Cosma Empire

Chapter 247: Food Festival [1]

"Miss, I have found out. Mr. Durin once spent some time in Tener City. He came to settle in Irian more than half a year ago ..."

When Nasha heard the word "Tennell", her head buzzed, and she would never forget everything she had encountered in Tenell.

John was married three times, and each marriage brought him a child. He has three children, two boys and a girl. It may be that the relationship between the two children in front of him is very bad because of the unsuccessful marriage. His daughter left the house after he was an adult. He became a couple and married with the steel tycoon's second son while studying. When I went home to see John, the contact was quite rare, and the relationship between father and daughter was very poor.

The eldest son, Nasa's father, left the family after John's first marriage ended, when he was only sixteen. He always thought that John had abandoned his mother because he was in love with Mei Se and married a young girl. This was a betrayal to the family, so he left the house without a doubt and went out alone. He goes to school while working as a temporary worker, and his academic performance is very good. He can get a full scholarship every year.

In the process of studying, I also met my favorite woman, and got married to give birth to Nasha. After marriage, Nasha's father became a teacher and taught in the school where he had studied. If nothing unexpected happened in his life, it should change after John's death. As John's eldest son, he will inevitably inherit a large amount of property that belongs to him, as well as industry and power.

The problem lies here. John's third marriage was for a very young actress. This young woman likes to play. Even during pregnancy, she often plays until midnight or even in the morning. She also has a smoking habit and often drinks. The age gap and John's growing age have left him with less energy to restrain his third wife, which has led to her fragile and sick children. This problem is not a big problem for big families like the George family. They have enough money and resources to make up for the children's birth defects.

Just as Juan's son Cullen thought that some of the money in Juan's pocket belonged to him, John's brothers and sisters also believed that the George family's wealth was half theirs. In particular, John, the youngest child around John, developed the same temperament as most children in rich families. After being unwilling to do anything other than eating, drinking, and having fun, their desire to control family wealth and power increased.

Under such circumstances, John took the initiative to find Nasha's father, hoping that he could return to the family to share some of his work, and at the same time, he could deter family members with unrealistic fantasies. A teacher who almost never relied on the family and had conflicts with his father had his own edict. He rejected John's request and insisted that he had nothing to do with the George family. He even changed his last name to his mother. To cut off the connection between each other.

In order to prevent Nasha from being harassed and affected, he sent Nasha to his mother's hometown of Aldo, avoiding John. Unknown to the truth, Nasha does not know that she is one of the heirs of a billion family, she thinks that she is just a child of an ordinary teacher. One more thing happened during this period. Nasha's mother fell down when she was five months pregnant for the second time. The situation was very serious at that time, and symptoms of shock had already appeared.

But Nasa's father didn't have enough money in his pocket for his wife to get the best treatment, so he had to pick up the phone and contact the last person he wanted to see, John.

Since then, the two have made contact and have maintained this connection. It may be that he felt his father's growing oldness and sorrow, and his hatred of ten or twenty years was unknowingly resolved. He finally accepted his father's request and returned to the George family.

It's like a playbook of dog blood. Arthur, who grew up in the toast of his uncles and uncles all day, was full of hostility in the face of his brother who suddenly came in. His uncles and uncles told him that if his brother could not be kicked out, half of his future possessions would be given to his brother. Arthur, who had never done anything serious, began to work hard, and with the help of some uncles and uncles, he began a "brave and brave" struggle with Nasa's father.

The whole family was filled with smoke, and at this time, Nasha returned to the family ...

I never imagined that Nasa with this level of identity was almost going to collapse. She felt that her whole life was a scam. Everyone was hurting her, deceiving her, and she was more autistic and indifferent. .

As the first immediate family member of the third generation, Nasa received much more attention than his father received, and even attracted a lot of firepower for her father.

Until John sent her to Irian, in addition to letting her down, she was also trying to avoid being targeted by family members.

But she had no idea that she had left the vortex center, and she came across the word that reminded her of the most painful thing in life-Tener!

But in the faint Nasa had a feeling that Doolin must have something to do with his own experience. She knew for sure that she hadn't seen Doulin, and it was impossible to talk to him, but the familiar voice lingered in her ears for a long time, as if ... he had heard his voice somewhere.


"I'm going to the food festival tomorrow, you help me prepare.", Nasha is a brave girl, otherwise it would not be possible to go to school alone in a strange place like Theodore. Since she is confused, then go Solve this confusion. And as one of the main parties in the original incident, she thought there were too many unreasonable things in it, and she wanted to know the truth.

Kris was strange about Nasha's sudden request to participate in the food festival. She also said this before. The city hall and Alexander had invited Nasha, and she was rejected one by one. But now suddenly I want to go, is there anything in it? Kris thought about the possibility behind Nasha's change of attitude, and agreed with a sip.

After a period of publicity, the Food Festival has had a certain effect. Judging from the sudden increase in the number of passengers in these days, it is necessary to continue this event. The City Hall is very satisfied. If the food festival finally ends successfully, the word-of-mouth effect of these tourists will become the focus of publicity and attract more tourists to Ilian. Alexander is also very satisfied. As the organizer of the food festival, he has also received enough attention, which has created a good condition for him to expand the hotel industry from the Irian region.

The colorful flags fluttered early the next morning, and colorful balloons flew in the sky. The cruise ship docked at the port unloaded the full-loaded tourists and left immediately, leaving the location to allow the cruise ships already waiting offshore to unload tourists.

Du Lin holds a small bowl in his hand. The bowl is filled with some strange things. These things are oval, orange, the size of a small finger. Through the extremely thin outer walls, you can see that there is a small fish that has been formed inside. Swimming. This is a deep-sea fish roe. It doesn't need any sauce to indulge in it. When the bite breaks through the outer wall, the extremely delicious juice immediately explodes, and you can feel something beating on the tip of the tongue.

This caviar costs five yuan per ounce, and although it is delicious, not everyone can afford it.

"Too many people!" Du Lin sighed. Originally, it was only Alexander's whim, but with the help and promotion of the City Hall, the effect has now exceeded the limit that Alexander could imagine. Obviously, tomorrow's mainstream newspaper will definitely report the grand occasion of the Irian Food Festival, which is also one of the achievements of the city hall.

Freina nodded beside Du Lin, she pressed her head against the pale blue sunhat, and the green veil was blown away by the sea breeze, revealing her white ankles. The film crew did not take a vacation, and the location of the filming was on the beach. This was what Du Lin promised to Arizona, for which Alexandria paid 50,000 yuan.

With her eyes brightening, she pointed to the crowd surrounded by layers of distant crowds. "Look, it's a big stomach game!"

Du Lin looked in the direction she was pointing at, and at first glance she saw a huge belly, and Alexander, the master of the huge belly. The guy's mouth couldn't be closed, and he stood on the stage and presided over the first game.

Anyone can participate in the competition of Big Stomach King without any cost. The game eats a kind of sausage made of fish meat. From the perspective of cost control, is much cheaper than bread. There are already ten contestants behind the long table. These people are tourists from all parts of the empire. They may feel that they are more edible, so they try to challenge the "Title" of Big Stomach King.

In order to make this event a success, Alexander was also racking his brains. He opened a total of nine event platforms. In addition to the big stomach king competition, there are also bucket belly games. The contestants who have been awarded the title can enjoy free hotel stay for fifteen days. They can be disassembled or connected together, and they can stay at any time during the year. More importantly, each champion has a prize of 30,000 yuan!

If there is something that doesn't require hard work, you just need to eat something delicious and drink something delicious to make a lot of money, then these are undoubtedly these games.

"Want to try it?" Du Lin asked casually. He had heard of two things in his dream, and didn't know the truth.

The first thing is that girls who look very thin tend to eat very well, and their stomachs can hold at least ten pounds of food.

The second thing is that those girls who say they can't drink are often very drinkable. It is rare to serve a cup, but each time they are destined to be alone.

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