Cosma Empire

Chapter 245: Loan [2]

"I'm sorry, I'll take a call!", The governor of the Imperial Bank of the Irian region smiled apologetically, stood up and walked to his desk, picked up the phone and put it in his ear. He didn't speak, but just finished the whole conversation with "um" and "OK". When he put the phone down, he went to the small sofa group of the visitor to sit down and gave Du Lin a cigarette.

As a super-large customer with tens of millions of deposits in the Imperial Bank of China, the branch president of Irian's side, James, really treats Du Lin as his master. At the festival, he also arranges sweet-looking female receptionists to give Du Lin some gifts, or invite him to participate in activities organized by the bank.

If you think of the empire as a person, then banks are blood vessels everywhere in the body, and the rich and the money in their pockets are blood.

This time Du Lin came to the bank to take into account that there may be a large amount of cash in and out of the bank, so he must communicate with the president of this branch in advance. The imperial central bank has been implementing the margin system. The Irian region is considered to be a developed region, which is between first-tier cities and second-tier cities. According to the classification of the central bank, it is also a secondary bank. At the settlement date, the cash and deposits flowing in the bank must be equal to 50% of the total amount saved by depositors in the Irian region. It may be about 50 million, which may be a little more or a little less.

The reason why it is not 100% is because the central bank has the ability and confidence to suppress those large depositors and persuade them to give up the idea of ​​hurting each other's feelings. As for other "retailers", even if they add up, they cannot shake the margin of the secondary bank. . This system has been implemented for hundreds of years without any problems, so to this day, this somewhat old-fashioned plan is still being implemented.

Of course, in order to face some problems that may arise, the Imperial Bank has also formulated another set of rules, that is, the entry of large amounts must be communicated in advance. Whether saving or withdrawing, you must first greet the bank, especially withdrawing. Without advance notice, the bank has the right to refuse depositors to take away the deposits in the bank, even if the money does not belong to the bank.

When James heard that Doolin might have a big move recently, he complained a little. If the money did not return in the end, his year-end performance would not be very good, because he "lost" tens of millions of cash to the bank. Yes, it's a loss, nothing else. The money that the depositors store in the bank is not put in the bank as they say, but it is used by the bank for investment or loan. Suddenly withdrawing 10 million, it means that it is somewhere sometime There is a project with about 10 million funds to be put on hold temporarily, for which the bank will lose a foreseeable "profit".

Since there is a loss, someone must be responsible for it, and this person is James.

"May I ask, where are you going to use this money?" James asked the secretary to cut two apples for them and cut them into petals. He pushed the fruit tray near Du Lin with a smile on his face. There were wrinkles.

If this money would flow into the imperial central banks in other regions, his responsibilities would be lightened, at most, a verbal criticism, and he needs to figure out the situation.

Du Lin didn't have anything to hide, he just said, "I intend to increase investment in the construction of theaters, I think you should have heard the news recently spread.", Saying that Du Lin looks a little arrogant. He chuckled, "My contact with the George family seems to be going quite smoothly. In order to fight for more benefits, so ..."

James has heard of this. Trust companies in any field are the most respected customers of the Imperial Bank. If Du Lin can really do this, then the head office is likely to raise Du Lin's customer level authority to the highest level. The customer's level is not announced. Only some people inside the bank know that if Du Lin's customer level can be mentioned as the highest, it means that he does not need any collateral in the future and can take tens of millions from the bank. loan.

The smile on James's face was even brighter, and he even asked very thoughtfully, "Do you need a loan? For an excellent customer like you, we will provide a large amount of low-interest loans. I think this is more helpful You build merit on the 'battlefield.'

Du Lin shook his head. He took a toothpick and put an apple flap into his mouth. "When I don't feel enough, I will definitely inform you." He said he patted his legs and stood up, from the hanger. I took off my round cap. "Okay, I should leave."

"I send you!"

James stood at the bank's door respectfully watching Du Lin's car disappear on the street. He took a sigh of relief and raised his watch to look at the time. Instead of returning to the bank's office, he drove directly to the car. In a slightly remote BBQ restaurant in District 3. This barbecue restaurant called Demali calf tendon is a bit famous, and local people who like to eat beef know this little restaurant.

In fact, the main target of this restaurant is never rich people, and the beef tendon is not the most suitable place for barbecue, so they are targeted at those of the middle and lower class. Maybe the owner of this store, like so many owners, thinks about their products and mainstream consumers before opening the store, but there are always some unexpected accidents in the process of operation, such as roast beef tendon Inexplicably popular in Irian.

In order to cater to the market, the owner of the Demari calf tendon expanded the store and added a second floor to entertain distinguished guests.

In a compartment on the second floor, James found Juan.

Juan is tinkering with the beef on the plate. There are many tendons on these tendons. People don't like to eat this kind of thing, not to mention that these tendons are more difficult to chew after grilling. If this kind of thing is definitely eaten by the poor in the south or north, most people in Yilian love to eat it.

"This **** weather!" James, who just got out of the car, couldn't stand the sweltering environment in the room. He touched the wall, and it was not as cold as he thought, and he couldn't help complaining. "Next time you have to change places, This is only suitable for winter. "

Juan smiled and said nothing. He pointed to the opposite chair and let James sit down, and the two quickly put their energy into the hot beef tendon. These beef can only be eaten when it's hot. It's a little bit cold and it's like eating a piece of tire. The two of them fought for a while before the six-pound beef tendon was wiped out. They took a sip of flower tea and they all became Be content.

James and Juan are old acquaintances. There is no sense of strangeness or distance. James asks, scratching his teeth, "I ate something and I drank tea. Now I know what it is like you called me here Will you tell me? "

Juan didn't cover up and said directly, "I want a loan!"

"Loan?" James stopped all the small gestures in his hands. He looked at Juan in surprise, and asked whether the other party was sick. Juan still has more than 4 million money in the bank. He still wants a loan? This means that what he needs is not three or five million or one or two million, but more.

Honestly, if someone says that they want a loan and the amount is huge, James should be happy. For example, he took the initiative to talk to Du Lin about this, but Juan said he was not so happy to take a loan because they are friends for many years, he knows There are risks in it.

Once Juan is overdue for even a second, the ownership of all his collateral will be transferred, which is equivalent to selling his property to the bank at a relatively low price. For a client like Juan, the bank will give him 80% of the price of the collateral. In fact, 80% of this price will be shrunk by a fraction, up to 75%. Seventy-two, this is the rules of the bank.

An East-West bank valued at one hundred yuan is generally priced no higher than ninety-two yuan after evaluation, and then calculates 80% of the price, which is more than seventy-three yuan. But if Juan wants to redeem these properties, he will have to pay at least 90 to 100 yuan for it, and he won't even get it back in the end. Many people make it difficult to redeem their own things with huge loans, and not all investment projects can be realized quickly under the rolling of huge interest.

This is a big bet, bet on a future with your own property!

Thinking of this, James shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm pushing loans to others, others don't, and people who I don't want to push, actively seek me out ... well, how much do you want?"

Juan sensitively captured the meaning of James ’s sentence. He knew that James ’s push loan was definitely not a small loan of hundreds or thousands, and it was definitely an equally amazing number that could be compared with him. He couldn't help asking: "Who are you talking about?"

James hesitated ~ ~ still decided to disclose it to Juan, because it really has something to do with Juan, "It's Du Lin, when you called, he was communicating with me about the withdrawal, I tried to sell him a loan business, but he refused. "

"Can I know how much money he will take this time?"

James shook his head. "I told you this matter has violated the bank's regulations, so ..." He shrugged, "Anyway, it's an amazing amount."

Juan fell into silence. Of course, he knew why Doolin suddenly took out all the deposits because the Georges' family slackened. It is said that someone will come to discuss cooperation with them soon, and by the way, they will have to examine what they have. Those theater lines. There will be no fools in this world. Do you say that you have more than a hundred cinema people in your hands to believe? The more important matters, the stricter the scrutiny in all aspects.

Just like this time discussing the matter of cooperation, it has been a week since Du Lin put forward the idea, and they have made a decision, which shows that these people are cautious about this matter.

Thinking of this, Juan sighed in his chest and whispered, "How much do you think my bar and workshop can be worth?"

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