Cosma Empire

Chapter 239: Accident [four]

Early the next morning, countless reporters rushed to the fifth district, because just last night, just as they were filming the guests of the charity evening, a targeted large-scale assassination broke out. Based on the findings of the Fifth Division Office, people came to the conclusion that this should be an assassination between gangs. What led to this result should be a purge by the two gangs to compete for the narcotics market.

Such things can not be considered trivial, but it is not realistic to say how big they are. It is just a feud between a group of gangs, and even the news page is less than the first edition. It turned out that there were still some people who were suspicious about this, and they were relieved after seeing the information of the deceased. These deceased were not just criminals who had just been released from prison, or gang members with a previous record. The only Mickey with a relatively clean identity was also investigated. Participated in too many criminal activities at a young age.

Coupled with some of the narcotics left on the scene, the sub-bureau made sense of this feud.

But some people don't think so, for example, those who were still discussing with the deceased the night before those who asked Mr. 350,000 to demonstrate outside the manor the next day. They knew it was wrong, but nobody dared to say anything, and the shadow of death was floating on their heads. They were afraid they would spread the word after telling the truth and they would become the next group of people to be "cleansed."

Although they couldn't say it, they knew that Mr. 350,000 was not as harmless as he was.

At this time in the detention center, listening to the people who just came in talking about this new thing and guessing who it was, the gray dog ​​was choked. He rushed to the police officer who was locking the door and scared the other person. Directly took out the pistol and aimed at the greyhound.

"I want to surrender, I still have to surrender, I have to surrender!" His tears were about to come out, he didn't care about the scornful eyes of the newcomers, he really couldn't stay outside! The death of Mickey is a good proof of this, and the risk of being outside is too great. In case the other party feels they know something or will reveal something to kill him, he really has no way to go.

At this point the only way was not to go out. The detention room couldn't hold him for too long, but the prison could! He wasn't sure if he had to hide for a few years to make Mr. 350,000 forget about him, but he definitely couldn't go out in the short term.

The Greyhound was taken away for trial soon. He surrendered several cases. His behavior and mentality also made police officers scratch their heads. These people often bite their teeth and say that they are innocent. How come they didn't think they explained enough? But no matter how the case can be solved, it is "performance" for the police officers. Some people freely give bonuses and credit to them, and they do not need to launch it.

There is also a very interesting episode here. The judge took into account the fact that the Greyhound surrendered himself and actively explained some of his criminal facts. He was willing to give him a lighter sentence. As a result, he spit at the judge in a hurry He also took off his underwear and threw the underwear to Lord Judge. The original two-year sentence was directly increased to five years. What's more interesting is that this guy not only did not feel depressed after getting this result, but laughed as if he had won the prize ...

On such a day, a heavy rain suddenly swept the entire Ilian. When people were sheltering from the rain in the bar next to the street, they accidentally found a hearse slowly starting from Liming Park along Liming Avenue towards the beach port. Behind this hearse in the heavy rain, there are more than 20 luxury cars of various colors, and the place where the luxury convoy passes is all silent. Someone recognized the young man in the frame on the hearse and couldn't help but take a breath.

Little is known about the accident of Little Fowles. Although the old Fowles did not deliberately suppress the news at that time, the news still spread to only a few people. Until today, those guests in the bar on Dawn Avenue knew that Little Fowles had not changed his temper, but had passed away. Some people showed a faint sorrow on their faces. Although Fleurus was a bastard, he hadn't done too much harm.

Many people even like him very much. He is a very optimistic guy, and he has an indifferent attitude towards money, which makes him have many good friends.

The solemn convoy came to the port slowly in the heavy rain. Little Fowles once said that if one day he wants to leave the world, please don't burn him or bury him. Let him sink to the bottom of the sea with his coffin, where he will fall into a deep sleep. Old Froth obeyed his past legacy, and he had to personally send his beloved son where he wanted to go.

When the person who stayed in the hospital a few days ago ran back to the villa and told him that Little Fowles had died of respiratory failure, the whole world had collapsed. Old Frost, who was always in good health, even fell directly to the ground. He couldn't believe that his son had left himself. He clearly remembered that the doctor said that he had been rescued.

Sitting in the car holding his son's picture frame, Old Frost didn't cry and die like his wife. He twisted his neck stiffly and looked at the butler on the co-pilot. "Did the truck and driver find it?"

The steward did not know how to answer this question. In fact, he had launched all available forces to search the truck throughout the city, not even the sixth and seventh zones. But so far no clue, the truck seemed to fall from the sky to crash Little Fowles, and then returned to the sky after the collision.

The silence of the steward made Old Frost realize that the things he had told him hadn't been done well. He asked with a gritted tooth: "Do you think I have no successor, so even my words can be perfunctory?", The steward He shook his head quickly, so he couldn't bear it. "Since it's not why there isn't any news till now? Spend money, spend more money, who can provide any useful information, starting at 500 yuan. If anyone can help We found the truck and the driver at the time, and I gave him a million! "

One million, an astronomical figure, even the steward himself has a moment of temptation. No one feels wrong about such a messy move, as Old Fowles said, he has no heirs, and he can't reproduce a son at this age. Even if he had such ambitions, his little brother would not allow him to do so. The money in his hands, the houses, and the land would become ownerless, so he didn't care if the price he offered was too high, he only cared if he could catch the killer.

What seemed to come to mind, Old Frost suddenly asked: "I remember he hit a girl before him, didn't he?"

The steward immediately replied, "Yes sir, the young master drank a little wine when he came back from the outside and was stopped by a girl. The girl was dead. His family wanted five thousand yuan in compensation, but the young master only agreed Give them two thousand dollars, and the money is still with the young master. "

Old Frost fell into silence. Seeing the dock was close at hand, he laughed. The laughter was full of sadness and anger. "Go and check the couple and find them out. I want to know if they are The accident caused my son to leave me. If yes, bring them, if not, bring them, they should stay with my son, not continue to live in this world! "

The old Froth who experienced the pain of bereavement was a little crazy, whoever seemed to him seemed suspicious, especially the couple. It was unforgivable to murder his child for thousands of dollars! They must die, whether they are or not, now for a reason.

The steward didn't say anything. He could understand the change in the mentality of Old Fowles. Such a tragedy happened to him. He naturally needed to vent through some channels. To blame, blame the couple's daughter. Without it, everything would be different. At least Jeffreys will not change to a new car, nor will he want to go for a ride elsewhere. Naturally, he will not encounter this accident.

It seems that what they are about to face is what they deserve.

At night, the next day's heavy rain finally stopped, and the whole city was refreshed by the rain. Lying at home, Totti set an alarm, undressed, and lay on the bed. He's exhausted recently, but he finds it very meaningful ~ ~ he is full of energy. Suddenly, he suddenly heard someone knocking at the door.

It's nine o'clock at this time, and most people have already entered their dreams. He put on a suit, walked to the window with a stick in his hand, and looked out. The dark night covered his vision, and he approached the door and asked, "Who is it? It's getting late now, and if there's anything, I'll say it tomorrow."

The answer was a very young and childish voice, "Grandpa Totti, my parents have been taken away!"

Totti knew the voice, and he immediately opened the door, looking at the tears on the face of a thin guy outside, looking helplessly in despair, "Please save them, they have been taken away!"

The old Totti exploded in his heart. The drowsiness disappeared without a trace. He immediately took the child's hand and ran towards the first zone. He asked while running, "Do you know who took it?" They? "The child kept crying and shook his head. Old Totti's brows were clasped tightly together." So, did they say anything when they grabbed your parents? "

The child's cry stopped for a moment, and he hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, they said it was my parents who killed their young master!"

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