Cosma Empire

Chapter 226: Take me [two]

Looking at the two thousand dollars on the desk of the branch director's office, neither Totti nor the parents of the deceased took it or said a word. The director of the bureau also sat on the chair with an ugly face, and Froth and his son were really too much. He killed an innocent pedestrian and was only willing to pay two thousand dollars, which was too much. The police are also people, and the director of the branch bureau is also a person. They are not high-class figures, and can barely be regarded as middle-class elites, so they share the same indignation, hatred and conflict between classes.

Totti rarely smokes, but at this moment he holds a pipe carved from a crude wood in his hand. After taking two sips, he emits a thick smoke. After the smoke, a trace of blood flashed in his blood-stained eyes. . He slowly stood up, all eyes were on him, he looked at the parents of the deceased, and said only three words-follow me.

No one stopped them, and no one followed them. They didn't know what method Totti would use to solve it, but they hoped that Totti's method would be useful.

Du Lin just got out of bed, and the teacher he invited arrived yesterday. Not only are they learning, they are also studying seriously behind him. Culture class, combat class, and all kinds of weird courses made him exhausted, but he felt that learning these things would be useful, even if he did not have the opportunity to improve his quality and strengthen his physical fitness.

I ate a little Dove and got ready early. This was the first time in more than half a year that Du Lin didn't go for coffee and snacks in the morning. He moved a bit of a sour arm. Today, apart from the culture class teacher, they have a day off. After eating early, I plunged into the swimming pool, stretched his body and swam back and forth in the sparkling swimming pool for two rounds. When he was ready to go ashore, he saw Dufo.

Dufo also quietly returned to the manor yesterday. Eric should now fight the sharks about ten nautical miles from the coastline, if he can stay in the water for three days.

The presence of Dufo by the swimming pool meant that there was something that needed to be decided by Du Lin. He sank into the water and then emerged out of the water like a swordfish. With both hands pressed firmly on the edge of the swimming pool, it was already ashore.

Dove gave him the bath towel. He wiped the drops of water on his head while wearing the bath towel, and walked towards the inside of the manor with Dover. "Eric is back?" Dover couldn't help laughing. When he got up, Du Lin also smiled. Everyone knew that Eric had become the food of marine plankton through the stomach of the shark. He couldn't return. It's just a joke, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Totti came with a couple for a visit. They are now in the side hall. Do you see or not?"


Du Lin paused for a few seconds before thinking of the old Guarth. He nodded immediately, "Of course I have to see them, let them rest for a while, and I'll go when I change clothes."

There is a big difference between seeing guests in the side hall and seeing them in the hall. The hall will not talk about topics that are too serious or important, private, and not formal. Only the study and the partial hall are enough formal. Totti they are not qualified to enter Du Lin's study, but the partial hall is just right.

When Du Lin, who had changed her clothes, opened the side entrance door, Totti and the couple stood on the sofa. Du Lin raised his hand with a smile, went to the main seat and sat down. He tilted his leg, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and Dufo immediately lit him. After breathing a cigarette, he spit it out, and Du Lin asked, "Mr. Totti, I haven't seen you for a while. I don't know if there is anything I need to help you when you come in today?"

Totty nodded strongly, his expression was very serious and very serious. "Yes, Mr. Du Lin, I want you."

Du Lin made a hand gesture, Totti immediately said the original flavor of the bar, and said it in no detail, including their attitude, including the attitude and tone of Froth and his son, all imitated Over and over again.

To be honest, Du Lin sympathized with the couple's encounter, but only sympathized. The Guarths are very capable, and the same is true in Ilian. Most Guarth families have at least two children, and some have three or five or more children. The death of a child is indeed very distressing, but it may not be necessary to say that it really hurts. With so many children, who can guarantee that each child is the favorite of parents?

Missing one will only be sad for a while, and it will be just fine.

Of course, he wouldn't say it, and first asked a question. Is the couple Guartes? If it is, he will take care of it a little bit. If it is not, then only love can help. After all, hostility and hostility between races have never disappeared. He does not need to use his power for the cancellation of a population of other races.

"They are, they are the descendants of the great ancestor, and they are our Guarth!", Old Totti's voice was strong and hammered his own chest, "I can vouch for this if you find them Not a Guart, you can dispose of me at will. "

Du Lin sat on the sofa for a moment of contemplation, and his eyes kept glancing back and forth between Totti and the couple. During this time, he was busy pulling Juan into the water and dealing with the East Coast Entertainment Company, slowing down the development of the Association of the Township. Perhaps this is a very suitable opportunity! The finger of his hand was pressed against the armrest of the sofa, his fingers gently pinched his earlobe, his body leaned back slightly, and he raised his head to look at the couple, "What do you want us to do? Get more Money? Or do I need to do anything else? "

When this sentence was spoken, Totti was shocked, but the couple's faces showed a distorted surprise. Regardless of the threat of Buddha's eyes behind Du Lin, they went down to Du Lin and knelt down, lowering their heads. Looking at the pair of white rhino leather shoes on Du Lin's feet. The man was tense, but the woman said in a trembling voice, "If ... if I can, I hope they get their due."

The atmosphere in the room was frozen at this moment, and Totti swallowed, and he knew what the woman meant. She doesn't want money and doesn't want her daughter to survive, but she hopes that someone will be able to bear the "retribution" for her daughter's death.

Yes, retribution is not a responsibility, it is a retribution, a blood retribution!

Totti's gaze turned to Dulin. He hoped that Dulin would agree to this request, but he did not want Dulin to agree to this request because it was too much. Already an innocent girl has left the world, do you still need a boy who will never die? But he couldn't say what he thought, because he wasn't the deceased and he had no right to decide.

Time has become a little slow, and the couple's breathing has become extremely rapid. It seems that after a year, Du Lin's voice came to his ears.

"Swear in my name and the glory of the gods ..."

The couple trembled and fell on the ground. They moved their knees to Du Lin's body, and their hands caught Du Lin's left hand forward. The couple kissed the rare purple red on Du Lin's index finger. Cat eye gem ring, then they backed away, kissed Doolin's shoes, and then kissed the ground again. The two heads were tightly against the ground, the wife was already in tears, and the husband couldn't help himself.

This is a unique ritual from the ancient Guart aristocracy. When people are harmed by outsiders and cannot avenge themselves, they will choose to be loyal to a powerful noble and become a slave to the noble. As a price, the nobles will exercise their power of revenge and help them resolve all hatreds and disputes.

Du Lin stood up, glanced at the couple on the ground and said softly, "After a week, they will pay the due price. All who hurt us will be punished by the gods! Go back and let your daughters Do not bury her for the time being, and put her in an ice coffin. The gods let her come to this world, and she should be glorious when she leaves! "

After speaking, Du Lin said a farewell and left the room.

Revenge for the couple is the result of his deliberate consideration. The Guarts have a large base in Illian. This is a very powerful force and can even influence the city hall's policy plan to a certain extent. As long as you have this power in your own hands, you will be invincible in Irian Doolin. Anyone who wants to get rid of him must consider the anger of hundreds of thousands of Guarts!

As for Frost and Son?

That is not within the consideration of Du Lin ~ ~ They have done something wrong, but want to continue to cover up past crimes with mistakes, so whatever they encounter in the future, it is the judgment of the gods!

Dufo sent away the worried Totti and the excited couple who had been shaking, and returned to Du Lin. After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "How are you going to deal with Froes and Son?"

Du Lin shrugged easily. "When your opponent is a civilized man, the only way to conquer them is brutality."

"He killed a child, let him try the fear before that child dies!"

"This is the judgment of the gods!"

Speaking of Du Lin himself, he laughed, "Let Savin and his friends be smart, go and spread the news about the fellowship first. In addition, you can check the specific situation of Froth and his son, and find out about Fulro. The trajectory of Si ’s activities, presumably our mayor, if he knew this, he would be happy to sleep. "

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