Cosma Empire

Chapter 34: Filling

A bottle of fruit wine was disassembled and poured into a wooden barrel. Then someone sent the wooden barrel to the distillation room, and then poured the fruit wine from the wooden barrel into the still. The whole process is divided into many steps. The more people are used before, the fewer people are used later. This is done for confidentiality. As for whether this secret can be kept, Du Lin is not optimistic.

These Guarts who have no choice but to join the "gang" are indeed showing loyalty now, but now does not mean that they can have such loyalty in the future, especially through distillation, turning the fruit wine worth about two dollars into a When a bottle of ten or even higher price contraband is sold, the impact of huge benefits on the hearts of these poor teenagers is enough to change some people's values ​​and outlook on life in a short period of time.

Loyalty is nothing more than the price of betrayal.

有人 Once someone thinks that he has mastered this method and tried it successfully, Du Lin can fully imagine that a group of people will secretly leave, with a distillation method to find their future.

No one can guarantee that all people will always be loyal, so Du Lin's mind is the same thing about confidentiality.

Moreover, selling such highly private wine is not his plan for his future, it is just to raise a certain amount of funds and build his own power. He even hopes that someone can successfully learn and then go out to the independent portal, then he can totally rely on these people to integrate the highly alcohol private sales industry in the Yaoxing Empire, and implement standards and access systems.

As the temperature in the distillation room rose, a damp heat hit, and Graf took off his clothes, and stood shirtless next to the huge still, with the first drop of crystal liquid with a strong aroma of wine The moment Graff dripped from the faucet, Graff shivered with excitement.

What high alcohol is this? This is money at all! Fifteen thousand bottles of fruit wine can be used to make about 40,000 bottles of high-quality wine, such as loss. If you don't sell more than one bottle, you can sell ten dollars. This is 400,000. Among the 400,000 yuan, the cost of 120,000 was removed from Du Lin, and the profit was ... He tapped his finger, about 250,000 yuan. He took 40% ... 100,000 yuan!

He breathed quickly in a split second, but it was 100,000 yuan!

100,000 yuan!

格拉 Even when Graf dreamed of becoming a rich man himself, he didn't own 100,000 yuan in the dream, which was 100,000 yuan.

不同 Unlike Graf, who was so excited, Dooling calmly watched the distilled alcohol dripping from the taps. Maybe others think that this is a huge profit and huge market business. Of course there is nothing wrong with that, but compared to the business giants in the General Chamber of Commerce, the money has not been put in their eyes. Since learning to read newspapers and books, Du Lin finally has a preliminary understanding of the entire empire and the entire world.

最 The most profitable industries in this world will always be monopolized industries, such as military industry. The various war machines printed on the front of Xingyuan, especially the AT-11 war machine and AT-12 mobile bearing platform that are currently installed most in the Yaoxing Empire, each one costs more than 200,000 Xingyuan.

Is it expensive? A machine is so expensive. What is more frightening is that the total number of empires installed exceeds 6,000. Is this still reported in the newspapers, and those not reported? What can be assembled at any time?

If this industry is too high-end and requires a long accumulation and sedimentation process to set foot, what about food, clothing and housing?

What surprised Dulin was that the most famous clothing store in the entire Empire was not a chain store, but a tailor shop that belonged to individual tailors. From the emperor and the aristocracy to the ordinary people, the clothes they wear are either made by themselves or they are paid for by the tailor to buy finished clothes in the store? Sorry, the entire Yaoxing Empire does not have a so-called "department store", and the garments hanging in the tailor's shop also need luck to buy the fit directly.

Whether it is clothes, shopping malls, or food, housing, and transportation, every industry in Du Lin's eyes is an unexplored diamond mountain, and it is also an open-air diamond mountain with high purity and high content. You do n’t need to dig. Just knocking down a piece can make a person, an enterprise, become the most influential brand in the empire!

For this "small sale" of high alcohol, Du Lin hasn't really regarded it as a treasure.

The water droplets gradually turned into a trickle, and the strong scent of wine permeated the entire room. Looking at the half-barrel full, Du Lin immediately made the person tighten the faucet, pushed the half-barrel of "alcohol" aside, and then poured it Good juice, stir and settle. It takes about three hours. The alcohol filled with fruit juice becomes everyone's favorite Snow Elf and first love, and then it is filled into a wine bottle whose bottle body and label have been changed at the request of Du Lin, and the lid is sealed. A bottle of highly fruit wine worth ten yuan was born.

所以 The reason why Du Lin requires the three major suppliers to produce bottles and labels strictly in accordance with the style he needs is also to confuse audiovisual. Although he did not consider making private wine as his main industry in the future, he might avoid some troubles, but he still had to avoid it. When some special people became interested in these wines, they got the bottles and saw the labels. They could only think that the wine was imported from abroad, without considering that it was "produced" in their own country.

Even if they go looking abroad, I am afraid they can't find such a high level of fruit wine.

Today is only the first experimental production. After the process and standards have been determined, Du Lin will not come often without problems. When a dozen barrels of blended high-grade fruit wine were launched from the closed factory, almost everyone was shocked. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

What they were shocked was not that there were so many highly private wines, nor were they shocked by the value of these things. What really shocked them was the way that Doolin made these highly alcoholic wines. But they handed in buckets of low-grade fruit wine by themselves. When they came out, they were high-grade fruit wine? I am afraid that magic is not so magical. This is not a glass, not a bottle, but a dozen barrels!

Several tons of weight!

Lidu Buddha was sullen and coughed slightly. The teenagers realized that they were a bit shameful, and immediately retracted their surprised expression and stood obediently. Dufo was actually very shocked, but he didn't show it, hiding the shock in his heart. He has experienced much more than other teenagers, and is even a prisoner, so he knows more about the profits.

有人 Once someone knows that in addition to using Dragon Blood Wood, there are easier ways to turn low-alcohol wine into high-alcohol wine in a very short period of time. I am afraid that the world's wine merchants will become crazy. There are two reasons why the price of high-grade wine has been high. One is that the expensive price of dracaena has caused the cost to soar, and the second reason is that the high-grade wine has been brewed to the market for at least six months.

If these two problems can be solved, then the price of high-grade wine will be the same as that of low-grade fruit wine. Even if the empire does not allow the sale of high-grade wine, it will not be too high.

Now, this technology is in the hands of Du Lin, which is equivalent to holding a golden mountain in his hand. For the first time, Dufo felt that he was so close to hope and dream!

At the request of Du Lin, the teenagers took long rubber gloves, washed them and started filling. The fruit wine in the wine barrel is reduced little by little, and more and more wine bottles are ready to be filled. Everyone in the entire warehouse No. 2 becomes excited at this time!

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