Cosma Empire

Chapter 243: New trouble [4]

"Even if it kills me, I won't take the boat again, I swear!" Luke retched, and what he could vomit in his stomach had been vomited when he was on the boat, and vomiting was just some clear water. The two guys supported him left and right, attracting the attention of many people. He didn't let the people around him let go, because he knew that his legs had long been disobedient. This **** ship, the whole world was shaking while on board, but the sky was not shaking. Now it's hard to land. I didn't expect the world to shake, it's the sky's turn to start shaking.

As the sky shook again and again, a feeling of nausea came to his mind again, he retched for a while and spit.

This time when he came to Irian City, he brought with him the most powerful players among the twenty guards. These people were killed. In order to turn the wealth under the ground into cash as soon as possible, he turned from those who specialize in Human trafficking organizations buy a lot of cheap labor. These workers were harmless in human trafficking organizations, one by one as docile as castrated stallions, but in his hands they became like wild horses.

When I bought five hundred personal accounts for the first time, it took only three days to run away more than one hundred, and lost tens of thousands of yuan in an instant. He tried to give those workers better food, better living conditions and even pay them. But the escape was still there, until he understood that kindness could not solve the problem, and the escape finally ended.

In the valley, the corpses that were hanged from the trees were like cocoons preparing to turn into butterflies in the autumn bushes, densely packed, and hundreds of corpses were hung on the trees and swayed gently in the wind. Those people do a great job, at least they can deter these workers and make them honest and docile.

From only a few hundred laborers to tens of thousands now, there are more than 500 people in the mine guards alone. These guards are like Luke's private armed forces. When necessary, they can be used as an army to suppress those laborers. This is the most powerful force in the mining area.

He built his mine into a small kingdom of his own. He was the supreme king. At the same time, he knew that this was a small place after all. If you want to gain more wealth, there is no way to get a higher status in the mining area. You must step on the most shining stage of the empire to get out of this small place. So he made Corina famous and planned to conduct social activities as an investor and producer of the first non-ferrous film.

He also wanted to use money to open the way, get rid of the upstart hat, and become a real superior.

However, the problem was that the plan was unexpectedly terminated. The main crew of the entire crew was hospitalized because of a car accident. What made him even more angry was that the car accident did not occur naturally, but was intentionally created.

He didn't feel bad when he hit 500,000. He felt that his plan was destroyed before he implemented it, so this time he came here with the 20 best guard team members. He came In case of trouble, he wanted to ask that guy what he had to do with himself and had to stop himself.

What he didn't expect was that he had been crushed by a sea ship before he was defeated by the enemy. He vowed that he would never take a boat again in this life, no matter whether it is inland or offshore.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Luke's number one dog leg Brandon was standing next to Luke. In the mining area Brandon has a very tacky but absolutely scary nickname called "Butcher" ". Since the first worker he killed for Luke, there have been at least three or fifty people killed by him. Even the practice of hanging a person to a tree was the first he proposed. In his words, only when people die under the eyes of those people will they know what fear is.

Luke shook his legs, and the sky was spinning a little slower. He tried to take a few steps, but finally gave up the idea of ​​walking independently. "Of course, I went to the hospital and figured out what was going on."

Brandon made a phone call and called for a few cars. Although Luke did not invest in any project in Ilian, he also knew some of the local rich.

Someone once asked a question, why are rich people always incompatible with the general public, they do not attend parties, do not participate in socializing, and do not know what they are doing all day. In fact, this is just a wrong view, because the person who raised this question does not have the status and power to talk to the rich on an equal basis, and the social circle and the top social circle are not integrated, so they have no idea that the rich are not The general public is incompatible, but is incompatible with the poor.

The rich have their own social circle, and there are parties held by people with the same status, not that they are all lonely, but that the level of people asking questions is too low.

Some of the rich in Irian have invested in other places, and some have even migrated from overseas to live locally. It is not surprising that someone knows Luke in a complex social network.

With a few cars, Luke soon arrived at the hospital and saw Corina. The poor woman was lying in bed. The doctor told her that it would take at least half a year to recover. At this time, her face of hatred broke out when she saw Luke.

"It's the female watch, she blame the female watch, she killed me like this!" Corina yelled hysterically. She also wanted to wave her arm, maybe it was related to the injury, her face A pained expression appeared.

Luke glanced at the woman a little impatiently. He rarely had a good face for women, especially for such women who paid for it by themselves. He didn't even care, "Don't talk so much nonsense, just Just give me a name. "

Two names were squeezed out of Corinna's teeth—Freena and Durin.

After Bran registered these two names, Luke turned around and left, and Corina shouted after a moment, "What about my movie? You come back!"

Luke stepped, looked sideways at Corinna, and there was a kind of indifference on his face, "Movies? That's not my business. Remember, from now on you owe me half a million, I Give you a year, no matter what method you use to collect the money, even if you lose a penny in a year, you know the consequences! "

Seeing that Corina became like this, Luke gave up this woman directly, and taking such a woman out would not only lose face, but would lose her person. He hadn't known that this woman was so ... with a neurotic temperament, still thinking about movies?

After leaving the hospital, Luke went to visit one of his old friends, Mr. Fowles. What I didn't expect was that Froth might not be at home, and later learned that Froth's son had died, and he sighed for it. Next, he talked about the topic, about Freina and Du Lin.

Freina knows a few things herself, so the main target is still Du Lin.

"You mean Mr. 350,000?" Luke's friends were a little surprised. "I heard that man was very lonely. He had met both sides but had little communication. His name is not small. I bought a mansion of 350,000, and recently there have been many major moves, not only to blend into the business of the George family, but also to invest heavily in the eighth district! "

When he heard a friend introduce Dulin like this, Luke was appalled for a while. He thought that Du Lin was just a little man. After all, he had never even heard of the name. After all, he did n’t expect to ask him such a powerful person. He's a little bit sore. As a rich man, Luke knew very well that the word "rich" was composed of "rich" and "rich and powerful".

No rich man is a mess, especially here is not his little kingdom. He has no connections in Ilian, and he is not familiar with the people in the town hall. It is still a bit tricky to solve this problem.

"Is there any way to meet him?"

His friend thought about it and said, "On the 1st of next month, that is, there will be a food festival here in five days. He will definitely attend, and Flenna will also attend. At that time, I can introduce you. Why, you Do you have any business dealings with him? "

He gritted his teeth and smiled, "It's a bit of a business relationship." There were still a few words he didn't say ~ ~ that guy broke his plan, not only the exchange, but also the conflict.

Luke temporarily resides in a friend's villa, waiting for the food festival to come. He wants to get in touch with Doolin first. If the other person is good at talking, he doesn't mind being friends with Du Lin. But if Du Lin is not a good speaker, he would not mind breaking a big news locally.

Just as Luke started enjoying Irian's leisurely life, Juan on the other side was frantically pumping funds to build cinemas all over the place, and he was also frantically launching acquisitions of some cinemas.

His friends in the Imperial City told him that the Georges had recently negotiated a rough conclusion and could discuss cooperation with Du Lin and him if necessary. With such news, Juan has adjusted almost all the working capital to do this, and even the money for the investment projects in the eighth district has been adjusted. He prepared nearly six million for the operation, and he planned to expand the number of more than one hundred movie theaters originally planned by Dolin to two hundred!

With two hundred or even more theaters in his hands, he can definitely occupy an active position in the next cooperation negotiations and even be on an equal footing with the George family. As for what happened to Du Lin, that was not his concern anymore. When Du Lin betrayed him, they were no longer the same.

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