Cosma Empire

Chapter 200: riot【?/?】

This idea was not inspired by Abion's sudden inspiration. For the past six months, he has been following the news of the Progressive Party, from the beginning of the armed conflict between them and the old party, to the armed demonstrations in the back, clearly It only takes one person to push forward the party, and the cliff will be lost, but they will stand up magically. Not only do they shake hands with the old and new parties at the negotiating table, they are also eligible to run. If the Progressive Party is not in chaos, it is likely to become the third largest party in the empire.

This is undoubtedly a correct way for Abien, who has always wanted to change the status quo. He does make money and has a little status as a spokesperson, but he is not satisfied. He ca n’t afford to spend money. He can definitely live in the fourth district but has to nest in the worst fifth district in order not to leave these Guarts. Why did he do this? Is it to be able to continue turning the Guart into their own resources? Isn't it to stay away from the masses?

Two days ago, he talked about this when he was having a meal with a client, and the client pointed out for Abien what he needed to do next.

The first step is to establish a higher image of himself as soon as possible, so that everyone knows that there is an Abien in Ilien, and he persistently struggles for the happiness of his fellow citizens and the right to life.

The second step is to form a more convenient and efficient small group. This small group develops and spreads downwards, organizes the backbone strength, develops the backbone strength and perfects the organizational structure, and then attracts more people to join the clear name and charter. And purpose of the organization.

The third step is to fight for the inflow of funds in the society. It is best to set up an industry by yourself, strengthen the strength of the group, and actively show the benefits and contributions of the organization to the society, help some people or the government to solve some troublesome things, and get positive. Influence.

The fourth part is to apply for the establishment of a party, and to directly turn an ordinary organization into a party. Then all members of the organization become party members, and they will naturally safeguard their own interests by safeguarding the interests of Abien.

The client was very concise and clarified the benefits of establishing a party. Once the party is established, Abien ’s personal influence and appeal will rise sharply, and the government has to give him a higher social status and equal dialogue power. And other important channels. At that time, Abien's status and power could not be shaken with money. He could even unite the Guarites of the entire empire, build a strong party, and finally step into the highest palace and take control of the scepter.

The client's words said that Abien was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He had already imagined that day would come. He would stand on the steps outside the palace, holding his scepter high in his hands, accepting congratulations and surrender from everyone. . He will be the first Prime Minister of the nation in this country. He will also be the leader who will lead the Guarts to a strong place. He will be remembered by countless people in the future, even the children's textbooks will be left behind. About his life and what he did!

I am a person who does great things. From the day I was born, I have a sacred mission. I am the gods and the ancestors to save all the fellow Messiah!

Looking at his companions with a serious expression, Abien took a deep breath. "Tonight this grass and the people sitting on this grass will be firmly remembered by history. Because of our greatness, so melon Talent has won a sacred victory! ", His cultural level is not high, although there are a lot of ideas in his heart that he wants to express, there may be some deviations in word formation, but this does not prevent the same low cultural melon from surrounding The Celts understood what he meant.

For a while, people's breathing became quicker, no matter what Abien described could not be achieved, first they saw the benefits in it. As promoters, they will inevitably become important figures in this party and organization, and even if they can only complete a small part of what Abien said, they will make money. There will be no change between doing and not doing it. There is nothing left. Where can I lose even if I lose?

It has to be said that among the countless successful uprisings in history, those who opened the epic general historical drama first are always the bottom layers that have long lost nothing and do not matter ...

In fact, there is still a sentence at the back, but it is better not to say it in this atmosphere at this time.

The companions expressed their willingness to follow in the footsteps of the leader Abien and fight for the rights of the Guarts all their lives. Listening to the sound of the leader in the mouth of his companions, Abien was a little bit fluttering. He forced himself to calm down a bit and explained the task.

He didn't remember what the client was saying, but that's probably the same thing, "Contact all those who have a good relationship with you. Let's erect the parties first, and then I will find ways to expand our influence and let society and the empire Admit us. The future is definitely bright, so we must redouble our efforts here, please! "

Sometimes exciting speeches don't necessarily require high-level and high-quality speeches. As long as they can move people's hearts, even if the preface is not an afterword, it is also an exciting speech and a successful speech.

Abien sent away his companion, no, not a companion, but a subordinate. As he thought about what he should do next, he walked towards home. It's not far from where he lives. After two crossings, he doesn't like everything here. When the party is formed, he will definitely move to the third district, or even the second district. With a messy plan for the future, he went out of the house and unconsciously took out the key and opened the door. He closed the door and dropped the jacket on the shoe rack.

His wife hasn't returned yet. He's hit a little harder, the bruises haven't completely dissipated, and no one is empty in the house. He didn't turn on the lights. He had lived here for so many years and he knew exactly where every piece of furniture was. Avoiding all the furniture in the dark, he dropped the keys on the coffee table and leaned on the sofa. He patted his cheek, thinking whether to buy two more decent clothes, and he scratched his cheeks, a little itchy.

The next second, the light turned on somehow. The sudden switch between darkness and light caused Abien's pupils to shrink to the extreme, a bright double image in front of his eyes, and a figure could be seen faintly. He cursed his wife in his mouth, but he was in a good mood today and did not plan to practice boxing.

When he rubbed his eyes, and his eyes adapted to the light at this time, the whole person was stiffened, like ... a wax-like person. There were a lot of sweat beads on his face, slipping drop by drop, and the drops fell on the ground. Two children, who appeared to be only twelve or three years old, stood three meters away from him, holding pistols in their hands and facing him.

"Hey man, is it wrong, I'm Abien, do you know Abien?" In the face of the threat of death, Abien actually took up the courage and moved forward with a squat squat Half a step, slowly stretched out his hand, "Everyone knows Abien, haven't your parents told you who I am? And look around, there is no money here, we are all poor, and the poor should not find The poor are in trouble! "

He took another half step forward, and the distance of three meters was only two and a half meters at a moment. He slowly inserted the other hand into his pocket and slowly took it out. Coin, "Look, I only have so much money, you all take it, but don't hurt me ..." He took another step.

At this moment, he was only one step away from the two half-old children. When he was about to rush to **** the pistol in the hands of the two children, the child with a slightly curly hair took a step back and said What made him unbelievable.

"Mr. Abiene, Durinto, I say hello!"

The next second, the darkness hit the sea like high tide, and drowned Abien in an instant.

At noon the next day, Abien's wife timidly opened the door with the dishes needed at noon. She calmly picked up the clothes thrown on the shoe rack, and then arranged the shoes neatly. After changing a pair of slippers, she walked to the living room ~ ~ She needed to handle the food in the bag and make a delicious lunch for Abien, who did not know whether to come back for dinner. As she was preparing to cook, she suddenly stopped and watched Abien standing in the sink in the living room for a long time, then turned to the door and wailed in tears. Some passers-by and neighbours who lived around came to ask what happened. His wife said nothing but just kept crying.

An enthusiastic person walked into Abien's residence, and soon found Abien, who had fallen into a pool of blood, which was already stiff. The fifth zone seemed to be bombed. Around Bion's house, he showed great sadness and indignation towards the dead brother and friend of Abbion. I don't know where it started, and who uttered it first. There was a rumor in the crowd that could not distinguish between true and false. The content of the rumor was that Abien's death was directly related to Mr. 350,000.

It was precisely because Abien exposed Mr. 350,000's hypocritical hypocrisy mask, so Mr. 350,000 killed him! The angry crowd suddenly had a direction of venting. They spontaneously walked towards the first district. They never had such anger. An evil businessman actually murdered a good man who thought integrity and goodness in order to cover up his evil attempt!

The angry and powerful crowd broke through the alienation channel between the fifth and fourth districts and poured into the streets of the fourth district. Some even picked up stones and smashed the windows of roadside shops, forcing everything inside. Seeing the riots were about to start, the city's defense system in Ilian immediately launched emergency measures. Groups of police and a small number of navies appeared on the streets, while evacuating the crowd and blocking the group who had lost their sense of reason in the group conscious Celtic.

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