Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1328: Not proofread

Du Lin broke the highest ratings ever recorded by the TV Group's Collector Data Center, and pushed this level to a level of 71%. In other words, most of the future programs and producers can only face This number is swearing, but it doesn't raise the slightest idea of ​​wanting to break records.

More than 71% of TV users across the empire watch this show. Except those who are at work and watch the same TV with others, it is likely that this will become an eternal, who Can't cross the record.

The TV people of the future are bound to be tragedy. Before they even enter the industry, the road over the mountains will be avalanche.

This can also explain how many people are paying attention to this matter. Du Lin finally told the truth of the matter, and people can understand that in the face of the dual threats of scandal and coercion, it seems that Du Lin can only do so.

but why?

Why is Du Lin again?

Why do these bad things always appear to Du Lin. Are those politicians thinking about how to bring down Du Lin?

Du Lin also talked about this in the program. He did not specify that the reason for this situation must be because of his own race and poor origin. He explained everything normally, and it was normal as if he were Avoid these issues.

So those conspiracy advocates who always adhered to "This world is a conspiracy" began to carnival. They over-interpreted every sentence of Du Lin, and even analyzed his expression, analysis of his expression and physical movements to discover deeper Layer of things.

Holding the analysis of their not so smart heads, they mysteriously rushed to the whole society, and joined the carnival on the ground that "I know some truth / shadow again".

These people ... are good people, and the top of the society likes the people at the bottom to become like this, because it is easy to control and guide.

Cheap entertainment and cheap social participation will make the bottom of the society very stable most of the time. They will not turn complaints and grumbles into indignation against the ruler, because cheap entertainment will make them forget the little ones. Unhappy.

And participating in social activities and participating in social discussions can give these people a sense of glory that “I participated in the historical process of the empire”, they are even less likely to accumulate too much indignation to eventually resolve their actions against the empire through action. dissatisfied.

So this group of people is good. Du Lin thinks so. On the night of the show, some people who originally planned to rest were sitting at their desks and chanting how to write an article to be published in the newspaper, or sharing it with others by phone. What he found, in short, Du Lin was on fire again, and Holmes was on fire.

Du Lin successfully stood on the weak side. The fact that he should have been the scandal of Holmes attacking him became the courage to bear all the responsibilities. This is an act to be commended, not to be criticized.

As he said himself, at that time he was still young. Didn't everyone do something stupid and ridiculous when he was young, and Du Lin was also willing to take responsibility and pay the price.

A young man who will make mistakes that most people will make is more in line with the needs of social values ​​and the needs of people at the bottom of society.

We do n’t want saints!

Then people began to think, a kid from the civilian class, the bottom of the society, and a farmer who was once again framed by the unscrupulous politicians of aristocratic backgrounds. What happened in this society?

Why do privileged classes always trample on the dignity of ordinary people to show their extraordinaryness, and why can we only lament the impermanence of fate when we are stepped on?

Early the next morning, a large number of parades appeared in the Imperial Capital and other places, denouncing Holmes, and even more terribly, the Empire Daily reported a shocking news on the front page headline-Holmes may be suspected Participate in Treason Organizations!

If it is said that before the news appeared, some people in the society stood firmly on Du Lin, and some people who thought that they were above the civilian class were drunk. I was sober and sober that I was neutral and kept Du Lin and Huo What happened between Mums was seen as an ugly means of political struggle.

But now they have changed their position, because treason is not a label that can be forgiven.

There is a lot of evidence in the report that Holmes' suspects were suspected of selling confidential information abroad, including political, military, and commercial secrets, and the whole society was uproar.

Holmes was standing in the villa with a complex complexion. He had received some reliable information from certain channels and copies of evidence published by the Empire Daily. One of the real conditions needs to be investigated, but some of the evidence has been determined. .

He pressed his temples with his eyes closed, and Du Lin didn't follow the routine to make him a mess. Even now he can't think of any better way to solve this problem.

What made him feel more troublesome was that since last night, I don't know who leaked the news, and a large number of reporters appeared outside Paula and Melissa's estate for temporary house arrest.

These reporters are circling the manor like an annoying fly, and the bodyguards have caught several reporters who want to slip into the manor.

Now that the two girls were unable to move away, they tried to drive a mini-truck for purchasing first. As a result, the truck was blocked in the middle of the road as soon as it got out of the manor and was turned over by crazy reporters.

According to the current laws of the empire, once private property has been illegally violated after leaving the private territory, it should be based on the police without threat of life safety and do not advocate resistance.

Moreover, Holmes is still one of the parties involved in this storm. If he does too much, such as sending two girls away by armed **** or beating the reporter, it is likely to cause a greater rebound. Du Lin's obituary to him.

The two girls were not good at sending or not. It really made people feel troubled. What made him feel uncomfortable was the recording provided by Du Lin.

During the recording, he and Paula discussed how to frame the stolen Du Lin. He suspected that there were Du Lin people in the manor, otherwise Du Lin could not get the recording.

Among these men under his control, there must be a ghost inside.

He had no doubt about Paula. At present, the smallest recording device on the market is about the size of a lady's handbag. When Paula was invited, the maid had taken away her clothes, and she could not bring things in. .

And such a big thing, who wants to hide it perfectly must be a person who is familiar with all the rooms of the manor.

The more I think about it, the more troublesome the manor is. The only way now is to drag it on. The two girls continue to be under house arrest for a while, and he exerts himself in other areas.

The idea was very good, the reality was cruel, and before he had time to exert the force, Du Lin's second stick hit his head, and he hit Venus with eyes and weak limbs.

Suddenly, the ringing of the phone reminded him slightly. He went to the phone and lifted the handset. His face suddenly disappeared. "His Excellency ... No, I haven't done this. This is what Du Lin said to me ... I see, I will fix it as soon as possible ... OK, goodbye! "

Holmes's face became even more embarrassing than before, and Cooper gave him a severe apprehension on the phone, and asked him to calm down the storm as soon as possible.

But now there are too many questions, he can't find any clue at all for a while.

He didn't move, he hung up the phone for less than 6789, 2134 seconds, and the phone rang again. When he lifted the phone, his expression was obviously impatient, but he held back. "Her Excellency ... ..., I'm already contacting Du Lin ... I haven't done that before, I've been framed ... I understand, I'm trying ... Yes ... Yes, good-bye! "

I hung up the phone and paused for about three or four seconds. A bad word came out of his mouth. He just turned around and the phone rang again. He watched the ringing phone slap and frantically forehead and picked it up again. phone.

In the morning, the small group of people above the tower of Yao Xing Empire called him in turn. The only request from these people was to end the farce as soon as possible.

The outside world's evaluation of this farce has disappointed the New Party members, and even other parties have been implicated. Because of the dirty and ugly politics, other people have also been affected, even some have happened for some time- Here specifically refers to the time of political struggle over the past few decades, again cited as an example.

Now whoever is telling the truth and who is telling the truth, we must first press things down and end them.

As for how to finally smooth out this matter, we still have to close the door to discuss it.

Holmes was physically and mentally exhausted. He didn't even eat lunch and let people contact Du Lin everywhere. Now only when he and Du Lin appear in front of the public at the same time, as good friends, can he resolve the storm.

But the problem is ... Du Lin is gone.

Du Lin disappeared at exactly the right time. He was actually hiding in the imperial capital. It was impossible for him to put off such a huge bomb and easily end it in a few calls.

This matter will not be finished without blasting Holmes out of the internal hemorrhage. Will he suffer in horrible grievances these days?

The world is still unreasonable, is there any law?

In a temporary stronghold, Du Lin was reading the newspaper under the sun, and he liked today's newspapers. Except for the more neutral newspapers such as Empire Daily, which maintained a less biased position, most of the newspapers reported on these things. The media are on Du Lin's side.

This is society's sympathy, pity, and enemies for the vulnerable!

He remembered that he had read a news that an ordinary worker rode a bicycle to work because he was late, accidentally hit a luxury car, and faced with expensive repair costs, he chose to bump it into a luxury car. I stunned myself and smashed my head.

Unexpected flip-flops After the news reports, social public opinion, under the guidance of certain public ... social activists, reversed the right and wrong positions.

Public opinion used the "insignificant reparation fee for the rich" and "reparations for the death of the poor" to forcibly abduct social justice and morality. After the worker woke up, the worker was induced to become rich and demand a large amount of compensation.

This incident finally ended with 500 yuan for the workers to be compensated by the rich. The workers hit other people's cars instead of paying compensation but instead got some money. This made those social activists and the bottom of the society who participated in this event feel unprecedented. Uplifting.

Through their own power, they changed the end of what should be a “tragedy” and make everything better, but they ignored that it was because of them that the law became a decoration.

Du Lin is now the worker, he is very injured!

"The noble masters who shouted Kim Tiao-yin since birth were very fond of the trouble of finding Du Lin, because Du Lin is a unique person on the stage of the empire's politics ..."

"His origin and his experience represent that he is a doer from the bottom of society, a politician with social morality and a sense of responsibility ..."

"Different looks and backgrounds make him a stranger in the eyes of those people. They would like to make a donkey a Boss, and do not want to give Du Lin a chance ..."

"What happened today is not the first time. Du Lin has encountered it before, and this will not be the last time. Later, Du Lin will encounter ..."

"Each of us is a citizen of the empire. What exactly makes these people unscrupulously classify our lives and other ideas ..."

"I don't want to use the word 'class', but society is going backwards. One day, the people we respect will become the people they once hated!"

"Dulin today, tomorrow is me, it is you, other ordinary people!"

Du Lin read this paragraph very emotionally, UU read the book stretched out his finger and bounced the newspaper, he looked back at Dufo, "I like these things he wrote, check this guy, let He writes more. "

After he finished speaking, he recovered his eyes from Dufo. There is no doubt that he has basically won more than half of this game, and he still has no last killing trick.

That night, Du Lin left the temporary stronghold in the middle of the night wearing a relatively ordinary suit and a hat, and he appeared in the hospital.

Bowers actually woke up a few days earlier. If he wasn't too old, he might wake up earlier. Falling down the stairs and having a car accident won't kill him, only allowing him to stay for a long time. To leave the job, this is what Dulin needs.

At this time, Bowers' image was somewhat unsatisfactory. Although he was awake, it was obviously different from the past. His half of his body lost consciousness, and his eyes were crooked and his mouth slanted.

The doctor said that it was directly related to his falling down the stairs and having a car accident, but the problem was not big, and he would be fine ... probably.

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