Cosma Empire

Chapter 330: Homecoming [three] is "YellowTail" plus the first ...

"Let's go to Otis now?", The Buddha asked when he was sitting on the ship, he didn't have any opinion on where to go, just a little curious. It would be much faster and more convenient to take a steam locomotive from Ilian to Otis than a ship, after all, that place is inside. & 1t; /

Du Lin smiled and replied: "I'm going back for a while, and it's been over a year since I left home. I have to go back and see, you too." & 1t; /

The journey is not too far. From Irian to Monter, disembark, then transfer the steam locomotive to Tener City. The whole journey takes nearly ten days, which is already very fast. Sometimes Du Lin was also curious, when was the group of guys at the Imperial Academy able to get the plane out? With an airplane, you can go much faster everywhere. From one end of the empire to the other, I am afraid that it will take more than ten hours? & 1t; /

In fact, Doolin did not know that the empire already had flight equipment, but it was only because of some technical problems and practicality that it had not been studied for the time being. Of course, it is not a high-tech thing like an airplane, but an empty boat. When the Civil War broke out, the Empire sent two airboats to attack the Federation's logistics warehouse from the air, but unfortunately, an air leak occurred when one of them flew one-third of the way and had to land on the sea. & 1t; /

The second flew a little further, and was blown back by a gust of wind. Since then, the empty boat plan has been completely stranded, and the empire has transferred all researchers to other projects. & 1t; /

Some people have also considered whether to convert the airboat to civilian use. Although there are still some shortcomings in various aspects of technology, civilian use is not a problem. Later, it was said that due to security issues, the air transport plan was completely terminated. Without the further development of technology, it is unlikely that something like an airplane will emerge in the next five years. & 1t; /

While in Montere, Doolin and Sofia met, and after a lunch together, they hurried into the steam locomotive of Tener, without too many stops. After four days, the two finally walked down from the car with back pain. & 1t; /

The passenger and cargo stations are not in the same place, and there are several rails in the middle. More and more materials need to be transferred here. Tener's station has expanded two temporary lanes when Dolin left. The workers in the station sweated hard to carry the goods, and many workers did not even wear clothes. For these coolies, summer is always the hardest. The hot weather keeps them dehydrated often, and someone accidentally needs to stop working. & 1t; /

Du Lin just glanced at it from a distance, then turned around and walked towards the station. He sometimes finds his destiny very interesting, if he hadn't met Graff, he wouldn't know what he was doing now. & 1t; /

Not many people stay in Tener, and the station is not as crowded as Montere. Many people get out of the car and sit on benches in the station, waiting to be taken to the Federation, or further afield. Arrival of steam locomotive. & 1t; /

Stepping on this land again, both Du Lin and Du Buddha have a very special feeling. They all looked at Du Lin, and Du Lin shrugged his shoulders and said, "Go to your house first, or wait for me to return I will go there again. "& 1t; /

Du Lin, Du Fu ’s family, has been there, but he has not actually gone in. He also has three younger brothers and sisters. When Du Fu ’s mother saw Du Fu, he quickly wiped his eyes. After confirming that the person she saw was really her son, she rushed over in surprise and hugged the Buddha in her arms. Dufo was a little helpless, but his eyes were full of smiles. & 1t; /

Immediately afterwards, his mother looked at Du Lin with a little restraint, and bent slightly, "Mr. Du Lin, have you returned with Dufo this time? By the way, have you eaten lunch yet? One point ... "& 1t; /

Du Lin immediately reciprocated. He smiled and pulled up the hands of Dufo ’s mother. He did n’t care about the thick dirt on her hands and calluses like a file. “Madam, Dufo is my best brother, my most Good family, you do n’t need to do this. "& 1t; /

Durin had gained the awe of the Guarts here before leaving Tener. Although he was young, almost all Guarts supported him and respected him. He has brought real changes. Many people's children are following Du Lin, and they spend more than ten to twenty dollars on their family's accounts every month. This money may be insignificant to Du Lin, but to the Tener people living here, it is a huge sum. & 1t; /

There are often people who want to ask through the children who follow Du Lin, when is he still lacking, and if they are lacking, can they use their own children, everyone here is proud of their children to serve Du Lin, and because Take pride in. & 1t; /

When Du Fu's mother spoke the title of "Mr. Du Lin", many Guartes soon appeared on the street. They looked at it with a few suspicions, and then came over enthusiastically. & 1t; /

Dufo stepped aside and looked at Du Lin amusedly. In fact, they had already imagined what kind of scene would be before they came. & 1t; /

"Mr. Du Lin, are you thirsty? Would you like some water?" & 1t; /

"Mr. Du Lin, what do you think of my eldest son? He can swing a thirty-pound hammer, and he is definitely a good blacksmith!" & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

There are more and more people around Du Lin, Du Lin can only raise his hand and press down, which makes the noise as quiet as the market. & 1t; /

There are more than a thousand Guate people in Tener, and there are at least one hundred people gathered here. These people looked at Doulin enthusiastically, and Doolin also said what they were interested in. & 1t; /

"The first place I came out of the country was Tener, and I have a very special feeling for it. Each of you is like my best friend, my family. Many people have told me that some people take me Be proud, take pride in my identity as a Guarth, and I am also proud of you! I will never forget this place, and I will never forget every drop of blood that has flowed here, A hope, I would like to thank everyone, without your support for me, there would be no Doolin today! "& 1t; /

He looked at everyone sincerely. He would not forget the people who sacrificed for him and left the world for him. He said affectionately, "I will build a free school here, from elementary school to high school, all costs are Exemption, and the children who go to school can have lunch and dinner for free in school ... ", he said that when people here cheered, it was like a holiday. & 1t; /

In fact, they don't care if the children can learn anything useful in school. The reality is cruel. There is a saying called "People with short wills." They will not consider whether the children will be better after receiving education. Show, they think about lunch and dinner. For Guarts with three or five children in each family, children are definitely one of the heaviest burdens in their lives, facing three or five mouths and stomachs in need of food every day, which is enough for them to do so. Crazy. & 1t; /

Some people have also said that why many children have a child, this is a question that will never be answered. Maybe it was some kind of incentive from the bones, maybe it didn't want to make the Guart people's blood gradually scarce or even sever. & 1t; /

But no matter what it is, it is precisely because they have more children that the Guarts are always a huge group, not a "minority"! & 1t; /

When they were cheering enough, and his voice calmed down, Du Lin continued with a smile. "In addition, I will build a hospital here. Any Guarth can get the best medical services for free, even the price. Cheap medicines. For those who are in trouble with their families, do n’t worry, I will let the hospital waive all your expenses, including medicines and treatments, as appropriate! "& 1t; /

People cheered again, they surrounded Du Lin, supported Du Lin, and saw him as the savior sent to earth by the first king and the gods! & 1t; /

After a brief meeting, Du Lin finally fled the street with a "wolf". The girls were so enthusiastic that they even wanted to drag him home. The Buddha couldn't help laughing when he looked at Du Lin's howl, Du Lin glared at him, standing on the side of the street, finishing his clothes ~ ~, and wiping the saliva on his face. Scrubbing, he couldn't help laughing. & 1t; /

Did so many things not for this moment? & 1t; /

When everything you do is recognized, it feels better than ever. No wonder a wise man said that the happiness of giving harvest is far more than the happiness of harvesting. & 1t; /

Just as the two were laughing, they suddenly showed a guy who was walking towards them and suddenly turned away. & 1t; /

Dufo and Du Lin didn't even communicate, so they caught up. He was quick, pushing hard when approaching the guy, and the guy lost his focus and fell to the ground. Dufo put one hand in his arms. As long as the other party was a little abnormal, he didn't mind killing people on the street in this place. & 1t; /

But what the two didn't expect was that the guy lay on the ground and hit a roll, and the palms of his hands were pressed against their chests in a small continuous wave, with their eyes closed and their faces being "violated", their mouths shouting " Do not beat me"! & 1t; /

Delir! & 1t; /

Du Lin gave a slight cough, Delier gave a smirk, then opened his eyes with a smirk, and twitched "Mr. Du Lin". & 1t; /

"Stand up and talk!" Du Lin didn't reach out, he couldn't stand the sissy. & 1t; /

Delil twisted and twisted up from the ground, not forgetting to slap the dust on his body, it took a while to straighten his clothes, and his eyebrows stood down against the lamp post. & 1t; /

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