Cosma Empire

Chapter 212: Freina [3]

A glamorous woman can always attract the attention of a man on any occasion. This has nothing to do with status, identity, and wealth. It is an "instinct for mating" driven by an animal instinct. When a beautiful woman shouted Du Lin's name, many people's eyes focused on Du Lin. Of course, these people did not show anything different, just curious how a local celebrity met a second- and third-rate little star. Could it be ...

Thinking that most men here showed a meaningful smile, they looked at the red makeup beauty standing next to Du Lin, and looked at the little star, and suddenly felt that it was normal for Du Lin to change to a female companion. It may be that most people here are too greasy, and it is inevitable that they want to find some vegetarian dishes to eat. Compared to the little-known star named Freina, the female companions around Du Lin obviously have a lot of purity.

As a man, I know everything!

Du Lin had previously read about the members of the movie Irian Holiday in the newspaper. He remembered photos of such a woman, but he could n’t remember her name at the time, even now. Faced with this section of the woman Du Lin appeared a little embarrassed, can not remember the name of others is a very rude thing, he has committed it once today, did not expect to commit a second time.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Didn't expect you to come to Irian?" When Fleurina laughed, Du Lin's gaze was involuntarily attracted by the clothes she wore. The same evening dress is even more frightening, like a towel around the neck just to cover the breast-feeding offspring tools, and as she laughs, the two pieces of cloth tremble and tremble, Maybe even see from the side.

Seeing Du Lin's slightly embarrassing expression, Dove herself closed her eyes embarrassed. Fortunately, Freina was a very clever person. She immediately realized that she had a side in the Tener Theatre. Guy didn't even remember who he was. For an actress like her who just broke free from Tenell and is active in the movie industry, she immediately extended her hand generously, "Freina, must you forget me? Really sad , It seems I have to work harder to make you remember my name. "

Du Lin reached out and shook her, and released her hand with a raised eyebrow. There was no change in the expression of Freina on the opposite side, but Du Lin felt that at the moment of shaking hands, she scratched her palm with her fingertips, "I remember you, Freena!" Du Lin smiled. A few times, Dove hasn't opened his eyes so far. It's too embarrassing to open his eyes!

"I saw you in the newspaper last time as the second actress of this movie?" This is a good statement. To be white is to be the supporting actress on the list, but telling the truth on such occasions is a bit of contempt. Feeling, so the title of the second actress is very appropriate, also makes Freina feel laughed.

I have to say that Freina's changes are still very large. Doolin is not clear about the big and small things that happened to Tener after he left. One of them is a very special case. Among the people involved is Freina. The director of the theater was suddenly violent, while Freina was also on the scene, and the police soon arrested her. Just when everyone thought that Freina could not stand the dean's persecution and finally killed the old man, the police station announced the results of the investigation, making everyone dare not believe what they saw.

Freina is innocent. Although the dean's family is noisy, the result cannot be changed. The newly appointed police chief is a member of the New Party, and he does not need to make any supplementary explanations to those who are unreasonable. I have to mention another thing here. Du Lin saw the newspaper of the final result of the gold robbery sitting on the side with a bad face, not because the gold robbery was not successfully cracked, but because the governor took advantage of this opportunity. Suddenly, he attacked Tener, thinking that there were huge problems in the judicial system of Tener.

The chief of the police station died when he was dead in the dock warehouse. The investigation of such a large case was slow. After the arrival of Anpu, he still cooperated negatively. The police team was immediately eliminated. At the same time, the governor also arranged a new party member to replace him. Taking over the position of Prandeau, he became the director of the Tennell Regional Police Department. A large number of police officers were arrested for collecting black money for investigation. Except for very few people, such as Mason and other new police officers who entered the police station, almost the entire group was transferred and isolated.

So Peter's face was like a dead father. In the oldest party's strongest spot, the New Party had torn a crack because of the golden robbery. The Governor even named his stupidity, let alone the general election. In the midterm elections, he had a hint of threat.

Later, the incident was very troublesome. The director of the theater was a real celebrity. There were students and relationships in Theodore and Emperor. These people wrote letters to the new director. The new director had to announce the results of the investigation. .

The dean died of a sudden rupture of the blood vessels in the brain. This has been archived by the post-mortem of the coroner and photographed. After opening the dean's head, there was a nearly a pound of multiple coagulated blood clots that pressed his brain. It also caused hypoxia in the brain and was violent. As for why this happens, it has something to do with Freina.

That night, Freina went to the theater as she and the dean agreed, and that day was a good rest. The dean dressed in the emperor's costume sat on the prop throne, and Frena played a widow. This was a good agreement between the two, as long as the dean got a blood, he let Freina go. After being forced by desperate desperation, Freena, who had always wanted freedom, finally had to compromise. Maybe it's because I'm so excited. I'm old enough to be Grandpa Freena's dean. When she tried to **** Freena according to the "script", her face suddenly flushed and fell to the ground ...

The absence of the Dean and the vilification of Freina by the Dean's family just allowed her to take the opportunity to leave Tener, who has been trapped for nearly ten years. After coming out, with her more than ten years of stage performer skills and good posture, she immediately had a follower, willing to make her popular. In fact, the mind of this admirer Frena is also very clear, nothing but the mind of the old dean. It's just that she has been familiar with the mentality of such people for so many years, and even she feels that her follower is not as good as the old dean in terms of means.

So there is such a human role, she played the first supporting actress in the Irian holiday, the role is second only to the male and female protagonists.

After experiencing so much Freina was able to see Du Lin in Irian, she was actually very surprised. She used to know that Du Lin was a private wine magnate, and she did n’t know much about it. Unexpectedly, after Du Lin left Tener, she actually appeared at a banquet of this size, which surprised her and moved some careful thoughts. She knows how high the grade of this banquet. If she can use the power and strength of Dulin, maybe she can get rid of her current follower.

Even if it doesn't work, it is very important to make a rich man. After coming into contact with the film industry, Freena realized what a rich and powerful person means in this circle. It doesn't even need the rich to show up. It only needs one word to make a decision.

"You can really speak!", Freina smiled and drew her long hair, revealing her entire shoulder, and she took a step closer. I am afraid that the distance to Du Lin is only more than ten centimeters. "In fact, it is not What protagonist is just a humble supporting role, even if it is not easy to get it. So what are you doing? Are you doing business in the past? "

Previous business? Of course it was smuggling alcohol. Freina had heard of it before she came to Irian. The prohibition order was almost abolished here. Those licensed wineries and bars sold unlimited unlimited high-end wines. She thought that Du Lin is fancy for the resources here, taking root here to smuggle out alcohol.

Freina's question suddenly made Du Lin realize that he is actually not safe now, because just by asking other people, you can know that there is a jewelry shop under Du Lin's name, and it is easy to connect with the golden robbery. together. The decision to do jewelry business was also to avoid hunting by the Bureau of Investigation and Anpu. It was really difficult to get half a ton of gold. Once the Bureau of Investigation blocked various channels, plus the participation of the old and new parties and the Imperial Bank, Even the channels in the underground world dare not let Du Lin pass through ~ ~ he cannot risk exposing the gold through the black market forcibly, and can only use the form of a jewelry store to turn those gold into jewelry Sell ​​the jewelry little by little. It was indeed a very smart choice at the time, but now when you think about it, there is a great danger. After the gold robbery, Doolin disappeared from Tenell, and now he is transformed into a jeweler, and even a pig will guess whether he has been snatched of gold.

For the authorities, especially the Imperial Bank, they don't need any evidence at all, just suspicion is enough, which is enough for people to continuously investigate everything of Doulin until he is put in the cell and then sent to the gallows.

Thinking of this, Du Lin blinked and said with a smile, "I'm investing in the circuit now, and I'm planning to enter the development of the eighth district. As for the businesses you said, they are no longer done."

Freina did not expect that Du Lin would have such a change, and her face suddenly showed a surprise expression. If Du Lin had her own theater, it would undoubtedly be very good news for her. Regardless of whether it ’s filming or competing roles, a wealthy friend who has a theater role will have more chances than others. She immediately put up another arm of Doolin. Your development is so big, at that time I knew that you must not be an ordinary person, and sooner or later there will be a developed day! "

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