their own interests, such as Holmes.

If Magus now stands up and asks him to withdraw from this competition, he will dare to directly overturn Magus' request. He has "leave" for a long time. His influence on the New Party was dreadfully during his departure Cut, people's fanaticism and blind worship of him have been missing a lot.

Then if you want to get more people's support, you must get dry goods.

For these people, working is nothing more than two things.

The value of politics and the development of jurisdictions.

So Holmes and Durin each have their own advantages.

Holmes' advantage lies in the fact that the Woodland State, as the first comprehensively industrialized city in the Empire, can provide complete industrial infrastructure support to any place, and can also provide certain technical support.

This is terrible. For most regions at present, the green economy looks good but is not very realistic. Industrial development is a real thing.

Some cities have no industrial foundation, nor can they obtain all the basic conditions necessary for industrial development from other places.

But if Holmes can provide these things, it will be enough to impress many middle and senior executives who have the right to speak and vote for him.

Doolin's advantage is not in the development of green economy in Abilúo, but in the cash flow he obtains every year from the currently popular Western Battle Royale and the right to develop the Yagul Mountains mineral deposits.

In relatively straightforward terms, it is the money in his hands, and a lot of money is his greatest help.

If any city or region wants to develop by leaps and bounds, it cannot do without a correct direction and a lot of financial support.

Du Lin may not be able to give people the right direction, but he has enough funds in his hands to solve many problems, not to mention that he also accounts for 3% to 5% of the total income in the Audist district. Once the mineral resources of Mount Yagul are developed, there will be an endless stream of cash.

As long as he is willing to lend out the money to some regions that urgently need funds to break the development impasse, those people will naturally vote for the generous Doolin.

Therefore, they each have their own advantages, and they still have to compete if they want to make a difference.

As for the senior members of the party ..., under the continuous attack of Du Lin, they have long lost their opportunities.

Holmes arranged the next plan and left for Emperor Capital. If he wants to defeat Doolin in this game, he must have enough materials.

This material may not make Du Lin lose his current job and power. Important officials at their level are no longer able to win the scandal. What Holmes needs is to make Du Lin unwilling to compete with him. The scandal that kept him busy with other things, only in this way Holmes is likely to win ~ ~ After he arrived in the imperial capital, he explored the situation at the time of the accident in Bowers, deep inside There is a feeling that the accident of Bowers may not really be an accident.

Because everything is too coincidental, the upcoming Golden March, Baobos, who just lost his ability to work, His Excellency the Chairman, who has been standing still, and Doolin who has frequently participated in regular meetings a year ago, all indicate that Doolin is A year ago, it seemed that he had foreseen such an accident in Bowers.

So is it possible to think that with the involvement of Du Lin behind this matter?

Holmes believes that it is very possible. If it can be proved that Bowers accidentally was caused by Dulin, then this scandal will be enough to defeat Dulin in one go.

While arranging his trusted domestic servant to start investigating these, he took the initiative to contact His Excellency the Chairman.

No matter what role His Excellency played in the storm, Holmes must respect him and visit him first.


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