Cosma Empire

Chapter 233: Plot [two]

On the way back, Du Lin has been pondering the words of the Lord Mayor. There is a message hidden in his words. Some people are not satisfied with the way of Du Lin's recruitment, and it seems that an activity like parade and demonstration is brewing. As a tourist city, such news is definitely not a good thing. People will question the stability and security of Ilian. Some tourists who plan to travel will temporarily put down their plans and choose to wait and see.

Either Du Lin handles the matter well, or the city hall handles it. There is no doubt that if the city hall handles it, it is very likely that both sides will criticize it and then give a solution to the matter. But this was not what Dulin wanted. He didn't want a group of provincial or other ethnic people among his workers. He doesn't have a high education and has always been a bystander's point of view in another world, but he vaguely remembers someone saying such a word.

Only pure teams have combat effectiveness.

After returning to the manor, Du Lin immediately arranged a job for Airlis. He took Savie and went to the fifth district to find a way to find out who actually wanted to drag his hind legs. Find the people who planned the action, make a list of them, and try not to miss any.

Ellis quickly left with Savie and his friends. Dufo sat aside and asked a little bit unclearly: "Boss, isn't it a little too much attention? It's just a group of thoughts. Provincial ya people who want to work, it should be enough to teach them a meal! "

Du Lin shook his head, "Look, this is what I often say is the biggest difference between the Guarts and the Provincial Yas. The Guarts do not fight, they accept it. The war and the surrounding environment made many Guarts. Lost courage. But look at those provincial ya people, no matter how bad their treatment and living environment are, they are always fighting and robbing. So the social status of provincial ya people is now better than guar The special people are much taller. "

"They still retain the wildness of animals. What they do makes the empire feel pain, so the empire gives them better treatment and a better environment."

"This may only be a small thing and there is nothing wrong, but it may not be possible for it to evolve into a big thing. Many power collapses start from small things. If this time they make a big news, the whole empire will focus on Yili. At Anshi, do you think it's a small thing or a big thing? So the Lord Mayor is right, anyway, press these thorns down. "

"On my site, you have to listen to me!"

Totti came quickly and he was carrying a canvas bag. Canvas bags are particularly popular at the seaside, mainly because this thing is more waterproof than other materials. The moisture on the seashore is very heavy, as long as the material such as cotton has a wet feeling for a day, the contents inside will also have an incomprehensible degree of humidity, and the canvas bag will not have this problem.

He took out six books from his bag, each of which was crowded with two hundred names, along with their home address, family information, etc. These are the workers Totti recruited for Du Lin. Old Totti was obviously very attentive and worked very hard. After introducing some of them to Du Lin, Du Lin raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

"Mr. Totti, I think I understand. Thank you for your help, but I have a little thing to ask." Totti froze, and he sat back and waited for Du Lin's inquiry. Du Lin did everything May slow down your speech so that Totti wo n’t hear you clearly, "Mr. Totti, during this time, did any Provincial people or other people come to look for work, after you rejected them, did anyone say What's not nice? Or threatened you? "

Totti's expression became dignified, he nodded, "Yes, yes, Mr. Doolin, the conditions you offer are so excellent, even my old man can't help but want to work, let alone those Young people? There have been provincial ya people to ask about recruitment, and several barbarians from the north have also come, and I have rejected them. There is a provincial ya man named Mickey who has said some very rude things, and I heard that they seem Thinking of how to contact you directly. Why, aren't they ... "

Du Lin waved his hand, then stood up. He reached out and shook hands with Totti. "Thank you very much for your hard work during this time. I have left you a supervisor position on the construction site. If your children are willing You can also work on the construction site, thank you very much! "

Totti shook hands with Durin and left with a look of confusion. He didn't understand why Durin would be so interested in this issue, even driving someone to pick him up and send him back. He wondered if the provincial ya people had already contacted Dulin. If it really did not work, it would not be impossible to give up three or five hundred places. In this way, Totti returned to Zone 5 with doubts. He may not know that a storm is brewing.

In fact, the provincial yas in the fifth district are very dissatisfied with Du Lin's recruitment plan. They believe that the provincial yas have far exceeded the half-dead Guartes in terms of their social status and ability to work. If only one or two people are dissatisfied with this, it may not be a problem, but when many provincial ya people knew about Du Lin's recruitment standards and were told that only Guarts could apply, this group of provincial ya people jumped up and down.

"Why can only the Guartes work there, and why can't we?" Mickey looked at his fellows around the bonfire and waved his fist. "Beyond the minimum salary required by the workers' union, two meals can be eaten. For lunch and dinner, you can have one day off per week or even one week, so that high-quality employment quotas should be open to all good people, not just Guartes! "

Mickey, who has been working at the dock for a long time, is familiar with the trouble-making process. While reflecting to the workers' union that Du Lin has racial discrimination in the recruitment, he called for some fellow people who also hate this, and planned to have a demonstration. An event to protest against Dulin's discrimination against the elegant people of the province.

He told everyone that he was not demanding. Give himself a management job and give him another 2,000 places. Then he could calm down the demonstrations he launched. From the beginning, Mickey's purpose was to serve his own interests. At the same time, he hoped that through this incident, he could raise his position among the elegant people in the fifth province and make himself a person like "Abion".

Some people think that Abiene is shameful, but others think that Abiene is worth learning. Although he may have paid a lot of money, he has done a lot for everyone. The matter is two-sided. Abion's fault was that he had obtained financial benefits and greedily wanted fame and status, which caused people to be disappointed with him, so that he was cast aside.

If you don't consider the issue of fame, maybe Abien is still the one who praises everyone, but everyone won't like him.

Mickey came back a moment when he was slightly lost. The bonfire printed his face red, and his face was a bit distorted. "If you are not willing to be discriminated against, on the last day of this week, we will go to Mr. 350,000. Demonstration outside the manor! "

A relatively older Provincial gentleman sitting on the side scratched his head, "What if Mr. 350,000 does not compromise?"

"No compromise? Then let's make trouble every day, until he compromises!", The muscles on Mickey's face relaxed, he clapped his hands, "Don't worry about this, those rich guys have more face than you can imagine, They will definitely compromise, and they will compromise in the first place. I hope that everyone can go together this weekend. After I find him to get to a job that belongs to us, everyone of you who goes with me has a share! "

Perhaps under the temptation of a three-year-long job with excellent benefits, some hesitant people nodded blindly in group consciousness, and they never seemed to think about what they might not be able to do. Mickey thinks things too simple. Some things and some things can't be done with just a slap in the head.

After the meeting, Mickey and several people with good relations left directly. They have other things to say, things in the small circle, so other people here do not need to participate, and are not eligible to participate. When no one was there, Mickey checked the surroundings and made sure that there was no one around. He lowered his voice. "Brothers, do you want to make a lot of money?"

These friends of Mickey have been playing together at their doorsteps from childhood to age ~ ~ Because they have no culture and are not good at studying, they left school early to hang out outside, now they can only be regarded as the most social The bottom. Some of them had mixed up with gangs, and some had done robbery. In his youth, Mickey did not do less of these things. After leaving the dock some time ago, he realized that if there was no other way to quickly accumulate the first funds, his life might always be a bottom of society, the **** in the mouth of the rich man.

So he thought of a plan, a plan that is risky, but will definitely become rich after it is successful-abduction.

His goal was Mr. 350,000, and the reason why he set the target to Mr. 350,000 was mainly because Doolin was a Guart. In this empire-dominated empire, the Guartes are the Guartes, and they will always be inferior. Even if Mr. 350,000 has an accident, people may pay attention to it for a while, but they will not pay attention after a while. The empire's arrest will not be too strong. Although Mr. 350,000 has money, many Ogdin people are unhappy with him!

His idea was to use the demonstrations to gain negotiating power, and then they could enter Mr. 350,000's manor.

As long as Du Lin is subdued, the rest is waiting to get rich.

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