Cosma Empire

Chapter 337: Auction 【1】

During a week's rest, Doolin spent the time observing the topography of Otis. There were many abandoned military fortifications around Otis. During the Civil War, the invasion of the EFF was almost impossible, and it almost hit the hinterland of the Empire. . In order to ensure the safety of the imperial capital, a large number of military facilities were arranged in the transparent north-south place of Otis. It was left there after it was not dismantled after the war.

The city is basically flat, and there are not high mountains in the east and west direction. This is why Otis is clearly underdeveloped in the belly of the empire. The two walls cut off the east-west transportation, plus there is no water transportation. The hub will definitely not be here.

Once there is a star-level city in any area, the human resources of other cities will be exhausted, and this is the case of Otis City. The young people went to Nami Lindes, which is more than 200 kilometers away. There is a transportation hub in the heart of the empire. The throughput is huge, not only land transportation, but also abundant water resources and water transportation. The lively Bidi is not bad. .

After reading this neighborhood, Du Lin found the local history of Otis, and found that the land around Otis was vacant land without development and without any ownership rights. He immediately decided to hold an auction, and also informed the New Party insiders and some of the rich in the society that the content of the auction was the land around the city of Otis.

When the New Party and many rich people knew about Du Lin's invitation, the first thought was that this guy was sick, and his illness was unclear, and his mind was already confused. The good point is whimsical, and the bad thing is that you want to be crazy about money.

If he is auctioning the land around Montere, Irian or the Imperial Capital, he does n’t need anyone to invite him, only he needs to reveal a little bit of wind, and soon it will be reasonable for the rich to gather, and everyone wants to buckle from his fingers. Get something out and lick it to fill your belly.

But what is he selling?

It is the city of Otis that can not see many passersby during the day. I am afraid that there will be woods in the ghost place besides the woods. No one will choose that ghost place even for hunting.

Some people take this as a joke, but others are serious, such as Alexander and the two guys of Gardell.

Du Lin wasn't sure if they had nothing to do, and by the way, to see how miserable he was, he still really wanted to come and look for business opportunities. He deliberately wore two people around the city, and their expressions gradually became very exciting. When they returned to the city hall, they said nothing on the way.

Soon, it was the day when Turin auctioned the land of Otis City. There were two staff members of the Ministry of Justice from the imperial capital. They will strictly supervise the auction process and handle all the procedures for the bidders.

No way, the only judge in Otis is in his 70s, and he is the only one in the judicial system. Not to mention letting him do it, it is probably a difficult thing to get him to stand up, so Du Lin sent a letter to the Ministry of Justice over the imperial capital asking for cooperation there, so they sent two Come here personally.

The auction was held in the conference hall of the City Hall. Doolin planned the land of Otis as the core and planned ten plots of land around 200 square kilometers, all of which were designated for planning purposes.

Dufo, a guest auctioneer, came to the stage, said hello to two staff members of the Ministry of Justice, and then smiled with the only three participants in the auction.

Yes, there are only three people in this auction. Even the judicial staff from the imperial capital are joking about the specifications and scale of the auction, but there is no embarrassment on Du Lin's face, but he has a kind of others The self-confidence that they wear is as if they are not auctioning barren land, but gold mines with amazing reserves.

"Our first place to be auctioned is the No. 1 plot in the plan, next to the railway, the total length ..." After reporting a lot of data, Dufo only looked up, "the starting price is one hundred yuan Twenty yuan each time, gentlemen, you can start! "

Du Lin held up the sign in his hand and waited for almost a minute. After no one continued to hold the sign, the Buddha knocked three gavels and completed the first transaction. The two young guys from Didu couldn't help but laughed again. It was really interesting to sell only one hundred of this large piece of land. This is not like selling land again, but selling toys! One of them had a little curiosity and he also planned to buy a piece of land to play. Anyway, if you look at the posture, there will be a hundred yuan, and he will be paid for more than a month, but after buying the land, it will always belong to him.

Maybe when did it develop here?

During the auction of the second piece of land, he raised his hand and said that he would also make a bid, but it was a pity that the price of this land soon rose to an unacceptable level—a thousand yuan.

He could only retract his hand silently, and then cursed a few words in his heart, these three people are crazy!

For ten parcels, Doolin took eight, and Garfield and Alexander each took one. Whether they really want to invest here or not, it doesn't cost much to invest in a piece of land, but they can still sell Du Lin a face, why not?

The worst-ever and smallest auction in history ended in the final offer of 100 dollars in Turin. Two staff members quickly wrote and stamped various legal documents and gave them to three people. One of them also said with a smile: "I believe that the city of Otis will definitely develop very well. The investment vision of the three gentlemen is very bright. From now on, the land you have photographed belongs to your private property. No one can take these property without your consent. "

Du Lin shook hands with him, "Thank you very much for being here in your busy hours, thank you very much!" He took the document bag containing a series of legal documents from the man and handed it to Dufo, Then I thought about it, took a checkbook out of my pocket, tore two, each with a thousand written on it, and threw it to the ground. Everyone in the room didn't know exactly what Du Lin was doing. When he bent down, he picked up two cheques signed with his own name and put them in each other's pocket. "I just picked At the end of the two notes, our judge is currently in a state of inadequacy and cannot handle these things. Troublesome two will handle them as appropriate. "

This is the bribery of Zhengda Bright, but no one can find the fault of this method of bribery. First of all, he did not contact the two members of the Ministry of Justice in advance and talked about the conditions, which meant that there was no pre-planning. Secondly, this happened after the auction, there were no illegal acts and operations, and the results of the auction were still valid. In the end, under the "sight" of up to five people, Du Lin did pick up the note, and then he did not say that it was for the two staff members of the Ministry of Justice, but asked them to deal with it as appropriate.

This is not a bribe. It is just the most correct way for a gentleman with good morals and education to pick up the lost property. Even if a lawsuit is to be filed against this case, it will not be possible to lose to the Imperial Supreme Court Durin.

The man froze, and as soon as he was about to refuse, he felt his corner of the clothes pulled before he even touched his pocket. He made a move, glanced at the smiling Du Lin, and finally dispelled his thoughts.

That's a thousand dollars!

They did not have this money for a year, and they were able to take it with ease. After all, they did not break any rules for Doolin, nor did they shield or do anything against his conscience and law.

The two enthusiastically thanked Durin and left their contact information before turning around and leaving. After the two men leave, Du Lin will say something that is not suitable for outsiders.

"I honestly didn't expect that you would really buy a piece of land. I knew it was like this ..."

Before Du Lin's words were finished, Alexander's interrupted him and smiled and patted Du Lin's arm ~ ~ We are friends, aren't we? So when I can, as long as I have the ability, I will definitely help you. "

Garfield also said in a timely manner that as long as he can do it, he can definitely help.

They didn't put up a brand for a minimum price like Doolin. Alexander reported a sky-high price of 100,000 yuan, as did Garfield. This money is not much for their net worth, but it is enough to express affection, and even a little more.

You have to know that the money obtained from the auction of these plots of land by Doolin does not fall in Doolin's own pocket, but will be transferred to the financial account of Otis City Hall. This is "empire official" money!

Du Lin retorted funnyly, "Hell, wait for my words to finish." He looked at Alexander and Garfield and confirmed that they would not interrupt, and then continued: "I mean if I knew you would vote for a piece I ’ll just draw two smaller places! Damn, do you know how painful my heart is now? It ’s a multi-million or ten-million-dollar deal, but one hundred thousand was taken away by both of you! ”

His expression was exaggerated, and he held his chest in pain, but that didn't make Alexander and Garfield laugh, their faces gradually became a little serious. Dooling helped them, no doubt about it, and it made them start to make money. Both the mines that Garfield has acquired in the past six months and the hotels that Alexander has invested in the field have begun to operate benignly.

It also let them know that Du Lin is definitely a business wizard, at least he has a keen sense of smell!

Now he said that the barren land in their hands was worth millions or even tens of millions, and they had to trust Du Lin's judgment!

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