Cosma Empire

Chapter 2: Difficult to survive

The city of Tenet is located in the southern and western part of the empire. Compared to the magnificent scenery of the southeast coast, the city of Tenell looks a little less prosperous. But for people living in Tener City, this is paradise, compared to other muddy countryside.

Du Lin looked at the streets full of curiosity with curious eyes. Although he had seen a more prosperous and advanced city in this dream, it was just a dream, but now it is real. He froze with a patched backpack on his shoulders, excitedly looking around the street, and was also figuring out what he should do now.

Studying culture is inevitable. He doesn't know every word in the street, which will limit his future development. Secondly, he needs to find a job that can support himself in a short period of time. He does not require much salary, no new water, as long as he can have a humble residence and two meals.

He walked on the streets of this strange city. While there was a hint of fear in his heart, he was more yearning for the future. He felt that the sky of the city was bluer than that of the countryside, and the air was comfortable.

喂 "Hey ... boy over there!"

Du Lin looked at his voice. A car that seemed a little funny to him, but next to the latest car in the world, a man with a dome felt hat tickled him.

"Yes sir, is there anything wrong?" Du Lin immediately walked over. He wasn't quite sure what the decent man who looked very rich called himself, but he felt fresh about setting up anything and he Not very concerned about such a call.

男人 The man looked Du Lin up and down, and slightly tilted his head. There were a few boxes behind the car, which should look heavy. "Help me move them to Room 411 on the fourth floor."

Du Lin froze, but soon his face was full of smiles. He carried his backpack back, walked to the side of the box, and lifted it vigorously. The box was heavy, and the brackets were beaten with wooden strips outside the box. Some liquid seemed to be shaking during the lifting process. The man seemed surprised, pointing to a small five-story building on the side of the road, and begging him to hurry.

Du Lin took the heavy box and went up to the fourth floor with some breath. When he was in the countryside, he was already one of the main laborers in the family and usually had to do some heavy manual labor. Although these things are heavy, they have not been taken into account by him.

He went upstairs and found 411 according to the numbers learned from the coins, which should be this room. He gently kicked the door twice with his feet, and a moment later the door opened a seam. A man with a somber complexion looked at him behind the seam of the door, his eyes gloomy.

"It was a gentleman downstairs who asked me to bring these boxes up." Du Lin explained.

The yamen opened a little bit bigger. The guy leaned out and looked around. The long corridor was quiet, and no one was visible. The man only opened the door at this time, and Du Lin noticed a detail. While the guy opened the door, his right hand was behind his back and he pulled it out again.

He looked at the three boxes held in Du Linhuai's arms, and there were some surprised expressions on his face, "You have a lot of energy!" He said to get out of the way and let Du Lin enter. . "

After Xun put down things in accordance with his instructions, the guy pushed Du Lin out of the room a bit rough, and then closed the door with a peng.

Looking at the closed wooden door, Du Lin took a moment, then shrugged, and went downstairs.

The gentleman downstairs didn't leave. He didn't say anything after seeing Du Lin. He took out a one-dollar bill from his pocket and stuffed it into his hand. Without waiting for Turin to thank him, the guy drove away.

Looking at the car disappearing at the end of the street, Du Lin blew a whistle. It seemed that making money in the city was not as difficult as he thought. Look, it took just over an hour to earn a dollar, and the average person earned three days.

I am always full of some kind of pride for the first time of anything, even if it is a stupid thing. While thinking about the first piece of money I earned through my labor in my life, I was looking for a place to live on the side of the road. In fact, what he hopes most is to find a place for custom-made leather utensils. The profession of leather craftsman will never be hungry. This sentence was heard from the mouth of a drunkard who bought wolf skins in the wild alfalfa town.

十分 A piece of wolf skin worth a lot of money-there will always be three or two coyotes outside the wild alfalfa town. Most of these coyotes are attracted by some domestic animals in the town, and they have become the most hated by the rural people. People in the town will kill these coyotes with traps, then peel them completely, and sell them to the leather merchants who come every month.

In the mouth of that leather merchant, these wolf skins, which can only sell for a very large amount of money, have been carefully crafted by the skinners, and can sell a dozen or even dozens of sky-high prices!

So Du Lin feels that if you want to change the level of your life as soon as possible, becoming a leathersmith apprentice is obviously the most direct and fastest way.

Actually, he doesn't know, as long as other industries do well, it is almost the same.

I walked around the city, almost turning his head into a dizziness. He had never seen such a big city, so many people, so many roads and so many houses.

Of course, there are cars on the road.

I have never encountered the good things before, as for looking for a tanner ... I haven't found it.

With the water taken from the roadside pump and the whole wheat bread as hard as a stone, Du Lin completed the first step of his life and spent the night in the city.

Similarly, for the first time, he felt something called loneliness. In a bridge hole, he curled up and fell asleep in the sound of the roaring wind.

I turned the whole city of Tenerife over a few days and found three leather goods stores, but the owner had no intention of recruiting people. Du Lin put his hopes on other jobs, such as tailors, carpenters, or other decent jobs. I don't know if he is unlucky or for some other reason, and no one wants to solicit him. It also made him understand that there is always a gap that cannot be bridged between ideal and reality. UU Reading Book www.

两 After two weeks, he finally found a way to make money from countless failures-car washing.

It only needs a bucket of water, a bar of cheap soap, a rattan gourd bark and a towel that are left after the natural drying and decaying, and it can clean the roadside car. The total cost of these things is not more than one dollar, and at least one tenth of the money can be paid for a car wash. If you wash a dozen or twenty cars a day, wouldn't you be able to make a fortune soon? According to some experiences I have experienced in my dream, at this time I will expand my business, hire staff, and form my own brand effect ...

I seem to be intriguing.

On the evening of the sixteenth day when he came to Tener, Du Lin walked to the side of the road with a bucket of water. He has observed that across the road is the Tener Theatre. Every day, many rich people drive here to enjoy opera and some comedies. This is also the most profitable place.

之后 After the sky was gradually getting dark, Tener City was like waking up from a deep sleep and coming back to life! The city was shocking enough for Du Lin. He couldn't imagine what a "big city" might look like.

Didi, the whistle pulled him back, and a new Orgham car stopped not far in front of him. A grim looking guy in a trench coat and bowler hat got out of the car. He glanced at Du Lin, patted his car, and then took two five-cent coins from his pocket and dropped them on the ground. He stepped on the steps of the Tener Theatre without looking back.

What an arrogant person!

Du Lin shook his head slightly and walked over with a bucket, thinking as he walked, if I would become richer and a more decent person one day, I would not be as arrogant as him!

Puppets, and people, should be equal!

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