Cosma Empire

: Questions about rewards and more, and commitment to all book friends

Recently, I have been thinking, is there any difference between giving a reward and a reward of 10,000 yuan? Except for the difference in numbers, the intention is the same. Too many rewards is affirmation and support to me. So less rewards is not affirmation and support to me? No, that's not the case. Everyone's mind is the same, and they all affirm and support me.

So I made a new rule, and this rule will be for all book friends. Whether you reward a dollar or a million, I will return all your positive support for me.

So how to return it? Of course, it is to add more, but my method of adding more is not the same as others, I will briefly introduce.

Divide the total rewards this month by one hundred and round up, which is the number of chapters to be added next month. For example, in January, everyone rewarded a total of 1,000 yuan, and then the next month, which is the February update base, will be updated with ten more chapters. If everyone rewards 10,000 yuan ... forget it, don't reward so much, I can't afford it ...

So is it infinite addition?

The author also needs to rest, also needs to go out to waves, and also needs night to night singing songs. The maximum number of monthly additions is no more than 90 chapters, and the base is 2 more. If there is something wrong with Cavan or something, the arrears will be carried over to the next month and integrated into the new month cumulative update.

Then there will definitely be a book friend asking, is n’t that reward not every day without so many updates? This is a serious question, and my answer is no. There is no reward, I will not find a reason to update more? For example, my second treasure looks beautiful, my boss has a good score in exams, and I recently took a few good-looking ones.

Yes, more, no, no less.

When I talked to my friends about how to add more, they said that I was stupid, in case someone really got a silver, didn't I want to blow it up? I don't evaluate my friends' thoughts, they are also kind. But I can't ignore the support of all book friends for me. No matter how much money it represents, everyone recognizes me, likes me and works. How can I fail your readers who love this book and like me?

This rule starts next month.

By the way, to remove two big brothers ... No, the three big brothers' rewards update this month, I will complete these first, talking is not a big deal, and become a king after death.

we have a deal!

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