Cosma Empire

Chapter 189: New city

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Ilian City is located in the eastern coastal area of ​​the Yaoxing Empire. It has a very developed economy and is known as one of the three pearls on the East Coast. Businessmen from all over the world are gathered here. Every day, huge freighters come from the sea level. After unloading countless cargoes, they are filled with the same countless cargoes and leave. The dock has become a lively city in Irian. The place.

Many businessmen sell their goods directly here. The low prices of these goods are nearly 30% lower than those in the containers of stores and shopping malls. Therefore, a large number of citizens pick up cheap here every day. Although city managers have repeatedly requested that businessmen must leave as soon as possible after paying taxes in accordance with the procedures, they are not allowed to sell goods in such a way as to damage the economic environment of the city, but the huge profits still make many businessmen take risks and risk being fined here. "Factory Direct".

With a developed economy, rich products, and a very beautiful environment, Irian has become one of the best choices for people to travel and stay for a long time. The huge population makes the city of Irian has seven administrative districts, with a total population of more than 800. Man! Here you can see the hottest stars, enjoy the most delicious food, use the most advanced things, some people do not want to leave after coming here, shouting that this is the heaven on earth.

In the early morning, a faint smell of the sea breeze blew from the coastline, and the dust on the street was swept along the street. There is no need for cleaning staff to clean it carefully. It is difficult to see large garbage on the ground near the sea. Flocks of seagulls also got out of the cracks in the rocks and fell neatly on the pallets on the beach. Their little heads may not know why everyone feeds them here every day, but they know that as long as they are here You will definitely be able to eat it.

The footsteps of tapping made the sleepy-eyed and rubbed-eyes buddy immediately. He added a little milk to the coffee that had just been filtered, and took another pancake to the second table outside the house.

"Good morning, Mr. Du Lin, you are still on time!", The boy with a complimented smile, the golden sunlight in the morning sprinkled on this street facing the east, the golden light filled the street with a kind of Sacred and holy breath. The guest in front of me has been here almost every morning for the past six months, had a cup of coffee, and then asked for a snack.

As a bustling metropolis, the level of consumption here is not comparable to other small places. For example, the cup of coffee in front of Du Lin, if you drink it in Tener, about a dollar is enough, plus half a burrito, a total of five. But here, coffee alone requires two plus ninety-nine cents, and burrito requires one dollar, which is almost two to three times the consumption level of Tener!

Perhaps this is also the main reason why people love to go to the docks to sell bargains, because they cannot afford to buy things in the mall.

In fact, it can't be said that consumption cannot be afforded. Ultra-high prices mean higher income. An average worker's monthly income is about 20 yuan, which is already about to catch up with some middle-class people in Tener City. Here they are still poor.

Du Lin nodded his greetings and took off his round cap. The suit suit seemed to sparkle. The white striped shirt plus his temperament, everyone who knew him thought he was a low-key rich man, although it was true. .

The running sound in his ear and the wheezing sound made Du Lin pull out a dollar bill from his pocket. The newspaper boy took off the peaked cap and wiped the sweat on his face and head with his sleeve. I cleaned my pants and put today's latest newspaper on the chair beside Du Lin, and took a brand new dollar from Du Lin with both hands. The newspaper actually only required 50 cents, and the other 50 cents were tipped by Du Lin.

It is difficult to see beggars and homeless people in this city, and the policy of the local government is to kill everything that may affect the image of the city. Homeless people, beggars, and street gangsters can hardly be found, and even if a few appear, they will soon be sent to the seventh area by the "containment" personnel for forced work.

Of the seven administrative regions here, only the sixth and seventh regions can build factories, and they are far away from the main urban area. Industry here is never the main force of the regional economy and naturally does not receive the strong support of the city hall. If it is not for the completeness of the city's supporting enterprises and the project, it may not even exist in the factory.

So the intelligence network here is mainly composed of these newsboys. Each district has an intelligence organization consisting of two or three newsboys. They use bars as the core, and a complete and professional system makes the information transactions here very orderly and secure. Du Lin can go directly to the bar to buy information, but the information he buys is never as fresh as the information possessed by the newsboys who are running on the "front line".

The 50-per-day consumption has given Du Lin a lot of valuable news, so he will come every day and will sit here.

"Thank you very much for your generosity, I wish you a happy day!", The newsboy once again took off his peaked hat and saluted him. He liked Doulin very much, because Doolin was very gentlemanly, even in the face of such a humble society. The bottom floor is still very polite and very polite.

After Du Lin nodded, the newspaper boy took a few steps back with a smile, ran back to the end of the street and started to deliver newspapers in order.

Du Lin retracted his gaze and focused on today's newspaper. When he opened the newspaper, his eyes were frozen, his pupils contracted slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

On the front page of the newspaper, there is a guy he knows under the bold and bold typeface-"Imperial Central Bank Admits Failure, Canales Branch President Blames and Resigns" It was ugly, Du Lin couldn't help but laugh a few times, and then started reading the full text.

In fact, after leaving from Doolin, the State Police Investigation Bureau immediately dispatched a large number of agents to Tener, on the one hand, investigating the issue of the golden robbery, and on the other hand, investigating the cause of Prando's assault and the serious injury of Xiu En. Carul was arrested in secret, and eventually disappeared. Lewis was shot headshot by three people on the steam locomotive leaving Tener. Underground forces throughout the city have been cleaned up, many clues have been broken, and detection efforts have made no progress.

Amp then returned to Olodor to continue his serial killings. He knew it was meaningless to stay on the basis that the robbers had left. But he did not have enough evidence to prove that Du Lin and his group were robbers, so he knew it well, but couldn't say it. He is an impartial prosecutor, and his pleasure and pursuit is to send each self-righteous person to prison and be punished in response. He could say that Doolin was a robber, but what if it wasn't? He knows that the tripartite forces working on this case are all from the highest level, so he dare not talk about it.

Especially on the second day, when he thought that Alyssa would be a killer for sanctioning Doolin, but finally found out that this was a useless clue, Anpu decided to leave.

He believes that in this empire, he will still meet Du Lin, because he and Du Lin are unwilling people. Such people always have to make something remarkable.

The newspaper omitted the details of the treasury robbing, and even the robbed materials turned into some gold jewelry and one million cash. The Empire Central Bank was trying to reduce the impact and found two people to carry it. The first is the president of the Kanlors branch, and the second is the president of the Tennell City branch. They will not only resign, but also face lawsuits from their old owners.

But is it really that simple?

Du Lin, who put down the newspaper, pondered that it would never be the case. The bank will definitely continue to track down. The so-called confession failure may be just a smoke bomb, the purpose is to paralyze this group of robbers and expose them to weakness ~ ~ This is not a casual thing, after all, half a ton of gold and It is not a simple matter to use the one-million-dollar bill. If Du Lin really believes that the report started to use those hundred-dollar bills in the hands of gold, it will certainly reveal flaws.

But he is not worried at all. Sometimes people always say that the law is an active umbrella of privileges, but sometimes the law can protect rich ordinary people from privileges. To prove that this gold was embezzled by his doolin, it is simple, come up with evidence. For half a year those gold bricks have long been sold as gold jewelry to tourists from the entire empire and even other countries. There is no evidence to arrest celebrities in a region, a businessman who has made outstanding contributions to regional taxation. This is simply joke!

Yes, Du Lin is now the owner of a jewellery store. The stolen gold from the Imperial Central Bank is being sold to customers in a bright and honest way. Those hundred-dollar bills are also washed through the underground financial channels. Of course, for this reason he He paid 20% of the money for money laundering. This is still the discount that the vampires gave him for the big money.

When he flipped through the newspaper casually, thinking there was nothing news that could attract his attention, he accidentally found another acquaintance, the actress whom he had forgotten his name. The newspaper said that she had become the first supporting actress in a film called "Irian Holiday". In the future, Irian will do scenery shooting and filming, which makes Du Lin feel strange. He has run so far, and he can still meet acquaintances, and at the same time he thinks about another thing.

Money is just an embellishment on his pursuit of goals. He wants to be an amazing person rather than a rich person. There is no conflict between them, so he has been hiding here for a while and is actively preparing to come back and do something.

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