Cosma Empire

Chapter 302: Direction [three] for "Jesus sells dog meat" plus the third [three] more

After watching the contents of the note quietly, Kevin couldn't help laughing and cursing, "Mr. Du Lin, you are the most despicable person I have ever seen!"

Du Lin fought back politely, "To each other, Mr. Kevin, you are probably the most shameless person I have ever met."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Kevin shrugged his head and shrugged his shoulders. "So we can become a mean and shameless pair of good friends. I like your note, which is worth 10,000 yuan. I thought you would In trouble, it looks like you have planned everything. Then I will work harder for you and try to get him turned! "

Kevin glanced at the note again before putting it in his briefcase and sandwiching it with a book of the Bible.

The content on the note is not complicated. In the strict sense, there are only two words, which add up to less than ten letters-family or yourself!

This is the last word that Du Lin gave to Juan. He must make a choice. Either Du Lin points his finger at his family, or he chooses to "abandon" himself. He has only one way to go, and there is no second. select. There was also a note in the cigarette box that Du Lin gave him. The note said something. In the end, Juan made his own choice. He ended everything with his death.

He may have struggled at the last minute, but suddenly he thought of his family and his children. He is already old, even if he lives another ten or twenty years? Not yet to be a nourishment to the earth? Instead, it is his family, and the future, and later, and his children and grandchildren. He didn't need to pull his family to bury him because of his timidity.

Death requires great courage. Rather than painfully struggling for ten or twenty years, it is better to end your life at this time. When Juan finished smoking the last cigarette, he explained to him according to Du Lin, took out a pencil with an eraser from the cigarette case, erased what Du Lin wrote, and then wrote a copy The testament was formed into a small ball, and the oil wax on the outside of the cigarette case was melted with a lighter, and the testament was wrapped into the stomach.

He didn't know who Du Lin was going to hurt this time, and didn't want to know, because it was all about him. Then he sat on the edge, pushing his **** slightly and sliding down.

Juan died of suicide, but Du Lin couldn't give up such an excellent opportunity. This is the set he gave An Pu and took the initiative to attack.

In fact, the small tail that he left behind, he thinks they are all handled very cleanly, but as he thinks, there is no absolutely perfect crime in this world, there will always be something missing. Instead of passively letting these people search for clues, it is better to take the initiative to throw them into the pit and bury them.

Juan's death will surely touch the nerves of Anpu and the investigative team behind him. Now that they have targeted themselves, they will naturally pay close attention to everything that is happening here. Juan was dead, and Doolin gave them a reason to come to investigate. When they found that something was not as simple as they thought, they would change the direction of the case from time to time and under double pressure from the top The problem of jewelry stores shifted to the death of Juan.

Because investigating jewellery stores and related things will involve a lot of accounts, names, and currents that are actually meaningless. They don't have that much time to investigate and obtain evidence one by one. However, with the death of Juan as the detection direction, they will actively jump into the trap in the face of some evidence left by Durin. Once they think they have enough evidence to prosecute Du Lin, it will mean the end of their trip!

It was just that he didn't expect that Kevin would make a special trip for Amp, and this just allowed him to focus more on other things. With Kevin in here, I am sure that Anpu will be very happy. He is the kind of person who likes to think, and so is Kevin.

Framing an ordinary person may be just a "judicial error", but framing a celebrity rich is "political error". The former may be reprimanded by the superior, while the latter must pay the price. Coupled with the arrival of Kevin, a barrister who is proficient in various laws and loopholes, Amp should be proud if he knows, because he is not facing an "excellent person", but two, he should be proud.

Doolin hired another two hundred people from the fifth district, and then sent them to an isolated island. Now the island has been renamed by Doolin and called the island of paradise. There are no beasts on the island, not even small animals, mostly decaying vegetation and plants, and some mosquitoes and the like. The trees that can be used for construction are cut and trimmed, and they will be used next, and those that are not used will still be used as fuel for heating.

The first batch of 120,000 bottles has been packed and ready to go. In this month, Du Lin has received a lot of calls, these calls are about "hot fight" feedback.

From the first second of those wines entering the city's consumption system, as foreign cells invaded, white blood cells began to work on their own. There have been several matches in many places, each with its own win. These compatriots are still a little vague about the concept of rally. Sometimes it is not you who hurt you, they will be afraid of you. When there are enough benefits to drive, they will never be afraid as long as these people cannot be completely destroyed from the mind and body.

Du Lin couldn't remember who said that the gang was actually the original capitalism and had never made progress. This sentence does have some truth. As long as they can bring benefits, they dare to do everything and dare to do anything. Law, morality, and ethics are fundamentally not binding on them. Instead, they are not as good as those who have evolved. A little deterrent.

Perhaps this involves another word, responsibility. Only after possessing a certain strength and wealth can we breed a conscience for society, otherwise how can the world in the dream have the phrase "rich conscience"?

Since those people don't know how to do it, Du Lin had to go out and teach them how to play this game!

The departure of Du Lin did not alarm anyone in the investigation team, including An Pu, but he did not think that Du Lin would leave Illian at this time. He felt that the arrival of the investigation team would definitely make Du Lin feel the pressure, whether he could bear it or not. Acknowledge. Immediately after the official document arrived, Amp arranged each person's own work. As their investigation was carried out, they soon discovered another problem.

Although the person who registered the jewellery company is a local, he is not here now, but in the Federation. Since one year ago, his family has immigrated to the Federation, which means that if they want to find this person, they have to go. federal. Obviously, this is impossible. It has been more than two months. The investigation team has not achieved any effective results. The people above are already impatient, and it is impossible for them to go to the federal investigation.

This has already involved external issues, and some approvals and coordination may take months. After dismissing An Pu's idea on the phone, An Pu can only temporarily put down the clues to trace the golden robbery to kill Dulin, and turned his attention to the strange matter of Juan suicide.

On the first day when the snow and ice melted, An Pu took the team members and police to the top of the bank building. They carefully took out some hardened ice cubes and did not damage the scene as much as possible. The only good news is that the weather after the snow is still very cold. After the ice and snow fell on the ground, it quickly frozen, so that the dust on the roof was not damaged much.

"Here, here may be traces of scuffles!", A member of the team waved his hand in surprise, and soon Amp rushed over. He squatted on the ground, watching carefully that the ground was wet with snow and water, which was a bit fuzzy Mark of. Although it is very vague, it is not difficult to find that there is a less obvious shoe print in this floating ash, as well as traces of people rolling over the dust.

He asked the crew to photograph the shoe print, and then instructed him to immediately go to the police station's exhibit department to retrieve the leather shoes worn by Juan when he died. After instructing him to continue to observe the trace carefully, for some reason, he always felt as if he had overlooked something.

More and more ice cubes were lifted and dropped, and more and more traces appeared, and the entire investigation team was very excited, which meant that Juan was likely to be dropped by someone rather than jumping by himself. ~ ~ Once enough doubts and evidence have been found, it will be enough for colleagues at Emperor Capital to apply to the court for a subpoena order to summon Du Lin. As long as Du Lin arrives in the imperial capital, how should they be interrogated?

That night, after the photos were washed out, An Pu sat alone at the table and illuminated them with strong light. He flipped through several pages of police records of Juan's suicide, and frowned slightly. He tapped his finger on the police record, and he was very surprised. Why didn't the police investigate the specific situation on the roof and ignored this first scene. The only thing in the transcript that recorded the condition of the roof was one sentence-no one or anything was found on the roof.

But are they invisible on the ground?

He checked the information of the investigators and made a call for the police investigation bureau to send someone to support him. He wanted to check whether the police officers involved in the case involved the collection of black money. Perhaps the police had also been bought by Du Lin. . With this in mind, he immediately let the police who protect him leave, and these people were not allowed to monitor him.

This once again made him feel the heavy pressure brought by the local protection policies and Du Lin's power.

He rubbed some dry eyes. He asked himself, is this case really so easy to break?

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