Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1320: Attend an enemy's ... meeting

After the examination at 12 o'clock in the evening, the doctors in the clinical laboratory returned to their posts and continued to stare at the instrument data in front of them or start a new job.

The observers in Magus's room also left. Now Magus's condition is very stable and does not require long-term observation. Although his condition does not progress very much, it can be changed.

The head of the department is no longer as concerned about Magus as before. In the clinical performance of other patients, the head of the department has seen promising changes.

Many patients have made great progress, and one of them has started to receive primary education, which was almost impossible in the past.

Other patients have more or less good news, which also means that the drug can pass the clinical and efficacy performance. The next consideration is how to maximize its value.

Although it is a bit regrettable to say that Magus could not appear as an experiencer, for medical groups, efficacy is the most important.

From the beginning, this drug was not aimed at the ordinary class. Every technological advance and every medical breakthrough is not to serve the poor. The poor simply cannot afford the expensive research expenses and the expected profits of the group. Breakthroughs that can change the times are all meant to serve the rich and powerful.

Any project will have a detailed plan for this project. This drug is also used in the plan. The target audience is mainly aristocratic groups and some large consortia.

No matter it is aristocracy or large consortium, it is often a high-incidence group with close relatives, and also a high-incidence group of brain diseases.

In order to ensure the purity of blood veins, the nobles encouraged and advocated the purification of blood veins through close relatives. This also caused many people in several pure blood nobles to have brain diseases, mental retardation, or cerebral palsy.

Those consortiums are to ensure that the property belonging to the family is not leaked out. If family members are not willing to give up the shares in their hands, close relatives must be combined to ensure the security of the family property.

A large part of the genetic defects of close relatives will be reflected in the process of embryo development, and the brain is the most affected area. If this medicine can effectively solve the mentally handicapped problems in these famous families, department heads and medical groups will Get amazing wealth and friendship with more powerful people for this.

After all, no one wants their child to be mentally handicapped, and this mentally handicapped person may still have some family wealth.

Spending a little money to solve some embarrassing and sad things, there is absolutely no problem of loss.

As for the needs of the lower and middle classes of the society ... if they have money, the medical group will not mind selling an extra medicine.

The slow rate of recovery of Magus has no longer attracted the attention of the department head. In addition to the stabilized medication dose, only two weeks of regular inspections will bring more people here.

After checking in bed at midnight on weekdays, no one will come into this room again.

As the door closed slowly, Magus sat up from the bed.

He moved his upper limbs, then got out of bed and walked around the room.

His room was not transparent. As the most powerful person in the empire, no one dared to let Magus live in a transparent observation room and be observed like a monkey.

It also provided him with great convenience, such as getting up in the middle of the night, and ... speaking.

While watching TV, he kept repeating what the host said on the TV to ensure that his communication skills had not been degraded by prolonged suspension.

Some things based on genetics are degrading or evolving very quickly, but some things are fast.

Someone once did an experiment, confining a person in a separate room, not allowing anyone to communicate with him or talking.

It took only one year for this prisoner to lose his language ability. Even if he knew how to pronounce and speak deep down, his body told him honestly that he couldn't do it.

Not only that, when medical staff checked his vocal cords, he found that the original healthy vocal cords had some distortion.

This experiment is very famous, called the "Degradation Experiment of Body Function", and completes rapid degradation by stopping the human's almost instinct-like behavior.

Magus has heard of this, so he has been secretly practicing normal behavior of the limbs and the ability to speak.

[The above are nonsense, don't believe it! !! 】

About half an hour later, he returned to the hospital bed with a little sweat, and a medical staff would come to him at 6 o'clock in the morning to change his clothes and quilt.

At this time, he focused all his attention on the TV program. The host has been discussing the great changes that have taken place in the New Party in the recent period of time, and the most popular gossip on the market now.

Looking at Durin, looking at Holmes, looking at Odgar, watching more people's heads constantly flashing in the picture, Magus' inner world became more and more calm.

The next morning, Doolin made an appointment with Kubar and met him in the Prime Minister's office.

Yokobar was three days ago, but it took three days to see him, and it wasn't that he didn't see him, he was really too busy.

The Golden March is not only the Golden March of the New Party, but also the Golden March of the Old Party. The old party's desire for victory and continued victory, which persisted for thirty years before defeating the New Party, has broken through the sky.

In the past thirty years, they have never been active on the political stage of the empire as the ruling party, and naturally they have not been able to more clearly feel the difference between power and power.

But this victory made them feel that the same power brings different experiences to people in different periods.

To put it plainly, after the old party became the ruling party, what they said was more effective. Instead of squinting and raising their palms, people would believe what they said, even if it seemed Not like the truth.

They are the ruling party, and people naturally trust the ruling party because they are the ruling party elected by the people themselves.

For this trust, the old party is also preparing to hold a grand propaganda campaign to determine that the old party's position on the current political stage of the empire will not waver.

A large number of senior party officials and related personnel and Kubar have things to talk about. In addition to the daily work of the cabinet, he has been crowded before he can squeeze out a little time for Dulin.

"Let's get some" dry "directly, time is limited!", Kubbar knocked on his wrist watch. After fifteen minutes, he still had a meeting. The fifteen minutes was originally squeezed out for him to rest. However, given the current importance of Du Lin, he needs to respect Du Lin's wishes, which gave him a fifteen minute break.

Du Lin is not the kind who can't catch the primary and secondary, he directly made a request, "When necessary, I hope you and some important people in the old party can come forward to support me ..."

Coubar blinked, and he looked at Du Lin's expression a little overwhelmed. "Sorry, I seem to have heard it wrong. You just said ... want the old party to support you?", Du Lin nodded and confirmed According to his statement, this made Kubal even cry and laugh, "If you let those people talk to you, they may be very happy, but let them support you ..." He shook his head, "It is not easy."

"We ...", he stretched out his hands, one pointing at himself, one pointing at Du Lin, **** closed together and separated, "You are from the New Party, I am from the Old Party, at a certain level We stand on the same stand, but beyond this level, we still have differences. "

"They can do anything, but they will not give solidarity to an important person in the New Party. I firmly believe that."

The minutes between the New Party and the Old Party have a long history. The initiators of these two parties are actually Magus alone. This is his idea. Then he gave the work of the Old Party to Kubar. So Kubar became the leader of the old party.

The establishment of the new party and the old party is actually to stabilize the chaotic aristocratic and new political circles in the empire. In the simplest and general way, the politicians in the empire are divided into two parts, and then their detailed hatred is blurred, and Personal hatred turns into hatred against parties.

The advantage of this is that it is convenient to manage the political upheaval and retaliation among politicians, and to make everything beyond control controllable.

Whether these people have greater ideals or pursuits, they will be given when they join the new or old party.

Effective use and control is the value and significance of the existence of the New Party and the Old Party. Although the two can be regarded as the means of rule of the rulers, they do hostile to each other for many years. Even if Kubar tells the truth, the Old Party Will not let go of their hatred of the New Party and its members.

This is not a few words. It can be erased in three or five days. It has existed for more than many people's concept of time. It has become a natural habit to incorporate this hostile relationship into the blood.

So when Durin said he hoped that the old party would support him, Kubar immediately raised his objections.

"You may not know that the people in the conference room are going to discuss in the afternoon for no less than three hours, how to let the new party sink forever and no longer give it a chance, and now you want me and the old party People support you, this can only be a joke, Du Lin. "

Du Lin shrugged, "No, Mr. Prime Minister ...", Du Lin was very serious when he said this sentence, but I don't know how, there is always something awkward, like a little irony, although He didn't do that.

It may be that the term Prime Minister is more often associated with Magus, so much that people always regard Magus as the Prime Minister, so when talking about Mr. Prime Minister, he gave Du Lin an unadjusted illusion.

He calmed down a bit and continued, "Maybe it used to be, but it won't be like this from today, because we have some new enemies, the Labor Party, and the Emperor Party."

"With millions of members of the Party organization, the Labour Party, which has been developing silently, and the Imperial Party, which has occupied some advantages, are our greatest enemies."

"In the past, we may be enemies, but in the new era, we have common enemies, so we can become friends before defeating them."

Many people have so far focused on the New Party and the Old Party. Recently, as the New Party continues to decline, people have paid more attention to the Old Party and the Imperial Party, but they have ignored the Labour Party.

If there is anyone in the entire empire who is most likely to be the next goalkeeper ... the goalkeeper, the Labour Party is most likely.

According to the evaluation of some statistical agencies on Sherries Street, during the general election four years later, the number of registered Labour Party members may exceed 8.5 million, and may even exceed 10 million.

What is this concept?

A labor force of 10 million means 10 million families. Based on the average number of four people in each family, the Labour Party will affect the choices of 40 million people, or even more.

By the end of last year, the entire empire's total population, including foreign population, had just exceeded 220 million, which means that the Labour Party had only one-fifth of the empire's population because of its influence within the party.

Coupled with their influence in society, and those stupid people who have difficulty choosing to follow the trend, they may get one-third or more of the votes.

What does this mean?

It is very likely that the so-called big parties will become the stepping stones of the Labor Party. Compared with the two parties and the Emperor Party that are constantly in conflict and scandals, the Labor Party does not care about the gains and losses at the current stage and makes every effort to develop the organizational foundation.

Most of the civilians who left from the New Party this time went to the Labor Party, which further improved the political party ’s shortcomings ~ ~ Once this party has the ability to compete with the ruling party, they will Become a disaster for many years in the political circle of the Empire!

Dooling looked at Kubar and said softly, "We should make sure that power is in the hands of the most suitable people, and not abused by those who do not understand how to use power."

Du Lin's words made Coubal start to deepen his thinking on this issue. As the thinking time has been getting longer, he has faintly understood what Du Lin wants to express.

In the face of the menacing Imperial Party and the silent Labour Party, the only way to resist them now is cooperation.

Suddenly the secretary knocked on the door of the room to let Kubal come back from his thoughts. He looked at Du Lin and hesitated for a while before trying to say, "If you are confident, you might as well join me for the next meeting."

"Then you go to persuade them, I believe you will be more valuable and meaningful than persuading them!"

Du Lin didn't expect Kubar would say such a thing, he nodded hesitantly, "Maybe I can try it."

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