Cosma Empire

Chapter 320: Tribute to Money [3] Add "[Seven] for" Autumn Cherry Blossoms "...

The Deputy Secretary of the Treasury is taking a break and is resting in the office. He has a lot of work, and occasionally having a little free time will give himself as much rest as possible to cope with the next heavy work. He has twenty minutes this time and will host a meeting in twenty minutes. A series of problems caused by the "Century Scam" need to be resolved, and he is now in charge of this matter.

Just five minutes after falling asleep, the phone on the table rang. He climbed up from the sofa with his nose pinched, and lifted the phone annoyingly. Anyone who is awakened during a break will not have a good temper, whether he is a tramp or an empire's deputy finance minister.

"it's me!"

"Mr. Minister, I think we should temporarily suspend tomorrow's hearing. There may be some problems." The voice from the receiver, Mr. Vice Minister, was very familiar with it. It was An Pu's voice. He had a relationship with Anpu, and Anpu was very impressed, so this time he was asked to remind Clark, if you can't find the right person to solve this case, you can consider Anpu.

At this time, he had no good impression of Anpu in the past, and he hadn't made much progress so far after more than two months. Even if the guy he proposed might be related to the case, it was only It's just suspicion. This made him very embarrassed. The person he was looking for banged for two months like an idiot without any gain. The ugly one was not Anpu, but his deputy minister, so his tone was not very good.

"Do you have any new ideas? Mr. Ampu, I have to tell you that you have no time. We are all waiting for the final result of this trial. I hope you can give the public and opinion a satisfactory account! "

In fact, when Hodock was arrested, some people already thought that the case could be ended. With the mastermind and planner, there was no official loss and it was enough to account for the past. As for whether the 70 million funds lost by the shareholders can be recovered, it does not have much to do with whether the case itself is closed. Many people support this idea, but others are against it.

Seventy million is not a small amount. If you can really recover this money, except for the part that is paid to the shareholders, the rest is "smuggling money" and should be confiscated. They also came up with a compensation plan and paid according to the price listed on the first day of DreamWorks. It only needed to take out more than 12 million, and the remaining 50 million could be topped up. How much can state taxes do?

How much can I ... fall into my pocket? !!

It was precisely because of the differences that this case was not closed immediately, but was instead allowed to be investigated by the investigation team. Two months have passed, and the opinions of shareholders have grown stronger. In addition to the demonstrations of the past few days, those who hold opposition have also started to have headaches. What they are focusing on now is not 70 million, but their own political life. The unscrupulous reports of the media made them have to face this directly. It can be said that they were confounded by media opinion!

Now it is not the question of not being able to check Durin, but under the abduction of public opinion, they have actually become suspects of sheltering Durin. Therefore, regardless of whether the case itself is related to Du Lin or how much it is, the trial must be carried out according to plan. As to whether it can be judged, it is not important anymore. What is important is that someone will bear this person for this, that is enough.

"But ...", Amp in the earpiece argued, "But Toulin is likely to plead tomorrow. He hired Kevin, and before we knew it, Kevin intervened in the case earlier and became Added his defence lawyer, plus some others ... "

Mr. Deputy Minister has no patience to listen anymore. He is a politician. He is not a detective or a detective detective. All the things mentioned by Anpu have nothing to do with him. He aggravated his tone, and he was a little uncomfortable. "Please do n’t tell me about these, you should tell yourself, or tell the judge during the trial. Chadulin is your request, and you ca n’t say if you ca n’t check it , An Pu, this is not child's play! "

"I will continue to pay attention to this matter. I am waiting for the good news from your side in Didu. I still have something to say, bye!"

Anpu's earphones quickly terminated after receiving a busy tone, and the operator disconnected the connection between him and the Ministry of Finance. How could the Ministry of Finance be so busy that a number that had ended the call could occupy a few lines?

Hanging up the phone, An Pu sat on the sofa, he wiped his face, hugged his head, and shook one after the other.

He has a strong hunch that something will go wrong this time!

Still too anxious!

And it is too light on the political aspects of the imperial capital!

When he was in the local area, no matter what An Pu said, the local chief executive would cooperate with him, he would not give him a deadline, and he would not set up obstacles. As long as he could find the criminals and catch them, the whole society was in Support him and cooperate with him.

But when he arrived in the imperial capital, he felt that his hands and feet were tied up, this place could not be checked, that file was not qualified to read, and there were still people calling from time to time to say some words without threat.

He felt that the direction of his initial investigation was not wrong. Grasping the line of the jewellery company and pursuing it will definitely dig out Du Lin's old man. Once he proves that he is the mastermind and mastermind of the golden robbery, these 70 million problems are not problems. At that time, the Imperial Central Bank and the New Party will give him two choices, either to hang him or to compensate more than 31 million losses.

In order to save himself to the utmost, he must use more than 70 million funds to fill this loophole. Once he used the money, he naturally took the fact that he had planned the fraud, and could not even fly!

Unfortunately, the time urgency and the lack of strong cooperation from all sides, coupled with the strong protection of Dorian by Irian, made him unable to bring down Doulin in a short time. Give him a year to two years, he can surely grab Du Lin's tail and then pin him out to let the public know what he really looks like.

The only thing he lacks is time, time!

So he made a new plan, using Juan's death to make an essay, and tried his best to find Du Lin, so that Du Lin couldn't get away with it, he had time to slowly clean up Du Lin who was detained and dig All his secrets.

This was a last resort, not that it was an inevitable process. He was originally ready to abandon this line at any time, but suddenly the public opinion in the capital changed, and due to political factors, instead of forcing Du Lin to the edge of the cliff, he had stepped out of the air.

This time, I'm afraid I'm really going to fall!

After he ordered the investigation team to prepare for the court tomorrow, he left the hotel alone and went to Du Lin's manor on the cliff.

When Du Fu told Du Lin An Pu's visit, Du Lin was still a little surprised, but he still received the guy chasing his butt.

After entering the house, An Pu took off his coat. He looked at this luxurious place and couldn't help but ridicule Du Lin, "30 million! Mr. Du Lin, you can make money faster than most people in this world. Much faster, and it doesn't matter if you live in such a house. "

Du Lin shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about, but one thing is right, I'm making money fast!"

In fact, at this time, whether it was Du Lin, An Pu or Kevin, they knew that the victory and defeat had already been divided, so Du Lin avoided the 30 million issue in An Pu's mouth and acknowledged it indirectly.

Kevin also came out of the side hall. He greeted Anpu and invited: "It's almost noon, so let's have a meal together!"

This time Anpu did not reject Kevin's invitation, and soon they sat in the semi-open-air restaurant on the third floor. The beef ribs in the baking pan were ringing, and a phone call borrowed a good cook from Alexandria, along with some exquisite ingredients. Dove poured wine to the three and then stepped back.

Du Lin raised his glass and raised, "What is the first glass of respect?", He looked at Kevin, and his eyes rolled around, looking at Anpu.

An Pu suddenly laughed, and he held up his glass and raised, "Respect fortune!"

"Good!" Kevin followed, raising his glass. "I like what you said. Everyone loves money, so do I." He added, "Respect fortune!"

The three men's glasses touched ~ ~ and took a sip. There was still a chill at the entrance of the cold spirits, and it quickly turned into a fire that caused the three's bodies to start heating. After lowering the wine glasses, An Pu lowered his head and was somewhat decadent. "For a long time, I thought the law was the only truth in the world. I want to thank you, Mr. Du Lin, you let me know that the law is above the law. This kind of thing called money is closer to the truth than law. "He looked at Du Lin sincerely." You gave me a lesson, I thank you, really. "

"Can you talk to me? What kind of situation will I face tomorrow?" Amp really got better. "What will happen to me? Good? Or bad?"

Du Lin shook his head, "Do you know what kind of clothes I will wear to the court tomorrow?", Amp shook his head, and Du Lin said with a smile: "It is because I don't know myself that I have expectations for tomorrow. Expectations will bring surprises, and this is the most important thing in our lives, what do you say? "

An Pu thought about it and raised his glass again.

He rarely drinks and rarely drinks, but this time, he drinks too much!

He couldn't help but intoxicate himself. In this game, he lost. He lost the wrong understanding of himself and the wrong world.

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