Cosma Empire

Chapter 217: New movie [1]

At noon, he tasted the dishes made by Mr. Juan's wife, and Du Lin praised them. It's not really delicious, but it's really worthy of his praise. As a rich man, there will always be one or two professional chefs at home to cook. If the guests are not particularly important, the owner will not cook in person. Juan really feels that Du Lin and he are very attached to each other, especially in the process of talking and chatting, the time will always pass by unconsciously, which gives him a feeling of meeting and hating late. Unwilling to let Du Lin leave, and the sea and sky talked for more than half an hour before the end.

When he returned home, Du Lin watched Freina sitting on the sofa in the hall a bit accidentally. He threw the key in a craft basin specially placed by the door, took off his hat and gave it to Dove. Go straight to the sofa and sit down, "Did you not report to the crew?"

Freina smiled a little. Of course, she went to the crew to report. Not only did she report, but also broke out with Corina's female watch. What's more troublesome is that she listened to the director's opinion and wanted to ease the relationship between them. Let the filming end of this movie well, but I don't know that Corina, who has felt more threatened by Freina, "directed her parents". She called and contacted the rich man behind her, and she made her remarks very clear, either she left or Freina left.

In itself, Flenna is a human character. The rich who wants to hold Red Flena and the rich behind Corinna are good friends, maybe they want to hold a reference, and it is relatively cheap by holding an actress. Way to raise their own fame, so there is an extra supporting actress of Freina. Now that the leading heroine is no longer working, then this human character will naturally be canceled. These rich people will not destroy their feelings for a woman who is destined to be someone who is not likely to be herself.

So Corina revengefully found Freina and told her that she was out.

After hearing the news, Freina was completely stupid, but instead of continuing to entangle, she smiled and said goodbye to the crew members, and turned away. She was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what to do next, so she had to return to Du Lin's manor for the time being.

Any strong woman will always be weak. The stronger she behaves, the more harm she actually receives. On the contrary, those ordinary girls may cry in tears if they suffer such a blow, but they will be better after crying.

With tears in her eyes, Flena told Du Lin what was happening during this time without any details. She felt that she had done nothing wrong, and Corina kept aiming at her. She couldn't do nothing. If she bears it silently, then her drama will most likely be cut off. Only when she stands up to protect herself can she be respected and recognized by others, but not the enemy. She didn't expect Corinna to be such a person, but it was just a few verbal confrontations that would allow her to shout out something like a rogue with her without me.

At the end, she laughed with tears, raised her wrists and extended her fingers, and gently took away the rolling tears in her eye sockets. "In fact, it is not a big deal, but it is restarted, and it seems that I have not started. She has nothing, and she can't treat me again if she loses again. "She took a deep breath, solemnly solemnly," I'm going to go back tomorrow, if I can, can I stay here tonight for another night? "

During the whole process, Du Lin didn't react at all. This made Freina really dead. Just when she had given up preparing to go back, Du Lin said a word, letting her have a kind of sunlight. The feeling of heavy dark clouds shining on her.

"Why go? This is Ilian, not those small remote places. Their money may be very useful in those places, but in Ilian, they still can't talk!" He hooked his fingers, Dove. Stepping to his side, he looked back at Dove with a smile and said, "Call Scott and let him come. I need to talk to him."

After that, Du Lin looked at Freina, and patted her shoulder. "Go for makeup, in Irian, on my site, no one can surpass my will!"

Scott came very fast. He was about to suffocate in the past two days. At this time, coming to Du Lin can be considered a laziness and a little rest. He took off his coat and sat on the sofa. The sea breeze blew through the empty space between the pillars, and closed his eyes with satisfaction. "Dulin, do you say that you rich people all enjoy this? Or is it only you who is the one who will enjoy the most? "

This sentence is not meaningless gossip. No one is willing to buy it for such a long time after the completion of this villa, there must be a reason. The wealthy are the millions and millions of household properties, and there is not much liquidity in addition to real estate. But they could still afford the house, but no one else did it, so Scott had this question.

Du Lin thought about it and replied, "Maybe it belongs to me, so they let me!"

"Hah ... your statement is really interesting, do you believe in destiny?", Scott did not think that the words of Doolin were arrogant. He was also a young man, and most of the city's managers were young people. . Young people should have the publicity of young people, that is not a shame.

Du Lin shrugged his shoulders, took a snake fruit from the pass and threw it to Scott, "This time I'm here to ask you something. If I want to make a color movie, these Is the device ready now? "

Scott took a big bite of the snake fruit, and the fresh sweet juice burst in his mouth. He was reluctant to say, "Equipment? That thing is not very good, but it is not difficult to spend some money if you really want it. . ", Color film shooting equipment can only be produced by one equipment manufacturer, these capitalists have spent a lot of money to develop a production method of this equipment, the purpose is to make money.

If people know that this kind of thing is not much more complicated to produce than black-and-white camera equipment, how can it be sold for a price? Therefore, only one set is produced each week, and one set is priced at 129,000 and 999. Such a high price not only has not fallen, but has continued to rise under the premise that there are only four sets of production in a month. It is said that the price of each of the top ten orders has now been fried to more than 20,000, and the top three have skyrocketed to forty thousand.

In contrast, the equipment used to play color movies is almost the price of Chinese cabbage, a set of only six thousand pieces, and unlimited supply. This is the business experience of the capitalists. If the output of the playback equipment cannot keep up, naturally no one will buy the camera equipment. Because not many cinemas can play the shots, wouldn't they smash their own pots?

If Durin wants it, Scott will call someone to send the device over, but the price is not one yuan away from 130,000 yuan, but one yuan away from 200,000 yuan.

Du Lin looked at Scott with a smile, and he felt a little hairy before he said, "Money is not a problem, I hope to be there within a week. In addition, you can help me pass a sentence to Mr. Mayor, I and Juan Mr. intends to make a color film together. The content of the film contains a lot of pictures about the construction of Ilian city. This film will play a very important propaganda role in Ilian after its release. "

"In addition, Mr. Juan and I are going to join hands to win the East Coast Entertainment Company's Sixteen Cinema, and then we will deepen our cooperation in this regard with the George family represented by Miss Nasha, and strive to establish a brand-new company throughout the entire The Empire builds the largest and strongest circuit, and this requires the City Hall to take the lead. "

Du Lin's two words immediately made Scott sit upright. As the "secretary" of the mayor, his political sensitivity far exceeds commercial sensitivity. It is not difficult to find out from Du Lin's words that once he said that the film was shot It was successful and screened across the country. How effective the positive publicity for Irian was, and it could also play a very important role in the forthcoming eighth district. In addition, two local wealthy and the George family set up a new company and point directly to the cinema trust, their future tax payment will also become an important part of the economic construction of Irian.

He nodded very cautiously, regardless of his purpose of coming here to be lazy. "This news is very important and meaningful, but I have a question, what about Irian Holiday?"

Du Lin smiled calmly and said with a rather regretful tone: "There will always be an accident in this world ~ ~ It happened to me or it happened to you, even God can't save it Everyone! "

Scott stood up immediately, and of course he knew what Doolin was talking about. None of these emerging capitalists is a good thing, and this is clear to both the old and new parties. Their pursuit and desire for money exceeds their awe of law and morality. As long as it is profitable and has huge benefits, trampling on the law is as simple as drinking a sip of water for them.

He nodded cautiously. "I think I understand. I immediately told the mayor of this news, and the equipment will be shipped as soon as possible!"

Du Lin tucked a thin card into Scott's hand. "This is a discount card for that jewelry store. It can only be used once."

Scott smiled, shoved the card into his pocket, and then left.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with Du Lin's behavior. As an empire official, they provided an excellent investment environment for these capitalists like hungry wolves. After paying so much, passively receiving some self-evident benefits No big deal. At least in this regard, they are much better than those of the old parties. At least they will not take the initiative, and they will not go too far.

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