Cosma Empire

Chapter 324: Meeting [1]

There were two long tables on the open lawn. Both sides of the table were full of people. Sofia was sitting on the left of Du Lin, and the right was given to a guy named Barto.

Of these agents, only Sophia and Bartol did a great job. Sofia surrendered by insane violence, but Barto used other means, such as uniting the local city hall. These two people are typical of agents, and the two of them are taken out separately to set an example and a template for other agents.

You can be ruthless and act decisively, you can refer to the way Sofia expands its business.

If you don't want to be so violent, you can learn Bartos, join forces with the city hall and those officials and capitalists to become a "merchant."

One of them represents darkness, one represents light, even a limited amount of light is at least light.

The chefs have placed the dishes on the table. Only these people, as well as Dufo and Dove, and other accompanying persons dine at the hotel in Alexandria. Only a few people stayed. For example, Budi's son, Barto's daughter, and other "successors." They really need to see, because this meeting represents a business that can't get on the table, has its own rules of the game, and standards.

Du Lin stood in the middle of the tables on both sides, and people looked at him with smiles on their faces. It was because of the letter Du Lin wrote to them that they were today. They need to thank Doolin, whether they like this guy or not.

"I used to think, what should a man do when he is rich?" Du Lin's voice stopped the whispering voice on the lawn, even the teenagers sitting next to him were watching Du Lin, " My idea was that I would have a big house, countless servants, and steaks on gold plates, and even a silver knife and fork inlaid with a row of gems. "

"Every time I go out, someone bends down and shouts Mr. Du Lin, and I will let Dufo hand over a hundred dollars, and then tell him that this is what Mr. Du Lin gave him. I want Become the focal point of everyone's eyes. Whenever I speak, people will listen carefully, and whenever I am happy, I will also infect them ... "

"I have too many interesting ideas, but when I became a rich man ... I thought I used to be naive!"

Du Lin's words caused many people to laugh lightly, because what Du Lin said was what they had imagined half a year ago. Every poor person has fantasies about what they would do if they became a rich one day. This is not a shame, especially when they become rich. The thoughts they once had become A memory of the past.

Du Lin raised his hand and pressed it. The laughter subsided. He continued: "When I have money, my first thought was to buy a big house, so you sat here. Then I faced me Thinking about a person who can never count money, what else should I do? After thinking about it for a long time, I think I should do something worthy of myself, worthy of others, and worthy of the whole nation. "

"Some people say that I am a conspirator, because I have seduced everyone here with benefits, and made you the slaves of money, so that the people around you can live a better life, so that more Guarts can stand straight. Walking on the street, even when they were faced with unfair treatment, they were able to find you doing justice for them! If I am a conspirator, these are my conspiracy, then I hope I will always be Be a conspirator. "

"A person is rich, not really rich. Only the wealth of one nation is the real wealth. Revitalizing the Guart people is not only my dream, it is the dream shared by many Guart people. Those people ... … ", Du Lin pointed to the direction of the City Hall, and everyone here knew that he was talking about citizens of other races led by the Ogdin." Those people have blocked our way of revitalization, so I will find one. Find What if you don't get it? Then use your money, hit your fist, and make a way! "

"Everyone, please remember that we are not doing business, we are doing a great cause, the cry of national rejuvenation, and the struggle for the pursuit of justice. I believe that one day, among us, Or someone here will stand on Parliament Hill and look down at the entire empire! "

Du Lin raised his glass, "Respect the future!"

People held up their wine glasses and held them up high, chanting "respecting the future" in their mouths. Everyone's interest was extraordinarily high. Some people even stood up and made exaggerated moves impassionedly.

A few girls from Tener came over from one side, and they filled the wine with wine bottles for all the VIPs in attendance. After a short hustle and bustle, people quieted down again because Durin did not continue.

The wine glass in Du Lin's hand was already empty. While Dufo poured wine for him, Du Lin also started the next paragraph, which was about wine.

He played with the wine glass in his hand, pouted, and said with a smile: "I know that in order to race against time, our product content is currently a bit lacking. It doesn't matter, starting next month, in addition to the six wines provided previously, We will also add ten different flavors and different degrees of wine, and the content of the product library will continue to increase. I have a dream ..., "he pointed to the ground under his feet," that is one day the entire empire will have all Drink suppliers, sit here! "

He went to the table and lowered his wine glass. He turned around and pressed his hands on the table, and smiled leisurely. "After half a year of baptism, you all have your own place, but at the same time there are some small places. Minor problems. "When Du Lin talked about this, a few people's faces were a little unnatural, and some people's faces were gloating.

This problem is consignment.

In fact, Du Lin had guessed from the first day that such a problem would definitely occur. He never guesses others with the greatest kindness. Everyone is a bad person in his eyes. He has labeled everyone "bad". In the next get along, he will tear off the label a little bit as appropriate, and let others prove that he is actually a "good man."

It makes sense to do so. From the third month on, someone and Du Lin talked about it. Some agents are located very close to the city, which gives them the possibility of consignment. One party lowered the price and attracted the private liquor dealers in the next city to come to them to buy goods, and then hit the market of the "ally". This approach is disgusting. It seems that Du Lin's wine tyrants have occupied more market share in a place, but it has harmed the interests of agents.

The huge profits can really make people crazy, especially when this group of people just got rid of poverty and became rich. The mentality does not have a good process of change, and it will inevitably be a little too aggressive in doing things. Doolin can understand them, but he must also ban such behavior, so he must say it here.

"I don't want to get through with anyone, I just stand on a fair angle and look at these things." He looked at those people, and those people immediately shifted their sights and looked elsewhere. Du Lin took a few steps forward, stood between the two tables, and continued, "I said, I do n’t do these things to make more money. If I really just make money, I think I I wo n’t work with everyone here, because the profit from working with you is far less than the profit from working with others. "

"So, I think we're sitting together today, and it's exactly what happened."

"First, starting next month, the shipping prices of the wines in your hands must be unified across the empire. How much money you buy in the east and how much you buy from the west, I want all the goods to be executed. This standard, uniform pricing, uniform sales. This is not for some of my personal purposes, but to protect the interests of everyone here, you need to understand this. "

"Secondly, I will give special labels to the wine bottles in each region. For example, the words" Sell only in one place ". If anyone's wine has left their own area and sold to someone else's site, don't I blame me for not reminding you in advance that when something goes wrong, I will cut off the goods on either side. "


Du Lin was interrupted before he finished speaking. The guy who talked looked very mean. In fact, the people sitting here were not bad. ~ ~ After all, the environment in which they live shaped their former Simple, loyal and honest appearance. This person is called Seabucks, and the number of purchases declared over the past few months has continued to rise. From the initial 600 cases to the current 1,300 cases, it has more than doubled.

At first Du Lin really thought that this guy was very good at business, but later he knew that he sold the wine to other places. What Du Lin said today also meant to him.

Seebuck raised his hand and stood up, he slightly politely said, "Mr. Du Lin, please forgive me for being rude, how can I tell those guys who bought wine from me, really want to sell wine locally? Or do you plan to sell it elsewhere? After I leave the goods, I have no way to restrict the behavior of these people, nor can they make them have to sell wine on my site, right? "

Du Lin raised his palms and pulled down two times, and let him sit down. "What you said has some truth, I agree with your words and give you a solution. If you find someone who buys your wine, I took your wine and went to another place. Do n’t give him more goods next time. At the same time give his information to everyone here. I believe that as long as everyone keeps a consistent position on this matter, you can definitely get rid of him. ? "

"Also, when all shipment prices are unified, these people will naturally disappear."

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