Cosma Empire

Chapter 235: Miscellaneous [4]

"Do you want to do it now?" Du Fu played with the pistol in his hand. The sound of the pistol is not very loud when shooting. If it is in the room, the sound will be even lower. If you don't listen carefully, it will be difficult to find that it is a gunshot. There may be exposure at night, because the environment is more peaceful at night, and the sound will be very abrupt. But doing things at night also has the advantage of doing things at night, such as easy to evacuate.

The night is always the best protection for barbarism. It is not unreasonable for many homicides to occur at night. At least the killers will like this time period, which is both romantic and easy to leave.

Du Lin thought about it and decided to do it later. It is not impossible to do it now, but the deterrent is not enough to make the provincial ya people honest in matters related to his Du Lin. Even those people are dead. Other provinces do not necessarily know why they died, why they are today, let alone what kind of existence they are angry with. So the best way is to do it the night before their actions and clean up all the backbones. When they find out the next day, they will feel a thick black cloud over Ilian, covering On their heads.

Although I won't do it tonight, there is nothing left to do. Make a list of these people explained by Greyhound, and let Savey recognize them. It is also more convenient for them to act.

In such a seemingly stable and prosperous city, the night turns into daylight, and when the first golden sun shines on the ground, the entire city finally falls into silence. Du Lin got up early. Today is the first day of the official filming of the Freina crew. As an investor, he must go to the scene to encourage everyone. This film does n’t matter to Turin what ’s messy first, what ’s important is that this film is also a bargaining chip with the George family, and it is also a bridge between him and the City Hall.

In this world, there is no love for no reason and no hate for no reason. If the old men in the city hall can open one eye and close one eye in many times, they must be fed. The old party ’s city managers were very direct, and they almost told everyone to come and bribe them as soon as they had enough money. They would never care about shit.

The New Party is different. These are carrying some ideals. In order to be able to carry out their political ideas, they need more than money. Money can decorate their lives, and political value is what they need. Give them enough political resources to make them look good, and they don't care what you do.

This film has played such a very important role, and it can be regarded as the first formal cooperation between Du Lin and the City Hall.

Early in the morning, the crew had paved the camera track for the shooting at the port. The new colored camera equipment is much heavier than the black and white camera equipment. Simply carrying it by one person will not only tremble, but also people can't afford it, so they adopted the track shooting method as soon as they came up.

The importance of this movie is not repeated, Scott appeared early in the port to coordinate the dispatch work. Perhaps because of the special urban atmosphere of Irian, many people are willing to cooperate with the film crew to shoot. Originally, it was considered that they wanted to hire more actors. Even the cruise liner that arrived in Irian in the morning after a night sailing was very cooperative and took the initiative to undertake the work of the huge background in the filming.

However, they have a small condition, that is, they must shoot the ship number, and the captain and chief mate must also appear in the film.

These are small things. The screenwriter just modified it to solve the requirements of the captain and the chief officer. The two little old men excitedly changed into new clothes. The captain also spent two dollars to take care of his beard. Only appeared in front of the camera holding a pipe. He had two lines, one of the first mate, and then Freina appeared on the side of the ship with her suitcase and looked over. It's a simple play, but it took more than ten times to complete it. Some tourists always unconsciously look at the camera or grin at the camera.

The director was surprised when Du Lin arrived. He just wanted to stand up and say hello to Du Lin, and Du Lin's hand rested on his shoulder. The action here was slightly bigger, and immediately caught Scott's attention, and he came over.

"How come to think of it? I thought you didn't have time." Scott took out the cigarette case and distributed a cigarette to Du Lin, and he ordered one himself. "Everyone attaches great importance to this movie, You may not know that before the filming of this movie, I need to spend half a day here every day. You really found a good job for me. "

Du Lin shrugged his shoulders and looked at Freina rushing down the ramp and said with a smile, "Aren't you complaining that you were too busy some time ago? Are you not satisfied with having a leisurely job now?"

Scott smiled and didn't speak, as a staff member of the City Hall, leisure is not a good thing. Fortunately, this matter is indeed very important. The mayor is also watching closely, otherwise he would really be active. He suddenly thought of something and said it casually, "Isn't Alexander discussing with the City Hall about holding a food festival? The mayor passed it, and Alexander also started to promote the event. He hoped to use the film platform , Pushing food festivals across the empire. "

Du Lin frowned and realized it later. Is this the built-in advertisement? The capitalist's eyes have always been keen, especially those things that are beneficial to themselves. They can always find business opportunities one step ahead. You made money to make a movie, but what food festival did you promote? "

"Five thousand dollars!"

This offer is still sincere. After Du Lin nodded his head and turned around, waved and waved away, he has not considered how to deal with Freina. If you send her to heaven ... it is not impossible, but I always feel that it is actually irresponsible to myself. According to this idea, everyone in Tener City should be killed because they may expose some of their hidden things.

The thought of Du Lin was a headache here, and the most important thing now is to find a "legal" way to explain that he has so much money.

In the set, Freina saw Du Lin and saw Du Lin's departure. She recently went out late and returned to Du Lin just in time. In fact, she also had something to tell Du Lin. As the producer and heroine of this film, Freina's pressure is actually very heavy. In case no one sees what is shot, Du Lin's investment of 500,000 is equivalent to falling into water. On the one hand, she is saving the crew's expenses, and on the other hand, she wants to discuss with Dulin the next shooting work.

To put it bluntly, she didn't know.

In the previous film, she was not the heroine. Whether she succeeded or failed, as long as she played her role, it was success for her. Now, not only should she play her role well, but also ensure that the film will have a huge response and success after the film is released. She hardly even slept well in the past two days.

At this time, Mickey in the fifth area was anxiously searching for the trace of the greyhound, saying that today he would take himself to buy money for a gun, and the person was gone early in the morning. After looking for several gray dogs who often haunt the alley selling narcotics, he didn't find that guy, Mickey had a bad feeling. Just when he was thinking about giving up the plan, another person found him.

"Grey Dog was arrested." When this sentence was spoken, Mickey even thought of running away immediately, but the second sentence made him cry and laugh. "He smashed someone's house last time Glass, the family called the police. He was hit by a night patrol on the way back yesterday and is now in the detention room of the branch. "

Mickey was silent for a while, and she was still discussing the big things last night. Why did so many things happen in a flash? He groaned a little irritably, thinking for a moment and plunging into a financial company he knew.

Residents of the fifth district often borrow money from usury to live on because of their lack of money. Especially during the winter break, many families face insufficient money in the last one or two months. They rarely ask their neighbors , Friends, or loved ones, because everyone does n’t have much money. Rich people went to District 4 early, who will stay in District 5 and suffer? So most of them will borrow some money from usury to spend the winter break.

Like Mr. Morris, the leather pants that Doolin once knew, UU reads www. The usury loans here at may just be a name, and they are more like welfare companies when viewed from Doolin. It takes only 87 yuan to borrow fifty yuan for three months, and a 20% profit per month is simply a conscience of heaven and earth. However, for these financial companies, this kind of income is quite acceptable. In addition, the fifth district is all poor. If the interest is too high, everyone can't afford it. Maybe this account will rot in the end.

I took four hundred dollars from usury. This is because Mickey knew them and had his own house, otherwise no one would dare to lend him the money. For four months, the principal and interest of four hundred yuan were close to seven hundred yuan. To this end, Mickey also signed a few documents to ensure that these usury loans can take eight hundred yuan worth of finance from his home without finding the Mickey. If he didn't have that much money in his house, they would auction Mickey's house.

With these four hundred pieces of Mickey, he found the Greyhound's home, the third-level demolisher.

"Do you mean that you took three pistols from me with just enough money, and then returned the pistols to me, and would give me three hundred more?" With a blank face, "Why don't you just give me the rest of the money?" He waved, "Well, I'll give you two. I just ask what you want to do if you get caught. Do n’t say that you have taken these things from me, or even if you go to prison, I will have a way to let you die inside. ”

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