Cosma Empire

Chapter 195: Trick

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "You mean that group of foreigners?" Ivan stood up in surprise, his face suddenly froze, and he threw his arm hard. , The lobster's pliers clamped his fingers when he didn't pay attention. Albert could not help laughing, bypassing the oven to help him get his fingers out of the pliers, and nodded with a smile. Yi Wen took a breath of breath. In his estimation, the wealthy man from the foreign country had a worth of at least two million yuan. He did not expect that Albert was put on the line.

He couldn't help looking at Albert up and down and patted him on the shoulder. "Good, I know you guys can do it. Tell me, how did you get on the line with him?"

Albert briefly explained his indomitable deeds during the past six months. Ivan looked at Albert again. Before, he might say that he could not be Albert's teacher, but he felt that Albert was still in his heart. There are many things to learn from yourself. But today he discovered that in just a few years, Albert had grown enough to surprise him all.

With a three-dollar cup of coffee, a one-dollar burrito, and a stable schedule, he spent half a year trying to catch this customer, not only with sufficient eyesight, but also with sufficient patience and skin thickness. In Evan's eyes, Albert already has all the elements of success. What he lacks is only one. Now he has caught this opportunity, and it is also his own opportunity.

He did not hesitate to agree to Albert's request, "I am grateful that you can think of me at this time, you know this is also very important to me. Now tell me what you need to do, I need to do what."

The two sat next to the oven and fiddled with the seafood that was sizzling on the oven. As a native of Irian, they did n’t need much complicated process to eat seafood. They often only needed a fire and a grill. , Without any seasonings and sauces, the seafood just picked up from the seawater itself has a slight salty taste, and the strong umami taste is already the most perfect cooking method. As one senior top chef once said, the more perfect the ingredients, the easier it will be to cook.

"Do you know East Coast Entertainment?" Albert poked at the abalone that had begun to shrink with iron fiber. Abalone twisted his body fiercely but could not escape the burning hell. "Boss intends to invest in that company, but he thinks this There are problems in it, and then send this task to me. I need to find out if there are any traps or traps in the financing of this company. What good way do you have, Evan? "

Ivan pressed the lobster that hurt him **** the baking sheet with a clip and watched the shrimp shell gradually turn red. He looked up and said slowly: "Albert, if you want to know if these people have any problems, In fact, it's very simple, we just have to buy shares! ", Under his hands, he cut it between the lobster's head and the body, and the fat gravy immediately splashed out and drenched on the charcoal. "We went straight into the stock and knew if there were any pitfalls."

Albert suddenly realized that this was a good way, but he was quick to start again. "But the question is where did the money come from? I have read that prospectus, and it needs at least 5,000 yuan. I don't have that much. "

"There is always a way to house, car, jewelry, and valuable things. I'll take out three thousand and leave the rest for you."

The two stopped thinking about the money and separated after discussing the details.

Early the next morning, Albert and Evan met at the appointed place. He passed the briefcase in his hand to Evan and patted his hand vigorously. "I thought, five thousand yuan may not be tested. Whatever the problem, here is 25,000 yuan. It should be enough. "

Yi Wen hesitated, and then asked, "Where did you get so much money? I tell you that there are opportunities every day, but if you do what you shouldn't do, even if you have more opportunities, it won't be possible. ! "

Albert smiled, patted his buttocks, and said freely: "I mortgaged the house to the bank, you know, I know people in this area, so it took me only ten minutes to get the money , Although a little less. "

Ivan wasn't talking. He patted Albert on the shoulder, turned and got into a car on the side of the road. When the car started, he said to Albert across the window: "Relax, I won't let You are disappointed! "

Soon Ivan and one of his friends came to the lobby of East Coast Entertainment. For today's show, he purposely rented a high-end suit and a luxury car. The rent for one day was sixty dollars. If it were not for Albert and his future, he would not have the courage to do such a luxury. Miss Lilith, who was in charge of the reception on the first floor, introduced them to the second floor, and soon Ivan met Albert Eric, the bearded man. The same speech and tone did not change at all, but this time it was different. It was Yi Wen who made the decision on the spot to buy shares.

Eric ’s laughing features became vivid. He stood up and held Evan ’s hand and shook it hard. “Thank you for your approval of East Coast Entertainment. You will find that this is the most correct thing in your life. One thing. "He tickled his fingers, and Lilith, who had already prepared, took another agreement and attached two pens," If there is nothing wrong, let's sign it! " Rick signed his name on the two agreements, and pushed the agreement to Evan.

To be honest, Ivan was very nervous at this time, because as long as he signed the name, it meant that more than 20,000 yuan in the briefcase would become Eric's stuff. If the plan fails, or 350,000 Sir is not willing to pay for this, Albert will lose his most important thing, that house! The pen was very light and heavy. It seemed to feel Evan's hesitation. Instead of urging him, Eric said that he could consider it again.

Evan tilted his head and looked at Eric with a stiff smile. "Hopefully, as you said, this is my most correct decision!" He picked up his pen and quickly signed his own agreement. first name. Eric nodded with satisfaction. He carefully read the two agreements and gave one of them to Lilith, telling her to keep them safe, and then gave the other one to Evan.

"Congratulations, you are a partner of the company from now on. You don't need to work for anything. You can get a lot of dividends for each movie. Of course, I need to ask you for one thing ...", in After Evan made a statement, Eric went on to say: "This company is the hard work of my two friends and I. You may have read the newspaper. Our friend made trouble with us because of a female watch. His first two God came and told me that he didn't want to see the crystallization of our friendship become a company full of copper smell. I hope we can cancel this plan, and I agreed. "Eric carefully observed the change of expression on Evan's face, When he saw his frown, he immediately added: "I admit that I deceived him. You know, if the company does not catch up with the trend at this stage, it will already be abandoned by the trend. I hope you can keep the shares secret in a short period of time. , After we update the playback equipment in the theater, we can disclose it. "

"At that time, even if he came to me for trouble, it wouldn't be of much use, so ... can you promise me this small request? You just don't need to take the initiative to disclose it!"

Perhaps this is the problem. Evan's face has a smile that makes Eric a little confused, but he thinks it should be a smile that represents a good aspect. Yi Wen nodded and stretched out his hand. "The friendship between you and your friend is touching. It's like what you said is not a great thing. I promise you!"

"Thank you very much for your generosity and understanding, Mr. Ivan, who is happy to cooperate. We will hold a thank you party after our theater has updated the equipment ~ ~ Please be sure to be there by then!", Eric relaxed Tone, with good words, accompanied Xiao Gong to send Yi Wen away. After seeing Ivan's luxury car disappear, the expression on his face changed a little. When he returned to the office, he glanced at a dozen agreements in the file basket, and kicked the file basket under the table with one kick.

This is the seventeenth investor. These people have generated nearly 700,000 income for his East Coast Entertainment company. If there are not two large customers who are willing to invest in full but need time to consider, he is now almost It's ready to close.

This was a financial instrument he had learned from Sherris Street, and yes, to Eric it was not a scam. He took these people's money and promised to give them enough shares in the agreement, but the agreement also stated that he would carry out the second round of expansion. No matter how much money each of them has solicited, in fact only 200,000 are counted, and other funds of more than 200,000 are Eric and another founder. They will invest this money as additional investment in the company, and they will immediately be able to dilute the equity in these people's hands. If they are willing to make additional investment, it is definitely a good thing. If they do n’t want to, their shareholding will naturally shrink.

To put it simply, they played a small trick and used other people's money to compress the shareholders' equity for the company's market value expansion, just like these shareholders hit their own faces. Eric and his associates succeeded in doubling the company's market value without spending a penny. The equity they took out was still as good or even less, which was their little trick. Wait until that step and then mortgage the company to the bank, they can leave the city with one or two million cash, and start elsewhere.

Good days are not far away!

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