Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1325: Very exciting, almost lost the attendance

After long communication, Holmes thought that she had convinced Paula, and she also expressed her willingness to seriously consider Holmes' proposal and tell the truth in her heart, such as ... Pushed it down.

This is actually not what Holmes wanted Paula to say, because he thought it was simply impossible, and he would only push Bowers off the stairs in the New Party office building unless Du Lin was crazy.

You should know the place where Bowers fell down. Anyone staying in the lobby can see everything that Durin has done with his own eyes, as long as he just raises his chin slightly and focuses his attention above the line of sight. Holmes thinks this is not the real process.

It was impossible for Dooling to do such things at such a great risk. He may have played some unfriendly roles in it, but he would never push Bowworth himself.

His odds and the power he already has do not require him to take too much risk to do such a thing. He can express his demands and complete compromises in a more peaceful way.

As long as someone sees his hands, even if Magus heals immediately and appears in front of people, it won't help, because the nature of doing that is too bad and terrible.

Holmes didn't believe that Doolin would do the same, but he thought that Paula's statement was very good. He didn't need people to think that this was what happened. It just needed to create enough shock in society.

He doesn't plan to fight long-term power issues with Du Lin, so he only needs a short period of public opinion to let Du Lin lose his position and advantage, and then as long as the dust has settled in three or five days, everything doesn't matter.

Paula hasn't fully agreed yet. She needs to think about it. Holmes is not in a hurry. He still has a week to deal with this issue.

He personally sent Paula back to his room and visited the girl next door. The girl's crying eyes were red and swollen. She was very vigilant holding the child in her arms and staring at Holmes.

That look was like defending her child from the wolf wolf, decisive, decisive, but more desperate.

"I'm not malicious, ma'am ..." Holmes spread his hands, his open formal suit exposed most of his body where he could hide weapons. Without weapons, this is enough in an unfamiliar environment. Reassuring.

Holmes walked towards the girl. Two bodyguards behind him wanted to keep up and was stopped by him. He wasn't weak enough to handle even a girl without a mission weapon.

He was standing next to Melissa, watching the child in her arms, touching the child's fleshy feet, and praising him sincerely, "His eyes are like Du Lin, deep and bright. . "

Melissa tightened the blankets in her arms, sideways avoiding Holmes. When she heard Holmes said that the child was like Doolin, she realized where the disaster had come from.

All of this is related to Du Lin.

Holmes didn't become embarrassed by the little girl's movements. He naturally walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside the window-this is on the tower of the manor, at least twenty meters away from the ground. He was not worried that anyone would consider fleeing the manor from here.

After just a glance, he regained his gaze. The original greenery was replaced by roads and construction sites being planned. The construction of the new district was much faster than people thought.

The expansion of the imperial city circle not only means that the imperial capital can accommodate more people, but also highlights the importance of the city to the empire. It is also a rare feast for those real estate developers.

It is said that during this period of time, there have been several fights over the relocation of the cemetery. Under each cemetery tombstone is not only the ancestor's body, but also ... money!

The price of every inch of gold is enough for many people to make reckless short-sighted moves. In addition, some people have done some bad things here. The social contradictions in the new district are more concentrated and obvious than in other places.

Withdrawing his eyes from the outside, Holmes turned his back to the window and looked at Melissa, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and said softly, "We all know that it's Doolin's child, a child who will never be blessed. "

"Have you thought about it? Most of what you are bearing now is the responsibility of that man. He didn't take his responsibility and left you in a corner, just when you didn't exist, and then joined hands with another innocent The girl came to the people and accepted their praise and blessings, and it has nothing to do with you. "

"You are like a transparent person, you cannot appear in many places, you cannot talk about many things, your relatives, your friends will be curious about who your child's father is, and you dare not tell the truth Then, he couldn't even mention his name. "

"You should hate him because of impulse, because of hormones, because of sexual needs, and he left lightly after all this, but you have to bear serious consequences and pay the price of life's honor and shame for this."

"I can give you a chance, say his name in front of everyone, and let the society give you the fairest judgment. As long as you cooperate with me, you will get a lot of things."

Holmes thought that what he said was enough to stir up the heart of the girl. He was afraid that the girl could not understand it, and even said something red, "" At least a quarter of Doolin's property belongs to you and your child. That will It's a wealth you can't imagine, and besides that I will give you a lot of extra money and protect you and your children and your family. "

If Melissa was a little scared before Holmes said his purpose, now she is not scared, because she realizes that she is qualified to decide some key person.

The girl is not stupid, otherwise it would not be possible to mingle in a place like Royal College, she looked down at the child in her arms, thought for a while, then shook her head.

This action made Holmes frown, he was very unaccustomed to being rejected one after another in this way, so was Paula, and now Melissa, they are rejecting themselves, and it makes him feel uncomfortable. The requirements of the two women are related to Du Lin.

This gave him a sense of frustration. He had already lost half before he faced Du Lin positively. He was a bit embarrassed, but his education kept him in a good manner, at least not like those who did not. After school, yelled like a low-level repetitive manual worker.

"Can you talk about the reason? I think this is the best choice for you. The man who makes you sad and makes you cry for him in the middle of the night will pay enough. You can choose to forgive him or hurt him. He, such an opportunity is not available to everyone. "Holmes was really convincing the girl. He twisted his neck." I don't want to hurt anyone. You can tell your concerns to I listen, maybe I will have a solution. "

The girl looked up at him and said softly, "You can't guarantee my safety. No one who Durin wants to kill can survive."

Holmes first chilled, and then laughed aloud. He laughed and shook his fingers. "No, ma'am, you don't know much about the lives of people like us. Let's say that our bright life and decent life come from The power in our hands, when we lose power ... "He whistled a crooked whistle," We will be worse than ordinary people, including what you think is strong. "

The girl was unmoved, "You said you can protect us, then you should prove to me, not use your lies to deceive me."

Holmes pointed to the girl and nodded. "It makes sense, so how do you want me to prove it to you?"

The girl made a request that made Holmes a little surprised, "You have to let Du Lin know that you are dealing with him, but he has nothing to do with you, so that I can believe that you can protect me and my children, Otherwise I won't speak anything. "

Holmes frowned again, he walked back and forth a few steps, then looked at Melissa, "You gave me a problem, ma'am, and I doubt the purpose of your doing this ...", he faintly I think Melissa's request is not so pure. It seems that she intentionally made Du Lin aware that some problems have already occurred. She intends to remind Du Lin by her own hand.

But he can't be completely sure. No one can determine where an option will make the wheel go, and Holmes can't, but he doesn't recommend betting.

Because he believes that so many things happened during this time, Du Lin can not know what happened, and sometimes reminding the enemy will not let his plan fail, but will make the enemy show more vulnerabilities due to panic.

He thought about it for a while, and nodded cautiously, "I will let you see it when I hear from you, but you'd better remember what you said. Doolin is scary, and I'm not that gentleman sometimes."

After Holmes left, Melissa looked at the closed door. The girl in her arms rubbed her eyes and moved, and she quickly coaxed the child into paying little attention to what happened before and after.

In the evening, the dinner that should have been delivered at 7:30 was not delivered late, and when both girls suspected that something had happened, they were taken to the side hall.

There is a dining table, chairs, and a big TV in the side hall.

The TV cabinet under the big TV obviously does not match the style of the surrounding decoration and seems to be moved from other places.

Holmes sat at the table early, and he was very gentleman stood up and removed the chairs for the three ladies, asked them to sit down, and then began to introduce them to each other.

After a brief introduction, Holmes smiled and let the chef start serving, and also turned on the TV.

Paula didn't know what happened in the process, she looked at Melissa and the little girl a little strangely, guessing their relationship with Du Lin.

Coincidentally, Holmes also has to talk about these things. Eight o'clock is a golden time. Holmes took advantage of the relationship to temporarily participate in a political talk show, at which time it began to broadcast.

He introduced Paula's reasons for participating in this talk show, and explained to Melissa that he would challenge Doolin by live broadcast and ensure that he would not have any accidents.

This is a fresh method. With the continuation of the dining process and the passing of the TV show, the host finally asked about the new party's re-election of leaders. Holmes confirmed it and said that he would also participate in the vote. And backs up the position of vice chair.

He directly showed that he was not afraid of anyone's challenge in the show, and there was a hint of provocation inside and outside the words.

After dinner he sent Melissa to the room, taking the opportunity to emphasize the agreement between them again, when he returned to the side hall, Paula's attitude seemed to have fallen to him, which made him very proud.

"I considered your previous proposal. This is not a clever approach, but Melissa's experience made me feel ..." She smiled sarcastically, "You know, I am also a woman."

Holmes: What do I know?

He nodded quickly, sighing with the same expression on his face, "Yes, I understand."

Paula didn't say too much meaninglessly at this point, she quickly pulled the topic back, "Mr. Holmes, you asked me to tell some falsehood to frame Mr. Durin, and I agreed with you request……"

"It's not framed, it's just an irresponsible guess. After all, you just said what you should say." Holmes corrected her.

"It doesn't matter, whether it is a lie or a guess, anyway, I will tell the public and reporters according to your requirements, but you must also comply with our agreement. In addition to money, you must provide sufficient protection to ensure my safety.

"Melisa and I share the same concerns. Safety is more important than money. You have to understand that."

A triumphant smile has appeared on Holmes' face ~ ~ Of course, of course! I promise, Paula, I promise to ensure your safety, and to ensure that you don't need to think about money in the second half of your life, trust me, I promise! "

The two also talked about some details about "framed" Durin, including how he pushed Bowworth down and what other actions he did.

Holmes praised Paula constantly, praising the lies she made up as if they were real, as if she had seen them with her own eyes.

The two left the side hall after the discussion, and at the same time, in the telegraph office, two monitors stopped monitoring and closed the line.

They sent the recording equipment and tapes to Du Lin's manor at the fastest speed. Sitting in the study, Du Lin listened to the conversation in the tape and laughed with satisfaction.

Sometimes people are stupid, because they always see too many things, so that they ignore some details, and these details are just the key to killing them!


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