Cosma Empire

Chapter 343: Sad [2]

Early in the morning, Diwell got up lightly from the bed, changed a suit he wore yesterday, and left the house lightly again, locking the door. As a Guarth, who lives in Otis, he is not socially excluded, as stated in letters from relatives living elsewhere. He wasn't sure how this exclusion came out, even if it really existed, or an exaggerated statement by those relatives.

Because in Otis, he had never encountered such a problem.

There is no lower urban area specifically for the Guarts, and no upper urban area for the Ogdins. The entire city is mixed with all ethnic groups. Possibly because of poverty, there is no one who looks down on each other. Of course, it may also be because of the lack of competition. The pace of life in the entire city is slow and people want to sleep. Except those who sit at the door of the house all day and work with needlework and sewing blankets, the rest of the work is in the field Those work.

Take care of the wheat seedlings, pour some water every day, and occasionally discharge the fertilizer in the belly to increase the soil strength.

The quiet and peaceful life makes people find no reason and excuse for hostility to each other, so here everyone's status is similar.

Dewey remembered the young man he met yesterday, saying that a Guarth church was built near the center of the city, which served the kings and gods. Any Guarth can get it there for free. Some food and clothes made him very tempted. Being able to get up so early today is also to see it earlier, and maybe you can really get something.

He crossed the street, greeted him friendly and enthusiastically, walked for about ten minutes, and finally came outside the kingdom church that the young man said. At this time, many people were lined up outside the door. He even saw a few Ogdins who were not Guarts also lined up. He didn't say anything, but he quietly reached the end of the line.

"Do you know? I heard that they give out food and other things every week, maybe some eggs, some clothes or furniture. I don't know what they do for this?" Two people standing in front of Dewell He was talking about it, and it seemed strange to him.

The church has also come here to develop believers, but unfortunately they only persisted for one year and then left the place. They even demolished the church and removed the sculptures and stained glass. It is said that they believe that the believers here are greedy. They just want to ask for it, without dedication. One of the bishops also said that this place is not watched by God.

How long can this group of people and their fellow villagers persist?

With this question in mind, DeVille took ten pounds of Mai Ren and a brand new suit and walked into the church. The church is in order. Although the propaganda statues of the princes and gods have not yet been erected, there are already some paintings on the walls, which can make up for these problems.

A young man stood on the podium, he was frowning and watching something, Diwell chose a place to sit down, and greeted acquaintances around him.

When the church was almost full, the door closed and the young man looked up.

He is very young and looks like a big man. The conversation in the church gradually subsided, and the big guy's eyes focused on the young man, wanting to see what he was going to say. After all, everyone took a lot of his stuff. If you save a little ten pounds of wheat kernels and grind them into wheaten porridge after grinding, you can make the family last three or five days, or even longer.

As for clothes, we do n’t have any needs. Most people walking on the street wear old clothes. Compared to these clothes, Dewey thinks that it may be more appropriate to give a little cloth.

These people are watching Du Lin, and Du Lin is watching these people too. He is now a little helpless because he doesn't know what he wants to say. The social atmosphere of Otis is very good, everyone is friendly, and there is no obvious division of classes and levels, which has led to the assimilation of the local Guartes more than elsewhere. Here they felt the real sense of politicians advocating "all citizens of the empire", which also made Du Lin feel a bit troublesome.

If a person lives in a society without obvious racial conflicts and class conflicts and has no dissatisfaction with his own situation, it will be difficult to unite these people. In his dream world, there is a sentence called "If you don't want to be just", in plain terms, I don't want to get anything from you, so I'm not afraid to lose what I didn't have.

He sighed, closed some materials, looked at the people in the church, pursed his lips, and found a way of thinking-dreams.

"Hello everyone, I'm Du Lin, and I'm also the new mayor. Like everyone here, I'm also a Guart!", A very common opening remark, and the applause is not very warm, he pointed at a person randomly And asked, "What is your dream?"

Dewey stood up in surprise, he thought for a while, then said rudely, "I'm very sorry, sir, I don't know what I want."

What does it mean that Du Lin has an urge to slap in the past without even living his ideal?

He smiled, "This shows that you are very satisfied with your present life. I think it is also the generally accepted view of everyone, isn't it?" Many people nodded one after another, with a manual work subsidy for households, adults and children Can do. The problem of eating and drinking to open a little wasteland outside the city can also meet the family's eating and drinking needs, they really have nothing to hope for. Du Lin walked back to the podium, he knew what to say next.

He took a roll of money out of his pocket in front of everyone, although he didn't like to roll it up, but the cash and other things were all kept by the Buddha, and the guy liked to roll it up and use it. Wrapped in cowhide silk, roll by roll is cumbersome to pack. Especially in the pocket will bulge and affect the beauty.

At this point he hadn't noticed those things. The circle in his pocket was twenty yuan, which is also the denomination of the main circulation in high society. He took out one of them, then took out the lighter and lit the one. In the sound of people's exclamation and discussion, the banknote finally became ashes after being held for a minute, and was stepped on by Dulin. Immediately afterwards, Du Lin took out another twenty-dollar bill, showed it to everyone, and then lighted the lighter.

That's twenty dollars! You know that they may not have the money for a month, but they are burned like this? Many people can't sit still, they can burn the money, so why not give it to me? An Ogdin stood up and licked his lips. "Mr. Mayor, if you are going to burn the banknote in your hands, do you know if you can give it to me?"

This is not a trust arranged by Doulin. He thought that he might have to burn a few more banknotes before anyone would stand up.

He shook his head with a smile, and continued to light the banknote in his hand, watching the banknote become ashes in the exclamation of people, and took out another one.

If everyone was just a bit surprised that the previous two were burned, then it's shocking now!

"Mr. Mayor ..."

Du Lin looked at him and shook his head. "You are wrong, and there are two points. The first point, when I stood here today, I was not the mayor, but the Guart Durin. The second point, You are not a Guarth but you participated in a Guarth rally, which is a very impolite thing in itself. "When he was finished, Keena walked to his side, smiling and pointing at him and leaving. small gate.

The guy was embarrassedly holding his bag of wheat kernels and clothes, and some were unwilling to leave the church under the surveillance of Kena. Ding people.

Du Lin looked at the previous Guarte and pointed at him and asked, "Do you have the same thoughts as the gentleman just now, and I burned my money, why not give it to others?"

DeVille stood up again and nodded again and again, "Yes sir, you have lost it, why not use it to help someone in need?"

Du Lin replied with a smile: "Because it's my money!" When he didn't wait for others to think about the meaning behind this sentence, he spread out a roll of money and all ignited. Ninety-eight pieces, two thousand pieces minus forty pieces, became ashes when people were so shocked that even their language skills were temporarily lost.

He clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Because this is my money, I have the right to choose their destination, whether it is for a certain person or burned them, I make the decision!"

"I can give this money to one of you, or I can share it with all of you, but why should I do this?" Du Lin left the podium and walked to the side of the podium, his gaze was The faces of those who had just returned to God were swept away one by one, "For what? Who can answer me?"

No one was able to answer his question, and the church fell into a brief silence. Du Lin took a deep breath, took two steps, and said in a slightly high-pitched voice, "Because I have the money but I do n’t want to give you , That's why. "

"Actually, when this gentleman ... sorry, what's your name ...", Du Lin smiled apologetically, and then continued: "In fact, when Mr. Dewell said that he had not pursued, I didn't find it funny Yes, I only feel sad, not the sadness of him alone, but the sadness of everyone here! "

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