Cosma Empire

Chapter 187: Apprehension

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Chinese Vertex), the fastest update! No ads! In fact, when Anp heard that Du Lin and Xiun were going to negotiate with Carroll, Anp had a deep thought in his heart. Floating up, Du Lin is not a robber. The reason for this is because Du Lin is really "active". As an outsider, he just gives a 50-cent coin to the tramp who is standing on the street and has nothing to do, and has no work at first glance. , The other side can say what Du Lin is going to do.

Such a swagger is not in line with Amp ’s own “sketch” of robbers. In his opinion, these robbers should have received a certain degree of militarized training and have very strict and efficient execution capabilities. They are like professional The robbers had a complete plan from start to finish, even counting the police response from the local police station in Tener. To do this series of things requires long-term observation, secret observation, they should be good at latent, and know the city better than their own home.

It is foreseeable that if it were not for one of them to meet the guards while observing the internal structure of the bank, it would be very likely that the vault would be looted only after half a day. This also further explains why the other party is efficient in planning-because the crossfire will delay time, it will also alarm more people and make it difficult for them to evacuate.

In this case, there are two things that need special attention. The first point is the kid who shot the guard with a gun. Amp did not name him at the meeting because he felt that it was meaningless even if he said it. Most of the children look the same. Secondly, the other party has such a brilliant plan, and naturally also has an excellent enough hidden plan. An adult with a weird personality may find it difficult to hide himself in the crowd, but no matter how exaggerated a child may be, it will not cause people's attention.

Of course, he has arranged for someone to investigate the little kid, but he doesn't have much hope for this newspaper. On the one hand, the city's police code of conduct has been cleared by the robbers, so that they dare to hide in the engine room and wait for the police to leave before calmly shutting down the power furnace and leaving the sewer. They did not take Tenel The police in the city do the same thing.

Another thing that needs special attention is that An Pu always thinks that the other party has been undercover in the police station, which also explains why the **** was found, but the other party did not leave any traces-because the other party had the police intelligence, Even this undercover was deliberately misleading the detective's thinking, making this very eye-catching **** so that he could leave the police encirclement without any surprise.

Once the guess is true, the difficulty of this case will be multiplied. He has arranged for people to ask for help from Theodore. Tomorrow, an agent from the Police Investigation Bureau will come to Tener to assist him with this. A case was detected.

Based on his case analysis and speculation on the perpetrators, he believes that the most likely robbers at this time are to change back to their usual camouflage, and live like a machine as boring as every day before. Life, not the big things you want to run out of.

However, Anpu quickly suppressed this idea, and he always felt that this durin was the most suspicious. Even if he opened an account in a bank and fully met the standard, he used all kinds of loose money. There was a feeling that Du Lin probably knew what he had done.

Forget about the time before they negotiate, An Pu casually went to a barbecue restaurant to eat something to fill his stomach, and then checked his equipment. Although he is a prosecutor, he is also a soldier with a military rank! His military capability is absolutely no worse than anyone else, which is why he dares to investigate the case alone. After finding a sleep in a small hotel, he jumped up after the alarm bell sounded, checked his equipment again, and set off to the dock while it was night.

He had arrived at the dock half an hour before the booking time, and the first time he felt shocked. He didn't know how much interest the negotiations between Doolin and Xiun and Carroll represented, but there were really many people hidden around him. He counted casually, and at least two or thirty people were hiding in various parts of the dock. These people were armed, and they didn't look like people from Doolin or Carroll.

An Pu lurked behind a glass on the third floor of the dock warehouse, waiting quietly for this strange negotiation.

At 10 o'clock, the lights of the two cars attracted people ’s attention in the dark like a lighthouse. It may be because the pier knows that there are big people going to haunt here at night. The street lights and lighting equipment that have been turned off at 5 o'clock on weekdays are not available. close. When those two cars passed through the dark curtain and entered the light world, everyone's heart was tightened, and Du Lin, one of the leading characters, appeared.

He sat in the car and didn't come out. He could see a flash of fire in the window, and then a hand with a cigarette stuck out of the window.

Mo waited for less than five minutes, and three other cars drove into the light from the darkness, parked not far from Doolin's vehicle. The two were separated by a distance, and Carroll was the first to appear. Old things wore a black dress, red sword collar and white corsage made him look a bit temperamental and majestic. He came to a stop about ten meters away from the two cars of Du Lin, and tilted his head slightly to look at Du Lin in the car.

Du Lin pushed open the door and came out. When he came to the front of the car, his **** was slightly pressed against the front of the car, and he was looking at Carroll while playing with the pure copper lighter in his hand.

"Where is Xiu? Didn't he come?" Carroll only waited for Du Lin but didn't see Xiu En, which made him feel a little bit wrong, but Du Lin's answer made him ignore it. This feels.

"I fully represent him. You know, he is the director of the Bureau of Contraband Investigation. How could it be that he is sitting here with us in a bright light?" Du Lin took a cigarette from the cigarette case and lost it.

Carroll watched the cigarette drop from his side, without reaching for it. He took out a small metal stick from his arms, unscrew it and took out a piece of land. "I like to smoke this more than cigarettes!" He raised the land in his hand and took a sip after clicking it. . Both were standing under the lights, and the lights emitted by the round street lampshade hit the two like a beam of light on the stage. At this time, they indeed appeared in everyone's sight like the protagonist on the stage. " The old words can be said later. Today we are not here to smoke a few cigarettes, but to solve the problem. Your behavior is a bit excessive, but I forgive you a lot. "

When he said that, he bit his leg in the buttocks with his teeth. The land also flickered as he talked. "We have had good cooperation before, so I don't want to do anything. Today I provide A plan, if you think it can, then we are all friends in the future. If you don't think you can, you go with yours, I go with mys, and fight after dawn! "

Du Lin nodded, "It's reasonable, I'm waiting to hear what you think."

Carroll kicked his shoes and said with a passionate voice: "I have given you the north and a part of the west as your place. How you run is your business. You cannot cross the line. At the same time, I will also guarantee that I will only Selling things on my site will not interfere with your site. Doolin, we are all big people, don't care too much about the current gains and losses. After you make up a certain cost, we can still treat us as before To expand his career elsewhere. "

"As for Xiu'en, I will take out 5% of my monthly income to correct his misunderstanding. If necessary, I can provide some scapegoats to lay the foundation for his promotion. The money is given to him and the credit is also given. He, as long as we can be united, what else is insurmountable? "

"I really want to cooperate well with you. Money can never be made. Why is it so stiff?"

Du Lin pondered for a moment and asked with a smile: "The business you are talking about will not be a beef business ~ ~ He said he laughed first," I ’m kidding, you know the part I went in The supply of goods out of time is basically broken. It takes time to reopen the business, but what I lack now is time. "

"What do you mean?" Carroll frowned. "Do you disagree with me?"

Du Lin repeatedly waved his hand, "No, you have misunderstood, I agree with you very much, but I have no goods to sell at present, if you can sell your wine to me at par, then no problem is a problem. I He will convince Xiu En, and he will listen to me. Is there anyone in the world who hates money? "

Carroll took off the paradise from his mouth and frowned, "The problem is that my goods are not enough. You also saw it. Xiu En is constantly scanning my goods, and it is already very expensive for me to supply the entire city alone. I'm struggling, I can't help you anymore! "

"You mean ..." Du Lin stood up straight and patted his buttocks. "Is all the private wine you supply in the city?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Carroll was surprised that Du Lin would ask such a stupid question, but then he saw Du Lin enter the car with a smile, just before he knew the end of the negotiation. When it was done or not, a group of agents wearing RCA marked uniforms rushed out from the dark corners around them.

"Raise your hand, we are agents of the Bureau of Prohibited Investigations. Now we are going to arrest you for smuggling and illegal sales, lie on the ground immediately, and put your hands where we can see!" Seoul surrounded, and Xiu'en's face was covered with a flush of excitement. With Carroll guilty and recording himself, he can open the situation directly from Carroll and finally implicate the big men in the city.

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