Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1323: Hahahaha

"Two things ..."

In the evening in Holmes's villa, his secretary was reporting some information about Doulin obtained from various parties over the course of the day. In addition to clearing out those that could not be used, he found two.

Holmes was sitting on the couch with a wine glass in his hand, and Doulin won the approval of many aristocrats in the new party by persuading the old party to support him.

For these people, the New Party and the Old Party are nothing more than a camp concept. Everyone is essentially aristocracy, and some were very good friends before.

Du Lin persuaded the old party to make these people feel Du Lin's recognition of his identity-as a noble.

This is a great progress, and nothing can bring more security and intimacy than the "owner".

Holmes is now behind Dulin. He thought it was a close competition, but he did not expect that he was completely behind him from the beginning.

From the current attitude shown by Ordgar, Durin had already negotiated and reached a consensus with him before. It can even be said that the accident of Bowworth may have been handled by the two men.

Du Lin arranged everything and promoted the development of things. His active position is far higher than Holmes.

Now if he does not find the initiative from other aspects, he can already be said to have been eliminated in advance, but he does not want to be eliminated, so he still has to fight, only to deal with Dulin, not involving Odega.

Withdrawing his thoughts from his thoughts, Holmes looked at his secretary, took a sip of his wine glass, and the spirits burned his throat, blinked, and nodded, "Hope is good Message. "

The secretary fainted slightly, and his face was somewhat inspiring. "First thing, we have found the secretary who was on duty when Mr. Bowers was wrong, and some other things happened."

Holmes nodded. "Say something that interests me."

"I checked the information of this girl named 'Pola' from the local police station. By the way, about 7 o'clock the night before, Ms. Paula called the police for help."

"When the police patrol arrived at the scene and found a large blood spot on the ground ...", the secretary passed the remake photo, Holmes lowered his glass and held it in his hand.

A total of four photos are all a lot of blood on the floor, and one of them has traces of drag. Obviously something terrible happened in this house.

The secretary continued, "According to the information provided by the neighbors and the apartment manager, two police officers have come to Ms. Paula before, but no other police officer has received instructions to arrive in the police record. on site."

"Police guessed that someone was impersonating the police and robbed ..."

Holmes looked up at him in amazement before finishing the words of the secretary, "Is this ... the act of burglary?"

The blood in one place and the traces left after the faintly visible bullets on the wall penetrated were not as simple as killing people, they were simply unscrupulous killings, but the police station characterized them as burglaries?

The secretary smiled, Holmes Yang nodded and motioned him to continue, sometimes things are not so easy to distinguish, "Now Ms. Paula is temporarily imprisoned in her uncle's home for police surveillance and investigation, Some in the police believe that there may be retaliatory action by the robbers. "

Holmes dropped all the photos on the coffee table and looked at the secretary with his legs crossed. "So we have found the girl, called ... Paula ?!"


He took a deep breath and said after a moment of thought, "Somehow to bring her here, she is very useful to us."

Sometimes as a public figure, Holmes is unwilling to use some less bright means to do something, and he hopes to be able to decide the outcome in a fair environment.

But in many cases, the development of things will not be changed by human willpower, especially when faced with such an important opportunity, those small reservations are not so important.

You can show your heart when you get the leading position, but if you are already behind, you still have to be labeled fair, that is stupid, **** it.

"What is the second one?"

The secretary just said that there are two things. The first thing is very important. The girl Paula can associate the injuries between Doolin and Bowers and create an image of the New Party leader who has been unscrupulously used to fight for power and gain profits, as long as this image is affected by people. Accepted, Du Lin has no chance in this life to become the leader of the New Party.

No one will be willing to let a subordinate who is likely to conceal his subordinates to hold important positions anytime, anywhere, whether inside or outside the party, and he will not be reused in other parties.

As long as this is done, Du Lin can no longer be a threat.

The first thing was so important, which made Holmes wonder what the second thing really was.

The secretary smiled a little secretly, he looked around subconsciously, then bent down and said softly in Holmes' ear, "I found that Du Lin had an illegitimate daughter on the side of the imperial capital ..."

Holmes looked back at him violently, and his eyes were about to shine.

The Empire is very open. There is no doubt about it. From girls who are trying to get their families and their homes out of poverty, can afford to wear clothes and have a full stomach, they are asking for help everywhere. Those who drink too much in the bar do not care about themselves. From the perspective of young people who have been grass-rooted or who have grass-rooted themselves, in the eyes of the young people of this generation, some things are not so important.

In particular, the vigorous feminist movement continues to this day. Sometimes it is difficult for people to tell whether boys are taking advantage or girls are taking advantage. When mothers already have children at home to go to school or work and live, they are told— Boys live alone and learn to protect themselves.

The openness of life does not necessarily mean that the marriage life must be wild. Everyone in this society, whether it is a tramp on the roadside or the emperor in the palace, who has no other job than man, there is a certain A distorted moral cleanliness.

They hope that all people are clean and holy, but they never ask themselves strictly, which has created an interesting social phenomenon.

This is a nonsense, and it is not a nonsense, it reflects the ugliness of the most red fruit in society. Everyone wants to live in the kingdom of heaven, and everyone around them is a spotless angel, but this one does not work for themselves. Body.

The messy life before marriage is a personal choice that all singles can enjoy, but after marriage, the society requires that most people must strictly abide by certain things, such as respect for the marriage, respect for the other half of themselves, and no derailment can occur. thing.

Maybe every marriage is blessed by gods, maybe people want a better world.

Once the news that Du Lin has an illegitimate daughter is revealed, his private morality will become the main point of public opinion. The whole social public opinion will be uproar and climax. Although I may not be able to comply, others must comply, everyone will Think of this as a topical hotspot in the middle of the year and repeatedly fight for months.

This will make Du Lin lose a lot of social points, because he is a **** who not only abides by moral standards, but also has illegitimate daughters.

Such a messy social reputation is not enough for him to assume the position of leader of the New Party, because every leader should meet social standards in terms of personal morals and work.

The leader itself is a spiritual symbol of some aspects of the New Party. To make such a stigmatized person unacceptable to social morality and public opinion to be a leader is a blasphemy for the New Party and a blasphemy for every New Party member.

Holmes was finally excited, and with these two viable plans, he felt like he was doing it again.

He couldn't help but stand up, walked back and forth excitedly in the hall, and pointed to his secretary, "immediately arrange for someone to control Du Lin's illegitimate daughter and that woman, don't alarm others, and Yes, the secretary must invite her as soon as possible, we are running out of time. "

Yes, time is running out. The old party ’s golden meeting was held last March. The new party originally planned to hold this meeting again in the next few days, but with the sudden admission of Bowers, he had to spend time. Hold on.

In the last three days, there will be a meeting, in which Odgar will be nominated and by becoming the new leader of the New Party, Du Lin's opportunity is also in this meeting room.

You must get these things done before they get there, otherwise it will be too late.

With Holmes' approval, the secretary immediately used some of the forces and white gloves they had been operating on the side of the Imperial City to do these things.

To be honest, when the call was made, the secretary still felt some distress, because after the night passed, these forces or individuals who had operated for three or five or even seven or eight years had to be completely abandoned.

The reason for abandoning them is on the one hand a direct threat from Du Lin. Presumably, due to Du Lin's character, he will never let the people responsible for implementation live after these things happen.

So these implementations, regardless of what role they played before, what kind of social resources they have, are all abolished from today.

These people will naturally return to the Woodlands and continue to serve Holmes in a safer place.

Secondly, what Holmes arranged for them to do is not so positive after all. Training white gloves in the Imperial City and doing these dirty things in advance will inevitably make some people dissatisfied, so recycling is inevitable.

With so much money and interpersonal relationships, it is still very distressing to abandon the secretary for a while, but he still informed those people that as long as this matter is done, the gain will be enough to make up for the current loss.

Ten minutes later, Paula was taken away by two senior investigators from the Bureau of Investigation on the grounds that she cooperated with the investigation of a murder related to Paula.

Because of the qualified documents, Paula didn't doubt these people too much, and ...

On the other hand, the three electricians have obtained permission from the Oak Bay security guard to enter the Oak Bay villa area.

The three people drove in the name of overhauling the circuit. The security guard was very skeptical at first, but there was no way to overhaul the circuit at night, but the other party suggested that people would stop using electrical appliances after falling asleep at night, but rather a good opportunity to overhaul the circuit.

Many people are using electrical appliances during the day. Once the circuit is cut off, it will cause residents to be dissatisfied, the power company will be complained, and the community service company will be complained.

The reason for this forced explanation was that the duty manager was passed, and they allowed the three to enter the maintenance circuit.

The car was parked next to a pole, and the three began repairs in accordance with normal procedures, but their eyes were always fixed on a villa.

That was the villa that the Georges lost to Doolin. The price is now over 3 million to 4 million, and it is still difficult to find a room.

The special business philosophy and environment of the Oak Bay Villa Community has led to the concentration of commercial operations here ~ ~ plus some wealthy people live here, and every time there is a public auction of real estate, the price will quickly fly to the sky.

As long as you live in Oak Bay, you are half successful. To this day, this publicity advertisement and their business philosophy are still classics, and they are still being deeply studied by many people.

At more than eleven o'clock in the evening, many lights in the community have gone out, and most of the people living here have gone to sleep.

The low and middle levels of society have thought for a long time that rich people will definitely live a life of drunkenness and gold, but that is not the case.

Someone did a survey. Of the top 50 most successful people in the Empire ’s business world, almost everyone would go to bed before eleven and wake up before five thirty the next morning.

Those who cannot take regular breaks are often due to the relationship between work and occasional entertainment, and there are occasional days, but as long as there is no work and entertainment, their lives will become very regular again.

This is a law, in fact, it is a stricter self-discipline, but many people who do n’t understand, think of some things too badly, and it is more tragic that this is often the common understanding of the bottom of society.

After the lights went out, after the night patrol walked outside of Du Lin's villa, one of the electric maintenance personnel quickly left the pole, and before leaving, he put a piece of clothing on a hanger and hung by the pole.

He walked lightly around the back of the villa, opened the glass door by the pool, and entered the villa.

Most of the residents living in high-end communities will lock the door on the front of the villa, but some doors and windows in the back will often be unlocked. The more developed the area, the more so.

This man easily went to the second floor. In the master bedroom on the west side of the second floor, he saw the goal of this mission, a woman, and a child.

Wonderful book house

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