Cosma Empire

Chapter 258: Little baby [2]

According to the usual understanding of the Irian travel season, this time has come to the last period of the travel season. After two months, this year's travel season will completely end and usher in the winter break this year. Some travel goods on the roadside have begun to actively lower prices, and service fee standards in some service industries have also been lowered. Even Alexandria's hotel room rates have also fallen by 10%. This is the last two months of the year when they can make money, so these businesses have begun to consider selling as much of the liquidity as possible in order to deal with the big outbreak in the first month of the coming travel season.

However, some people will choose to travel around in the relatively low season, which can save a lot of money, and at the same time do not need to face the crowd of tourists, you can easily treat leisure as a real tourist.

In the early morning, a cruise ship came to the shore slowly, and after a night of sleep, the tourists slept with a three-pointed expression, dragging the suitcase, and numbly disembarked from the ramp with the stranger in front. Maybe they don't know if they are going to disembark in this place, and their brains are still awake, and all their actions are completely imitated and directed.

In the crowd, a young girl protected her belly and carefully disembarked.

"The air is really fresh and unique. The only pity is that we booked the boat tickets a little late. If we were able to participate in the first food festival held a week earlier, I heard that we eat at the food festival. You do n’t need any money. If you can eat it, you can participate in their various competitions. Not only you have money, you also have all kinds of benefits! ”The boy carefully protects the girl with his body and keeps others away from them.

Sometimes he has a large range of movements, which will also disturb the people around him, but those who are disturbed always smile at them. This is a young couple. People are always more tolerant of beautiful things than Faced with ugly things so much.

Holding the bulging belly, the girl stepped off the pallet on the roadside, stepping on the soft sand and blowing the sea breeze, she immediately felt better. For more than half a year, she has been living a very depressing life. Even if people can see a certain primitive movement again, unmarried and pregnant first is a terrible restricted area. You can have a rotten private life, and you can have men from all over the city come and patronize. People will not blame any other than swearing a **** or two.

Especially after the rise of the feminist movement, the moment when the first sentence of the emperor's equal right shouted from the feminist fighter, the world quietly changed. Especially among young people, it has become much more open. It used to be that I could always see young boys behind girls, but now often I can spend a happy night just looking at the right eye-maybe sometimes not so happy, there are always people who have natural regrets.

But unmarried pregnancies are definitely forbidden! This will be condemned by the morals and stigmatized by people. This is a funny joke. The mistakes made by two people must be carried by a woman. Perhaps this is growth, this is equal rights, this is progress!

Alyssa has been bearing strange eyes and strange rumors. She didn't want to give birth to this child, but it was too late when she found out. Either face the risky operation to take out this little life, or give birth to him. Come down. When Alyssa first felt that the life born in her belly was breathing with her and beating together, her hesitant heart made a decision that was difficult for other girls to make.

She wanted to give birth to this child, she refused her mother's request, and even broke the relationship, she also gave birth to her own child. Yes, this is her child, not anyone, only her!

The boy next to her was a subordinate in her father's work unit, and temporarily asked him to play the role of Alyssa's husband, so that they could block the malicious mouths and tongues. I don't know if I felt Alisa's special determination and her optimism and strongness. This young man named Dave gradually developed an affection for Alyssa until he became admired. He was pursuing Alyssa. Lisa has never decided whether to accept the man.

I heard that Irian organized a food festival this time. Her father asked Dave to accompany Alyssa to travel around Irian. By the way, it was a match for two people.

"It's quite windy here, shall we go to the hotel first?" Dave stood on the pallet and stretched out his hand, trying to pull Alysa, but Alysa did not reach out. It seemed that Dave had adapted to this embarrassment. He smiled indifferently and carried the suitcase behind Alyssa. The two registered a room each and then rested for a while, then began to play.

Alyssa's father, Mr. Bain, is now the director of the State Transportation Bureau, which oversees the state's regional transportation bureaus. No one expected that an insignificant department would soon have great power and oil and water. Especially after the new transportation law had been submitted to the Imperial Parliament, the Transportation Bureau became a hit all of a sudden. As more and more vehicles are on the road, it means that more and more people and what they do need to be supervised and supervised by the Transportation Bureau. There is too much to say.

So Mr. Bain's family resumed liveliness again, which was why Mrs. Bain didn't break out at last. Vanity made her resurrected with blood and made her forget something.

The two walked along the most lively place next to the beach, bought some small things, and ate some food unique to the coastal area. When they stopped a little, Dave suddenly pointed at the buildings on the sea cliff and exclaimed. "Look, is that a scenic spot? Or is it a private residence?"

Du Lin's manor on the cliff is a bit bluffing. After all, 350,000 yuan is not a white flower, it must have a little value and meaning.

Alyssa looked in the direction Dave pointed, her eyes flickered, and there was a place like a fairy tale in the sun. The white façade and the glass mirror reflecting the sunlight let the whole building shine.

"Or else, let's see how we go?" Dave saw the longing in Alyssa's eyes and offered an idea.

After a little hesitation, Alyssa shook her head. "It's obviously someone else's home, and it's vain to go."

Dave had to stop, and when he came to Illian, he realized how backward and poor the Cannes and Theodore were. This is like another world. The latest cars are on the road, and luxury cars are everywhere. Pedestrians on the road are also very well-dressed. He is very doubtful whether the rich people are living here, or that the rich people are willing to live here.

"Let's go back, it's time for lunch." Alyssa looked back and started walking back, Dave followed.

At this time, Du Lin was sitting with Scott and talking about the mall. The total investment will not be less than 8 million, and it may be necessary to invest some funds later. This is a lot of money, and Scott thinks that it is impossible for Doolin to take it out, unless he stops everything at hand and draws out all the funds, but that is obviously impossible. Until now, he and Juan were fighting, and no one could retreat.

However, what surprised Scott was that Du Lin actually nodded. "Give me two months. After two months, the funds will be received. We can sign another agreement. If I can't do it, I will take it. One million will be given to the City Hall as liquidated damages. This can be written in the agreement. "

Scott froze, and looked at Doulin very puzzled, like asking you where to get that much money. He didn't say this, just nodded his head, "I know, I will talk to the mayor about this, but I can't be the master of what to do!"

Du Lin got up and sent Scott to leave. Standing outside the door of the manor, he stayed for a long time before returning to the house. The next thing to see was whether Mr. Luke could take the initiative.

As long as Luke has greed in his mind, Doolin will actively create all opportunities for him, even if he does not have greed, Doolin will create it for him. Once you can get out of it, all the layouts can be closed during this time.

Just finished eating at noon ~ ~ A guest who did not think of Du Lin rang the doorbell of the manor. It was the Guarth who lost his wife's life in the hands of Old Fowles. After the house, he stood silently in front of Du Lin, saying a long time, "I want to do something for you!"

Du Lin shook his head without even thinking about it. He looked at the man trying to argue and raised his hand to stop him. "I'm not distrusting you or believing in what you can do, but now you really don't It ’s too good to do things for me. It has nothing to do with loyalty and ability, because you still have a child! I ca n’t let your family lose its last dependence, what will happen to your child if something happens?

The man was obviously blinded when he said this from Du Lin's mouth, and there was an awkward expression on his face, because he had never considered himself and his child's problems. After that, he confined himself in the room and thought about it for two days, without eating or drinking, and the whole person was about to collapse. Just then he wanted to understand.

If the world can't give you justice and is full of malice towards you, then use your fist to fight back fiercely!

Being a good and honest person won't make you like you so much, but being a bad person will definitely make people afraid of you, and he knows what to choose.

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