Cosma Empire

Chapter 300: Survey [1]

When Du Lin noticed these people, he subconsciously picked up the newspaper and compared it with others. It was not difficult to find that Clark, the other awkward big man, and Amp, who was a little shorter. If you want to say what is the most powerful intelligence organization in the world, Du Lin thinks that maybe the reporters and special agencies are that they are holding journalist IDs, searching for privacy everywhere in the name of freedom of the press, and then exposing them. Their news is really well-informed. Already.

Look, the newspaper has exposed photos of the frowning Clark and the expressionless Anpu, really thank these people!

"I asked them for their things." Du Lin told the owner of the coffee shop who was delivering the meal, took out three twenty-dollar bills from his pocket, and pressed them under the dish. The coffee shop owner suddenly looked at the newcomers, and Clark and Amp both looked at Dooling.

The atmosphere was a bit weird. I didn't imagine the enthusiasm between the guest and the guest, but some of them could not be killed. The snowflakes around him fell chicly between the two sides, and An Pu laughed after a while. He took out his wallet and took out some change. "Thank you very much for your generosity, but it's unnecessary. We'll bear the cost ourselves. "

Du Lin didn't care if he clicked on the table with his finger, "Accept me." He said he glanced at the coffee shop owner, who suddenly got excited and walked over to collect the sixty dollars under Du Lin's dishes. Up. There are many rumors circulating in Dorian in Irian. Some people say that he is very generous, even if a friend betrays him, he will not care. But there are also some rumors that this person is actually not as generous as he has shown, and he has provoked him, and he does not know how he might die.

Regardless of whether these rumors are true or not, the coffee shop owner is only a lower middle class of society. He has no courage and ability to resist the demands of upper class characters such as Dulin unless he does not want to continue living in the city. .

An Pu didn't emphasize anything when he saw this. He shoved the wallet back into the inner pocket, raised the cup with coffee, and asked, "Do we know each other?"

Du Lin took a sigh of coffee and was not as hot as before. He rolled the newspaper up and turned the news page to them.

Clark cursed, this group of journalists raised by women, really dare to report everything. An Pu also stared at his eyes, and suddenly realized that he stood up this time, crossed the snow and went to Du Lin's side.

Du Lin was sitting, he was standing, he looked down at Du Lin, but there was an illusion of looking up at the mountains, and his mouth was tilted, "You are Mr. Du Lin?"

Du Lin blinked, and stood up, proactively reaching out, with a kind smile, "You are a very intelligent person, as said in those materials, Mr. Anpu." An Pu, who was standing outside the parasol, still with snowflakes falling on her body, asked with a hint: "Should you sit and talk? It's snowing outside."

An Pu looked up at the grey sky and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't like sitting and talking."

An Pu's rejection was also expected by Du Lin. He is not a fool but has extraordinary encounters. He understands the idea of ​​"Pride of Heaven" of An Pu. He must maintain his self-esteem and his own. Sincerely, this is also inevitable. Du Lin released his hand and asked, "When will we meet again?"

Amp looked up at the sky again, "When it's sunny!"

"So ... goodbye!" Du Lin took off his hat a little and showed high education and quality, and An Pu nodded with a smile.

After watching Du Lin leave, An Pu converged the smile on his face and sat next to his companion, his face was a little serious. Du Lin is more troublesome than he thought. If he is either arrogant and blind, he has absolute confidence in himself. If it's the former, perhaps Amp doesn't need to come to Ilian to find the last clue at all, and can directly nail Doulin to this case. But he thinks that what Doulin showed is not arrogance, but an unparalleled confidence, which is terrible enough to affect An Pu's mood for the next job.

Clark's lips wriggled twice, or he asked daringly, "Will it affect our investigation and forensics work?"

An Pu held the coffee and did not drink. His fingers kept sliding along the edge of the cup, and his eyes were fixed on the chair left by Du Lin. "No, he will definitely let us investigate and then look at ours. Joke. This kind of criminals have strong self-esteem. They think that others are not as smart as them, so they don't mind someone investigating him. I have to admit that this Turin is essentially different from the criminals I have seen, and we should pay attention to it. Perhaps this is where his 'fatal flaw' lies! "

It was a pleasant thing to drink a cup of hot coffee and eat something warm in the cold winter morning, but the sudden appearance of Du Lin brought the entire investigation team into a quiet and weird atmosphere.

Du Lin, who was sitting in the car, was still remembering the information about An Pu he had received from Kevin. The Dover in charge looked at Du Lin through the rearview mirror and asked, "Boss, do you want to get rid of it? they?"

Du Lin turned back and shook his head. "It's not the time yet. I'll tell you when I need to do it."

Before starting, Du Lin wanted to see this empire, the world is enough to be a pinnacle character, how far away from himself. Just as Amp commented on Dulin, he was confident of himself.

This sudden snowstorm lasted for more than two days. It would take a long time for the snow to melt. As soon as the snow stopped, Anpu took the two members to the place where Juan jumped off the building. The purpose of his doing this was to attract Doolin's attention, and then ask Clark to go to the police station to check the information of the jewellery registrant, and try to find this person as soon as possible.

Investigating Juan's suicide incident is not purely a blind eye. If Du Lin can be drawn from this case, it will also be a very favorable thing for the investigation team. As long as there are excuses and goals, the upper level still hopes to be able to recover the lost 70 million funds, which gives Anpu more time and more convenience to deepen the opportunity of the criminal Du Lin and his criminal group.

Standing on the roof of the bank building, looking at the white snow, An Pu shook his head. He bypassed where Juan jumped off the building as pointed out by the police and walked to the other side. At this time, the snow was covering. If the snow was forcibly removed, it might destroy the evidence that was not found. Although the snow melts can cause devastating damage to much of the evidence, it is limited after all.

Standing on the edge of the bank building, An Pu poked his head and looked down. A police officer stood in the position where Juan landed on the ground and looked up at An Pu.

He frowned slightly, remembering that there was a record of Juan's death in the official field investigation report, which said that Juan died on the sidewalk. Looking down from the perspective of Anpu himself, it is actually not so easy to die in that position, because jumping from the building will have an inertia, which does not mean that where it jumps out, it must fall in any position. He asked people to find two marijuana bags filled with one hundred and thirty pounds of stuff, one was directly held and dropped, and the other was sprinted and thrown out.

One landed on the sidewalk, and the other landed on the ground and rolled around, moving to the road.

An Pu signaled that he could go back. He already understood that Juan might not have committed suicide. He might have been dropped from the top of the building after being subdued.

He knows that finding out this problem is actually of little significance in solving the case, because Du Lin and the people around him have evidence of absence, and not only one person saw it, but many people saw it.

This time he is not dealing with a criminal, but with a criminal group. Anpu took a deep breath. This is probably the most difficult case he has ever faced. There is no one.

There is a clever brain and a group of powerful executives. If necessary, these people will still behave unruly. Thinking of this, he immediately found the Lord Mayor and asked the Lord Mayor to coordinate and mobilize several navies to protect his life during the Irian investigation.

"Is it necessary ~ ~ The mayor is sitting on a chair with his body leaning back slightly. He feels very funny about Anpu's requirements," Mr. Du Lin is a celebrity of Irian and has a very high local level. Reputation and reputation, I think you have some requirements like this ... "He rolled his wrists," ridiculous! "

"If he is really a criminal and has made you feel that your life may be threatened and harmed, you come up with the evidence and I will meet your requirements. But you do this without any evidence without evidence Smearing and slandering the local wealthy is also a disgrace to the image of Irian. I'm sorry, I can't promise you this request. "The Lord Mayor looked at his watch." I'll have a meeting later, so I will How about arranging several police officers to protect you? "

There is no way to get soldiers who are derailed from society and some police who may be involved in society. An Pu may not, but he finally agreed to this request and put forward his own views.

Once he was threatened in any way, he had to send a navy to protect him. The Lord Mayor did not reject this request, and he agreed.

When I returned to the hotel at night and met in the room, everyone in the investigation team didn't look very good. They have considered off-site investigations and did not have a strong support from their superiors, but they did not expect that the resistance was so large!

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