Cosma Empire

Chapter 297: Joy [two]

A city, a city with a population of 8 million, will never lack those who are full of ambition and unwilling to be ordinary. These people resolutely choose to start a business with the desire for dreams and the pursuit of ideals. No capital? It doesn't matter. The Imperial Bank provides loan services. As long as you have something you can get, even a desk, the bank will value these things and then give a fair price.

Of the many collaterals, with the exception of the few antiques, most are real estate. Starting a business requires money, a lot of money, and nothing seems to be able to raise more mortgages than real estate. If the auction does not involve the Juan's industry, the auction will be held on the dock in the spring of next year. At that time, people in the entire city could participate. It wasn't how close the banks were to the people, but that only ordinary people would be interested in their auctions.

Fortunately, this time there is an industry in Juan, so that we can use Juan's fame to bring so many rich people together. This also gives the bank an opportunity to sell those cheap things for a little more.

The first item was an old pendulum clock, which was appraised by experts as a decoration in the home of a small nobleman during the imperial period. Although it is not worth much, it still has a little value behind it, for example, it is a noble thing.

People say how abominable the aristocracy is, how rotten the aristocracy is, but people have an extremely longing for the aristocracy. Thousands of years of imperial rule has made the "honor" of the aristocracy carved into people's bones, which cannot be easily erased . It ’s a little better in Irian. In the northern cities, the rich have a soft spot for what the nobles used. Even the castles where the nobles live can often sell sky-high prices, and even when they are rich, they may not be able to buy them. To the point.

Banks often hold auctions, so knowing that a proper thermal field can be a good stimulus to the subsequent auction process. Such a clock that was estimated by an expert at 6,000 yuan, and finally sold for 122,000 yuan, can not say how much the premium, but can only say that the bidder bought a satisfaction.

A variety of things followed, of course, the bank also chose to add some things, those things that could not attract the attention of the rich were not taken out, those are the auction after the spring Already.

More than a dozen small plots of land were quickly photographed. For the city of Ilian, everyone agreed that it has great potential. With the groundbreaking of the eighth district, once completed, Ilian will usher in a huge Soaring. Land prices are a barometer of urban economic development and construction. This year's transaction prices have increased by 20% over last year, which is sufficient to illustrate the problem. In addition, the land is not like antiques, and it is not necessarily sold. The land is better than anything. This is an investment.

The auction is not long. It is over two hours later. The host standing on the auction stage is excited to take out the next auction, a manor located outside the outer ring of the second district. The original owner was Juan. This manor is well maintained, after all, he sometimes goes there to rest, so bidders can move in without having to invest a penny.

Many people are interested in this manor, but everyone is hampered by Juan's face, and he is not embarrassed to raise the first card, which will make people feel like a downside move.

Du Lin didn't have so much anxiety. He just raised the sign and didn't allow him to look back at the iron-faced Juan and stabbed him, "You won't blame me? In fact, even if I don't buy, there will be other People bought it. I saw it there last time, the environment is good, and there are some harmless animals around. In autumn, I can hunt nearby, much better than mine. "He turned back with a smile, a little Nor does Juan's expression that he can't wait to eat him.

With Du Lin as an example, everyone soon began to show their cards. At this time, Juan realized that his prestige was far less powerful than he had imagined. He is bankrupt, he is finished, then these people do not need to take care of his face under the leadership of Du Lin, which makes him uncomfortable, but he must stand up.

In the end, the manor was taken by Bill, and he still nodded to thank the other rich people. Most of the rich present had their own estate, but Bill did not. He is engaged in the entertainment industry. His Majesty has three bars and several places where women often sweat and fear heat, and his background is a bit shallower than the one present. But this guy is very sweet-spoken and speaks well, and everyone doesn't look down on him. Anyway, as long as he can fill the pocket with money, who cares where you get the money from?

He won this manor, which is also the result of everyone's intentional concession. Those who have a manor are too lazy to shoot, and those who do not have a manor do not plan to live in someone else's house, and those who are present here are hostile to Juan, except for Bill Dulin. At first, the wine in Bill's Bar came from Juan's workshop. The relationship between the two people was okay. Later, because of a small matter-plainly, the issue of payment was in conflict. From then on, Bill took wine from other people, and Juan has nothing to say.

It was his coincidence to give him this time.

Next, Juan's villas, houses, shops, luxury cars and many luxury goods were auctioned one by one. Many people got what they wanted. It was precisely their aggressive bidding behavior that was even more stinging. Juan's heart. He was so confused for a moment. Was he really so unpopular in Ilian? Why did they fall into disgust, these people hate not to score their industry?

These miscellaneous things are almost auctioned, and finally came to the focus of this auction, that is, Juan's bar and brewery.

Du Lin was the first to raise a card. He had already thought of operating an intelligence network. There is no doubt that the bar is the most suitable place. The place where the most information is traded in the entire empire is in the bar. There are many people here, and sometimes people with secrets in their hearts need to release the pressure, drink more if they do n’t know, and then give the bartender "goodwill" comfort Zhong said what should not be said.

The location of this bar in Juan is very good, just at the intersection of Dawn Avenue and the beach. It can be said that it is the best place, no one.

There were a lot of people bidding for the bar, Alexander also intervened, and Bill. He had been in the bar business for a long time. He has been enthusiastic about this bar in Juan. Now how can he not try to squeeze money into it when the opportunity comes?

Originally, as long as 150,000 bars, I was fired by several people to 730,000. Among them, Juan also held several brands. Unfortunately, people didn't show mercy to him, and he didn't hold his card any more.

After all, Du Lincai was a little rough. Seventy-three won the bar. It is a bit of a loss to say that, but such a good market is no longer able to be solved with money, so the money spent is a bit more, essentially. If you make money, you lose money.

The next step is the highlight of Juan's brewery. When the auctioneer didn't finish the last sentence, Du Lin raised the sign in his hand and shouted peacefully that there was no way to return to the entire auction in a short time. God's price.

"one million!"

The auction house suddenly became silent. Everyone knows that selling wine can make money. Juan itself is an example. But it is too much to call one million when you come up. Some people want to raise their cards, but when they think of Juan's pleading request before, they still don't raise their hands.

Juan also gritted his teeth and raised the sign once, adding 20,000.

Du Lin kept up without hesitation, "1.5 million!"

This price has reached Juan's bottom line, he could not pay more money, and can only look at a few old friends he thinks have the best relationship. The faces of the old friends were in distress, and his eyes were gradually desperate. At this time, Alexander put out a fist, turned his back to Juan, and gestured.

With his eyes bright, Juan raised his sign expressionlessly, "Two million!"

The fist on the back represents ten, which is a well-known thing, but on such occasions it represents a million, and this million gives Juan great confidence, at least he knows that he has not been abandoned by everyone. Confidence returned to his body. Those who abandoned him would also be abandoned by him. Those who were still standing by his side, he vowed to repay the trust of the other party after he turned over.

Next you both fight for me ~ ~ Juan and Du Lin staged a price war, according to the market price will not exceed 1.5 million breweries, I was raised by Juan to 300 Eight hundred thousand.

Faced with such a price, even Du Lin couldn't swallow it in one breath. He looked very unsightly and immediately stood up, sorted out his sword collar, glanced down at Juan with a high angle, and left with a cold hum. Auction house.

This is perhaps the happiest thing in Juan's time. There is nothing more pleasing than seeing Du Lin's stinking face. He knows that he has finally won this round!

He is very grateful to his friends, if it were not for their support, he would not be able to bid more than 2 million more with Du Lin. Although the price is a bit high, is it worth it? As long as we work hard to expand the foreign port market, we still have a profit of more than one million yuan a year. It will take three to five years to pay off these arrears.

After the auction, he wrote three IOUs with the impartiality of bank staff and James, and signed the auction payment slip.

At this moment, 3.8 million cash was transferred to the bank's own account, and the ownership of the brewery was also handed to Juan, which was a joy to everyone.

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