Cosma Empire

Chapter 251: Seek skin [1]

More than half a million?

Many, many ordinary families don't talk about a lifetime, that is, less than 500,000 yuan in three lifetimes. But this money is not much in Luke's eyes. His mining area only needs more than two months to produce various types of ore with a total value of about half a million. Although half a million was not much to him, it represented his face. It wasn't the money that he was distressed about, but the decentness swept by Du Lin. So he came to Ilion with a person in order to get back his decentness.

He considered that Irian was not his own small kingdom after all, and he did too much, maybe the City Hall would interfere, so his idea was simple. As long as Du Lin made an apology in public, it was over, and he did n’t even plan to do that. Too. As for asking too much, he also considered it. After all, he was the victim of the incident, because the other party directly attacked the crew members with mean methods, which caused the film to lose its original meaning, so he asked for it. It makes sense, at least he thinks so.

But what he didn't expect was that this guy named Dulin was running such a large project, and Luke couldn't help but get excited when he thought of the word trust. No matter how powerful the movie, the famous women, and the big box office income, they will never be more influential and social status as a trust business partner!

He wants to buy shares. He has never been so determined to do something, now he has.

In the face of Luke's request, Du Lin leaned still on the sofa, looking up at the delicate chandeliers hanging on the ceiling. It seemed that he was thinking, and he was very unhappy thinking, Luke was vague. Seeing his eyelids twitching. But only Du Lin himself knew that he was doing this to hold back the laugh, so much that he laughed at other faces and couldn't hold it.

Never heard of someone running thousands of miles just to go bankrupt. If the rich people of this world have such determination and perseverance, why not build a utopia as philosophers say?

It took him a while to hold his face down and look down at Luke. There was a dangerous glow in his eyes, and Luke was familiar with it, and he had it. He had also considered before that if Du Lin refused to join him, he would compromise Du Lin with some means that did not reach the surface, but when he saw this look, he knew that things were not as simple as he imagined.

This is actually true. The rich who dare to directly create a car accident to send their "competitors" to hospitalization are definitely not fuel-saving lamps. He had a headache at this time. If he knew earlier that there was such a good project in Du Lin's hands, he wouldn't have come back with a strong team like today to get justice. He should be sincere Come through this little misunderstanding and partner with Du Lin.

When Luke thought that Du Lin would reject his proposal, Du Lin frowned and said something that made him overjoyed, "I have invested a lot in the previous period. If you want to blend in, it is not three or five million. That's enough! "

With this sentence, Luke almost jumped up happily. An exaggerated smile suddenly appeared on his face again, and he took the initiative to move his buttocks over to Du Lin. "I also know a little about what you are doing. How much do you think is appropriate? "

As a "starter", Luke has gotten rid of his original obsession with money. Under his little kingdom, he does n’t even know how much wealth is waiting for the workers to dig. In his opinion, money is equal to time. As long as there is sufficient time, there will be sufficient money. What he lacks is not money, but status!

Du Lin did not answer this question, but asked: "Mr. Luke, how much do you think you should pay? I always envelope a sentence, how much money, how much things, it all depends on you!"

Luke's face was a little more serious. He put his hand on his thigh, and a scum of soil almost hit his face. He nodded slowly, thinking about his current assets and liquidity. What Du Lin said is very clear. He has less money and more money, which is definitely a golden opportunity.

Good projects often exist, but the problem is that the people who own those projects may not take you to play. Luke considered it for a long time and gave an answer that he can currently accept-six million.

That's not all he has, but it's already a big part in terms of liquidity. He has made a lot of money through mining over the years, and this money was used for the infrastructure construction of the small kingdom in the early days, which cost a lot. Later, it was used for his personal profligacy. Until now, the liquidity in his hands was actually six or seven million. Taking out so much at once meant that there would be difficulties in funding for a long time to come.

But it doesn't matter. Once Du Lin's work is done, it means that he will create a gold mine that he can never dig!

This is worth it!

Du Lin didn't expect that Luke dared to invest so much in one breath. To know that they were not familiar at all, this was the first time they met, and even before that there were some contradictions and conflicts between the two. Under such circumstances, Luke dare to take out so much money, which proves two points. First, he is not afraid to swallow the money and run away; second, he attaches great importance to status and prestige, which has exceeded the importance of money.

Although he didn't understand why Luke considered reputation and status so important, he was so generous that Du Lin felt a bit troublesome. No matter how much these rich people value the manifestation of the value of money, they will not let others spend their wealth. After so much money comes in, they will definitely arrange a series of personnel relations to stare at the use of this money. , Will also stare at Du Lin's next work. If he finds out that he's just pretending to be a pretender, the problem is serious.

Now it's Du Lin's turn to start thinking, should you refuse him? At first, he thought that Luke could only get one million or two million, and he could completely refuse to participate in the company's operations on the grounds of trade secrets. But when the money reached a certain number, he couldn't open the mouth!

Doolin was thinking, and Luke was also a bit nervous. He didn't think of going over Doolin himself to directly contact the George family. After all, this is a brand new project. No one is allowed to enter only these three. When he returned, he tried to call Ms. Kris, and Kris was connected, but the answer made him speechless. The other party said that if he had this idea, please contact the George family directly ...

Who to contact?

These capitalists are really not good!

After thinking for a long time, Du Lin finally smiled on his face. He stood up, and Luke stood up immediately. Du Lin reached out his hand and said with a smile, "Why refuse? This is for me and for you. It ’s a very good thing. Greater capital means we can do more things, and we can take a more active position in the face of the George family. It is a good thing to win more benefits. "

Luke immediately grinned and grinned, stretched out two hands and held tightly with Dulin, and shook it hard, "That's what I want to say!"

The two loosened their hands, and Du Lin didn't go on. He took out a cigarette and put it on his mouth. The dog leg butcher behind Luke ran over and ignited Du Lin. After smoking a cigarette, the cigarette passed through the lungs, and Du Lin's thinking became clearer. "Since we decided to cooperate, there is no need for this company before me. You pay to apply for a new company, The capital injection will be filled according to the six million you said, and I will use the assets of the company I currently own as funds and merge it into your company, and allocate power according to the proportion of capital injection by both parties. What do you think? "

Luke nodded strongly, "I think so too!"

"Okay, you should contact your personal legal counsel and financial adviser as soon as possible. If there is no other objection, we will sign the agreement the following morning."

Luke stood up and sent Du Lin to him as he walked and said, "No problem at all!"

The two shook hands outside the villa. The atmosphere was very harmonious. Luke even offered to ask Du Lin to find a wonderful place to relax and unwind. Unfortunately, Du Lin had other things. After watching Du Lin's car leave, Luke smashed his fist with an excited smile on his face.

He knew about it and still listened to his friends. In the morning, he swept away the woman named Frena and slaped her, leaving the scene of the food festival. When she returned, her breath was almost gone. Although he is sometimes impulsive and reckless, it does not mean that he has no brain. Originally he was the reasoning party ~ ~ but just because he made a move in one go that he didn't think was too great, the result made him a little unreasonable.

After finding a friend and understanding Du Lin in more detail, he found that he almost missed the biggest opportunity in his life.

What is a movie?

What is a female star?

No more, give it to him!

This loss Luke has not seen yet.

Luke glanced at the dog leg next to him and ordered, "Go and buy some gifts and flower baskets for Miss Flena and ask for forgiveness. The things must be good. Do you understand?" It was squeezed out of the nasal cavity, and the dog's legs immediately knew that it was a big boss and was a little dissatisfied. He smiled bitterly and promised to make things beautiful, and returned when he didn't do well.

Serving these moody rich people is a very painful thing. It may be that he praised you as a personal talent the first second, and slaps it into his face the next second. What is more depressing is that whether it is praise or scolding, It's for the same thing.

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