Cosma Empire

Chapter 183: Amp

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "The more complete the action, the more complete the plan will be, and it will take some time for detection and investigation!" On the second day after the crime, the most famous prosecutor and his assistant from Theodore already appeared in the police station. The prosecutor named Anpu was employed by the headquarters of the Empire Central Bank and he will become the first team A team leader participated in the detection of the golden robbery throughout the process.

An Pu's resume is dazzling, dazzling to the point of blinding people. He graduated from the Imperial Army Academy with excellent grades. It seems that after graduation, he already has the rank of captain. If he did not think that joining the army was a waste of talents like him, he may have become the star of hope for the future of the army. After graduating, he worked for two years as a gendarmerie, made holes, and settled a group of treasoners who lived off the military. Then through the social relationship transfer into the police system, and after cracking more than a dozen old cases with influence and sensational effects, he was promoted to become a prosecutor.

It took him nearly a decade to sit in the prosecutor's office, during which more than 600 people were sent to prison, and some of the most special cases were cracked by him. There are rumors that the capital side hopes that An Pu can hand over the local work as soon as possible and report to the capital, but he still stays in Oldo, because a serial homicide has not been solved.

He is not lying or finding a reason for himself. He has a certain degree of obsessive-compulsive disorder, so as long as there is a case in hand, he cannot leave his post.

Now he has come to Tener City, the purpose is to relax a little while competing with the serial killer. He regarded solving the case as a pursuit of life, and at the same time he also solved simple cases, which was a kind of relaxation and adjustment.

He read all the known information and information about the golden robbery on the coming steam locomotive, and appeared in this conference room after finishing overnight. The mayor accompanied him to support him, which was also a requirement of the Imperial Central Bank. Peter was required to create an unobstructed high-speed and efficient case-solving environment for Anpu, so Anpu was here, and the Lord Mayor was sitting behind him.

Amp ’s assistant sent some of the information he had rearranged to each investigator. “From the perspective of the planning and execution of this bank robbery, it can be counted among the top cases in Kansas. Whimsical methods and strong execution show that this group will not be too old, only young people will have so many ideas. Older robbers often have simple plans, and rushing in with a gun is their robbery. All the bank knows. "

"I noticed in the testimony of the witnesses that there were several interactions between the dead guard and the cart robber. I read your point of view. I also do not deny that it is possible that the robber is a local. On this idea, I expanded some new ideas. The guard and ... let's call it the robber A, then is it possible that they did not know, just met? I think there is a great chance that this is the case, For example, the two sides met face to face while the other stepped on the point. "

"Along this line of thought, I asked my assistant to collect the work of other bank staff within a week, and whether they found some strange situations and customers during the work, among them ...", An Puyang raised the documents in his hands, "The shift manager said that three days ago, a client interacted with the guard and then went to the toilet. Is it possible that the client who interacted with the guard is our robber A? His purpose at the time Maybe not asking for directions, but observing? "

"Continued to follow this idea, I once again collected the testimony of the staff, including the shift manager, directed the client to the bank's receptionist, a girl named Alyssa. But now this girl is missing and we can't find To her, it made me even more surprised that you didn't pay much attention to this very important news. If I were you, I would immediately look for the whereabouts of Alyssa, whether she was involved in this robbery She is also an insider, and her presence will play a very positive role in solving the case. "

"Besides that, I have to admit that Tener City is very remote and your business ability is very backward. Even without a police dog, even the most basic search is incomplete. Someone reported to the police station at midnight yesterday. , Said that a group of beggars living in the sewer were shot and killed in the sewer, didn't they? "He looked at Prando with his piercing eyes. Prando knew he was a fart and could only subconsciously click. A moment later, Amp pointed at him and continued: "Who can tell why the bank's sewage system and sewer system were not searched when no robbers were found at the scene?"

When Prando just wanted to say something, Amp raised his hand to stop him, "If I were you, I would arrange for someone to look for the girl named Alyssa, instead of sitting here and explaining to me that the sewage pipe is impassable Gentlemen, the deterrent measures are aimed at illegal intruders who want to enter the sewage pipe from the sewer pipe, not the robbers who have completed the looting. As long as they close the power cabin, they can evacuate from the sewage pipe directly I think that's why beggars die in sewers. "

"They didn't die fighting for the site and food. They found the robbers and were killed."

"This is a planned robbery and a well-planned robbery, so we ca n’t just look at the recent time period, we have to look farther. All suspects need to find out what they are doing recently, Whether they have had unusual job changes or special social activities in the five to ten year period. "

An Pu took a cup of coffee and took a sip of strong bitter coffee to moisten his throat. "I think it is very likely that these robbers are still hidden around the city, or even hidden in the city. They drive When the **** van left, they did not take away the spare crystals in the garage, indicating that they had a clear destination, and they could reach them without carrying spare crystals. Although the robbers who evacuated from the sewers were very smart, They were integrated into the city without knowing that they were also exposed. They had no plans to leave here. "

"I dare not say that my inferences are correct. I just judge the truth as far as possible from the clues I have. The next major work will be done by you. If you ca n’t do it, you can raise it now. I will apply for a detective from the State Police Investigation Bureau to cooperate with my investigation. But if you think you can do it, please do your best. "

"Next, I set up several tasks and must complete the collection of information as soon as possible. First, the steam engine station and the dock are arranged to be on duty, and any truck is prohibited from leaving the city before the case is resolved. Second, immediately find Ms. Alyssa. Bring her back. Third, inform the city. If anyone uses hundred-dollar denominations, please notify the police immediately. If it can become a clue to solve the case, the bank will give a reward of 10,000 yuan. Fourth, the city-wide Search, go from house to house, don't be too troublesome, and don't require you to find them, but you must make the determination to find them! "

"What we need now is not to let the robbers quietly wait for the limelight to come out somewhere and then come out, but to force them to leave here and give them more pressure. Set up sentry points outside the city, or they will take the initiative Come out. "

"Well, gentlemen, this is my task at the current stage. Contact me directly in any case. The bank rewards I just mentioned are also valid for all of you here. Who can provide effective clues to help us succeed in detection? Yes, there will be a reward of 10,000 yuan. If any robber can be caught directly, there will be a reward of 20,000 yuan. "He paused for everyone to have a process of understanding and acceptance ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Alright, now we're here. "

Looking at the excited expression on the police officers' faces, An Pu shook his head. Money should not be the motive force for justice. Justice itself is the motive force for justice. These people have become numb and nothing like normal police. He had some ideas that he didn't say, because he wasn't sure if the robbers had arranged nails in the police station, so he would do the rest of the work himself.

Just as he was resting, the mayor came over and nodded his compliments, complimenting him, "I didn't notice that there were so many important clues hidden in these seemingly useless testimonies. "

An Pu is a very good prosecutor. His strong business ability does not necessarily mean that he lacks emotional intelligence. He thanked the mayor for his compliment and said with a smile: "Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. I am good at These details are scrutinized, and you are suitable for managing the city. Our division of labor is different, and our natural abilities are also different. "

The Mayor is very satisfied with Anpu's statement. He shook hands with Anpu. "I still have a lot of work to do. If you need anything, please contact me!"

Anpu shook the mayor's hand and said, "I will!"

At this time, Alyssa, who had just come down from the station, dragged a heavy suitcase and stood in the station a little dazed. She didn't know that she had become the target of "capture" by the Tennell police, and she looked back indifferently. The steam locomotive moving again, sighed a bit.

She came back, and after she desperately broke through the big net, she came back voluntarily. As her mother said, if she didn't get hurt a few times, she couldn't understand what the social experience of the elders meant. She understands now, because she was injured, so she grew up.

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