Cosma Empire

Chapter 268: TV [3]

No doubt, this is the source of the danger James felt. He knew that it was a warning from Doolin. Even Doolin had guessed that he was going to call Juan, so he sent someone to cut his telephone line. He slowly put the phone back in place, and it happened that his wife came to his study with fruit. His wife is a native, ten years younger than James, he is beautiful, and he has two children. For his wife James always gives her the best thing, whether she wants it or not, she will give her everything she can.

He loves his wife and his children very much. He loves this family and everything, and he doesn't want to lose these wonderful things!

"Your face doesn't look good, are you tired?" After his wife put down the fruit plate, he walked behind him and pinched his shoulders vigorously. "If you are tired, take a break and take a break. Take your time, don't let your body down, we all count on you! "

James closed his eyes and enjoyed his wife's rubbing. He sighed sighily, raised his hand and touched the smooth back of his wife. "Then these days, I will explain the work tomorrow morning, and then take a break. Do you want to travel? "

A negative hum was squeezed out of his wife's nasal cavity, a bit coquettish, James liked the voice, "If you go out for a trip, you will waste a lot of money. Besides, Irian is the most famous tourist city in the Empire. Do we want Going to the countryside where dust and dirt are everywhere? Just rest at home! "She thought of it as soon as she let go of her hand," Yes, did you hear that? There is a coffee shop on Dawn Avenue. Dude is burned to death. "

"What's going on?", James was awake for a moment, he turned to look at his wife sideways, "Is it an accident?"

He is suddenly particularly sensitive to these deaths. When he heard the death of a guy in a coffee shop, he immediately associated with a rumor about Du Lin. It is said that he would appear on dawn Avenue every morning at more than six o'clock. In a coffee shop, read a newspaper, have a bite to drink a cup of coffee, and then leave. He had only met Du Lin at night, and there was no way he could not think of that person, a man who was very helpful in his friends' mouths.

This friend of James is a member of the staff of the City Hall. He said that Doolin also mentioned it casually, and there was nothing specific. It seems to be talking about something related to the fifth district. At the time, James didn't care. At this time, I don't know how to suddenly remember it, and immediately felt that it could all be connected into a line.

His wife said it all in a curious tone.

It is said that the buddy has to work a long time every day, and he feels weak every day, but he works hard enough and there is no mistake, so the owner of the coffee shop did not fire him. After getting home from work the night before yesterday, he was probably exhausted. He accidentally fell asleep on the kitchen table while cooking and eating, ignoring what was burning on the stove and left unattended, and a fire broke out.

The buddy was burned to death at home on the spot. Both the fire station and the police station have explored. No accidents were found. The team decided to determine the nature of the case and left.

This matter was almost over until now. Whoever thought that buddy's parents had a trouble, they also found the workers' union. After discussing with the workers' union, they decided to take the lead in this matter. They believed that the tragedy caused by the coffee shop owner treats the employees. Although the coffee shop owner does not need to bear the primary responsibility, the secondary responsibility is there, and this is the According to the request, the coffee shop owner was required to bear some responsibility for the dude's death, two thousand yuan.

Now both sides have hired lawyers to settle the dispute through the courts, and many people are discussing this matter and possible consequences.

The muscles on James's face twitched uncontrollably. He chuckled softly to delay the real fluctuations in his heart. "So I often say that if you need to leave while cooking, be sure to turn off the fire!"

His wife nodded and said yes, but also gave a small counterattack. "But in the end it is because he is too tired. If he is not so tired, such a tragedy will not happen, so I hope you can take a good rest , Go nowhere at home, sleep for a few days. "

James squeezed his wife's hand and nodded hard. "Okay, I'll listen to you."

He never thought about calling Juan, nothing!

"Good job this time!" Du Lin returned home and hung his coat on a hanger, glanced at the Buddha who was playing cards with others in the living room and praised him.

This time Dufo really dealt with this matter with heart. Du Lin didn't want to know what the process was, he just needed the result. And the result is very satisfying to him, what is even more satisfying is that the labor union has been arbitrarily engaged in a lawsuit with the coffee shop owner, completely removing people's attention from the death of that guy, and now no one is paying attention to that. Is there any doubt about the death of the guy, only concerned about the process and outcome of this lawsuit.

Dufo grinned, and soon focused on poker. They do not have any chips or bets, they are just a way to pass the time. Du Lin looked at the group of dedicated people, smiled and shook his head and went up the spiral ladder. After a while, I'm afraid they let them play cards, and they didn't have the heart to play cards.

Du Lin came back from the imperial capital to order three monochrome video players, saying that white is the TV of another world, but the TV here seems to have black technology, and the development is a bit off the track of another world. Before the cable TV station appeared, there had already been something similar to video tapes. This thing is integrated with a black and white TV. The TV itself cannot receive any TV signals, and there is no line interface. To play, you must buy tape.

Joshua told him that a monochrome video player required 1,200 pieces, and that those tapes that recorded movies cost 30 dollars each. Now major distribution companies and producers are crazy. Fill with new tape. Despite the high price, it still attracted the attention of many rich people. It is said that the output of the first month has been fully booked, and the people waiting in line to pick up the goods have already lived at the door of the factory.

And the new sale that Du Lin thought of was this!

In terms of theaters, the giant family, the George family, is a stumbling block. The so-called cooperation is actually unreliable. If Juan thought they were sitting at a negotiating table with hundreds of cinemas in their hands, they would sit on the negotiating table to discuss the conditions with the people of the George family, it can only be said that his dream of getting rich has not yet woke up. For a giant like the Georges, they may have a more real idea of ​​acquiring these resources in the hands of Juan. Would they be willing to let them divide the economic and political benefits that can be expected in the future into these old hats?

Surely not. That is the George family, not a little rich man. Their influence in the political field is definitely the first person in the media. How could it be compromised? Even if they abandon the industry, they will not be able to share their interests with Juan and Luke "little rich men". Every trust is not a good person. If they are good people, many people will not go bankrupt and go homeless!

Although this emerging business cannot be done, Turin sees another industry, which is the future television media. He has heard before that the Imperial Academy of Sciences has made qualified products on the assembly line, but it has not been released. Maybe this can also explain why there is something similar to a video player synthesized on TV-they need content!

If there is not enough content, who will waste money to buy something worthless and meaningless?

And this just provides a completely new development direction for Du Lin, and this development direction also has great potential. Once television, which can satisfy almost everyone's entertainment requirements, is popularized, the earliest media will definitely be swallowed up into a giant. Maybe these TVs can't access the limited signal at present, but Du Lin thinks that this day will not wait too long, after all, the interest is to promote technological progress.

As for how to do it now, he had an idea, first set up a TV station, and then hired some actors to perform some shows. To put it plainly, it was to record in advance, and then sell the recorded tape to all users who own the TV at a cost price. Compared to those movies and operas that have been replayed countless times, this content that is closely following the times and different from each issue can definitely attract the attention of most people. UU 看书

People who can spend 1,200 yuan for a TV don't care about paying a dozen or more yuan a week for a tape with a lot of fresh content.

More importantly, in this industry, there has not yet appeared a trust with a strong dominance. It can even be said that Du Lin did not even have an opponent! At that time, he could even work with the George family to broadcast the news in an imaging way!

Those publishing companies also have to come to him to cooperate and provide packaging business. With the benefits of advertisers, Du Lin can already imagine how big this cake is!

Once he has numerous inertial users with strong viscosity, these people will naturally become his most loyal customers when he establishes a wireless or cable TV station, and his potential political influence will also be greatly improved. If those politicians want to publicize their political aspirations and ideals in these middle-to-high-class families with televisions and stable jobs, which constitute the most important part of society, they must pay fees to Du Lin and have a good relationship with Du Lin. relationship!

It can be expected that in the future, Doolin may also become a giant like the George family. He firmly controls the industry. All practitioners need to look at his face and act!

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