Cosma Empire

Chapter 208: New opponents [three / four]

"I like this city!"

Du Lin stood on the edge of the cliff and watched the waves crashing on the cliff. Some of the rising water spray and water mist would be lifted high under the sea wind rolls, and then slowly fell, falling on Du Lin Face. This feeling is especially comfortable in midsummer, and the whole body and mind are washed away. He looked at the distant sea level line and dozens of ships near or far from the sea level line, taking a deep breath of the salty sea breeze.

This city is different from Tener, and is not the same as all cities in Kanles. Here from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, it is controlled by New Party people. These people are more flexible in governing. The concern is definitely not "who is disobedient", but "how to make the city better". Perhaps because of this, people are accepting the new party's governing speed much faster than the old party's estimates. They are too concerned about their power and political issues.

Here, money is the only eternal truth.

Doolin's hands and feet couldn't reach the police station, but Scott could, and that Mayor could. Strictly speaking, this is a real murder. Du Lin provided the script and was responsible for the early implementation plan. Scott was responsible for the central adjustment and finally the Lord Mayor was responsible for the finalization. Could it be Cote and the Mayor, can the police officers in the police station pretend not to know what happened to cause an important prisoner to "hang" himself?

Do they really not know that guy was hung up after being strangled?

They certainly know that they are doing these jobs, how could they not know? However, there is the opinion of the Mayor, and the case must be closed as soon as possible, so that these police officers strictly play the role of each of them in accordance with the script. It is not important whether those who leave this world are innocent or not, because under the megatrend based on the entire city, personal value has long been weakened to the extreme.

This time Du Lin's cooperation with the City Hall can reflect this. At the same time, Du Lin also knows that his tacit understanding with the City Hall is only focused on this matter.

But one, there will be two, there will be three, there will be more, and Du Lin is not worried at all.

Scott was standing behind Du Lin at this time. He didn't like blowing such a fierce sea breeze in such a high place, but Du Lin liked it, so he had to stay here. He heard a lot of smiles on Scott's face when he said what he said. "I also like this city. Quiet and beautiful. I've been to many other cities, but I can't find any one like Irian City, this is the only thing in the empire and the only thing in the world! "

"You're right, this is the only one in this world!", Doolin turned around and walked towards the house, and Scott followed, "I like it here so I plan to settle here, you know ? I also invested in a company, Ilian's largest theater company. "As the two walked, Du Lin gave Scott a shot," They want to raise 200,000 to finance the equipment for the theater. " Upgrade, you can play the color one. I heard that Irian Holiday is going to shoot with a color camera and then play it with a color device. "

Scott thought for a while before remembering what Du Lin said was the "biggest" cinema company, but he frowned slightly, watching Du Lin stop talking. Du Lin made a gesture of curiosity with curiosity, and then he said what he said in his stomach, "You said East Coast Entertainment, right? When you said the biggest, it made me a little overwhelmed. They used to be the largest hospital Online companies, but that doesn't mean they will. "

"In fact, some people started to prepare for the establishment of a new theater line three months ago. They have won 12 plots in the early stage, and they plan to win another 12 plots in the later stage. The city hall has approved it."

The whole Ilian has a resident population of 8 million, but only 16 cinemas. Is this reasonable? Obviously, it is unreasonable. If you put it in the past, no one may realize this problem, but as the preparation work for the eighth district started, foreign capital has discovered this unreasonable phenomenon. Assuming 100,000 people need a movie theater, Irian should have at least 80 movie theaters.

If this number is too exaggerated, and you make a half-fold from it, then there must be forty cinemas. You should know that once the eighth district is completed, Irian will become the place where the entire empire stars gather, and it will become a holy place for film practitioners. Under this appeal, it will also become a city that tests the success of a movie. Sixteen appliances cinemas, too few! That's why foreign capital fancy this market and plans to build twenty-four home theaters. Together with the sixteen East Coast Entertainment companies, there will be forty home theaters.

Du Lin heard this for the first time, and his footsteps stopped. "Why have I not seen these news in the newspaper?"

Scott also stopped and explained a bit awkwardly: "These projects are closely related to the eighth zone, so you know, we don't plan to disclose it before the construction. There are several places that are actually suitable To make such a movie city, in order to prevent them from rushing to implement things before us, many things are still confidential. "

"Do you mean that the 200,000 yuan I invested have been beaten?", Du Lin didn't know what he should say. He was also ambitious and planned to fill the entire Ilian theater line and then expand outwards, but waited until Scott A special late signal, which made him have a very funny feeling, someone was cutting off!

Scott could only smile awkwardly. He comforted Du Lin and said, "In fact, you can sell your shares to the new tycoon. In fact, he is very interested in East Coast Entertainment. It should be possible. Sell ​​for a good price. "

"Who is that person? I want to talk to him!" Du Lin quickly obeyed his ideas. Since he couldn't be the biggest one, he partnered. He incorporated East Coast Entertainment as his own capital into the new company and became a shareholder of the new circuit, which also means he controlled the circuit.

Scott gave an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I temporarily ...", he suddenly noticed that Du Lin looked at him with a strange taste, like the eyes of wolves seen in a hunting ground, Cruel and fierce, he swallowed the words below and took two steps, whispering: "Do you know the family of the newspaper tycoons Georges over Emperor Capital? They plan to expand their business, not only in Illian. And they are building new cinemas elsewhere ... "

Du Lin knew that the George family, a group of cultural lunatics, had 27 newspapers in their hands, and attracted readers to purchase subscriptions through various amazing headlines. They also made them a great success. About four or five years ago, the industries belonging to the George family were split into two camps. Half of them published in a rigorous and prudent style some of the news needed by the mainstream society, including political news, financial news, and military or people ’s livelihood. News. The other half tried their best to publish the next three things, often related to crime, cyan and other things, including "Good Morning Empire", which is known as the Empire's first lace newspaper.

This is a very large family, with deep family heritage, and at the same time has a strong enough political influence, but many ordinary people do not know or even know them. Because when you read a newspaper, you never think about the industry of the newspaper that printed it. Forty-three percent of the entire empire reads newspapers printed by the George family newspapers, but Maybe only 0.003% of people know the George family.

Du Lin knows the family and has something to do with his recent desire to build a media group. He always has to find out what the future opponents are, and of course, there is a newspaper tycoon-John George.

As soon as he thought that he would not be able to face to face with this bureau before he developed, Du Lin felt a little bit sore. Seeing his silence, Scott was also relieved that in case the rich man who took improper money had to compete with the George family, it would not be a good thing for him, for Irian, and for the George family, Because no one can lose, there is a reason to win ~ ~ If you can cooperate, it is the best thing. This will not hurt the peace, and everyone can achieve their own goals.

After returning to the interior of the manor, Du Lin lost his interest in continuing to chat. After sending Scott with a wry smile and shaking his head, he was lying on the sofa lazily. Why did these **** big men have to come to this small place to grab something from him ? That's enough!

Du Lin complained here, at a port not far from him, a passenger ship from the core of the empire slowly landed. A grim-looking girl left the ferry from a special ramp, guarded by several escorts. The girl looked young, only seventeen or eighty-nine years old, wearing a gray business suit with white dots and a white shirt with a neckline turned over. She took off her sunglasses, tilted her head and glanced at the tourists on the beach, and turned towards the car not far away to meet her.

Sitting in the car, the secretary beside her shook the window, and said with a serious expression: "This time the president let you come here, hoping to have a good mood. Irian is the most prosperous tourist city in the empire. For one, many people regard this place as a must-visit place in life and one of the places where people want to settle. "

The girl's blue eyes showed an icy atmosphere. She just glanced at the secretary, then retracted her gaze, "I know, I will do as he asks."

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