Cosma Empire

Chapter 345: Planning [1]

"Sir Mayor, many foreigners have come to the city recently. It doesn't look like anything ... good guy!", Thomson kept his demeanor in front of the Lord Mayor as much as possible, without saying dirty The words are replaced by people who are not good.

He was right, the huge development value and potential of this city have been looming, especially when Sai Li's group of people took the tax payment certificate and paperwork and unimpededly delivered things to the place they wanted to send, all The smugglers were shocked. Smugglers can still play this way! Although a lot of profits will be lost, it is never more important that there is no stability. If one of the ten smuggling fails, the money the organization earns will basically be lost. If it fails twice, it may be slumped.

Like Sai Li's shipment, the profit of 16 yuan for a bottle of wine looks very amazing, but in fact, the money is not for the boss alone. He must take the big head, and everyone else must take the small head. At the same time, it is necessary to reserve a part to open some joints at any time. However, if there is a problem in the transportation process, only the boss is responsible for the loss, and other members of the organization will not “crowdfund” a batch of goods to make up for the loss of the boss.

Therefore, although the profit has been reduced by half, the safe and stable channel has attracted everyone's attention. If this road can be maintained, at least they will not need to consider expanding their manpower and spending more money to open up all kinds of channels in the next five years. Joints, just pull things to Otis and pay a tax.

With such a convenient channel, Otis's future is destined to be brilliant, so some organizations have begun to send representatives to Otis to occupy a place in order to have a certain right to speak in this special world in the future.

These people are really not good people. How many good people can smugglers have? These guys who swim on the verge of survival and death all the time often do not agree with each other, and even if they kill someone, they will not be afraid, at most they will lift up and find an inconspicuous place. Even if such a man is pretending to be kind, there is absolutely no possibility of kindness, and it is more like a hungry wolf.

The presence of these people disturbed Otis's peaceful life. Some people found Thomson who often went in and out of the city hall, hoping that he could talk to the mayor, and whether they would take them away. These people wandered around the street all day, and they teased a little girl, which made some old people here very angry. These people should not be here, they should be in the garbage dump.

Thomson conveyed the people's "petition" to Dulin very completely. After listening, Dulin thought for a moment, said "I know", and let Thomson leave.

This is the result of the local compatriots not cooperating with him. Since those people are content with the status quo and are not willing to be manipulated, they can only endure this situation temporarily. There are at most five days left, these things can be completely resolved, because Carter's people are coming. But this does not mean that a good day for the locals is coming, the result will be completely the opposite!

After letting Thomson get out of the way, Du Lin continued to lower his head and looked at some things recorded in the book. He once thought that the management of a city didn't need to make too exaggerated buildings, but he realized it was his turn. When you stand in front of a solemn building that makes you feel small and burdened with a heavy sense of oppression, and ... standing in front of this four-story building that can be called a dangerous house, the state of mind is Absolutely different!

No matter how arrogant people are, they must consolidate their bad tempers in front of the former, and they will endure as much as possible in the face of unbearable situations. But the latter ... seems to have become a place for such people to declare their existence, and a majestic building will reduce the value and grade of the staff in the building. Think back to Irian's City Hall, and recall that Tener's City Hall, without exception, are solemn buildings.

Therefore, Du Lin's first repair was the City Hall, and he had had enough of it.

Of course, he was definitely not for his own enjoyment, absolutely not.

He walked to the map of the city and looked at the messy plan with a little bit of liver pain. To be honest, although the current urban planning of Otis City is messy, it occupies a good place, which is like a "d" The old town is at the bottom of the bowl. Both the light, the wind direction and the residence are pleasant. If a new city plan is to be rebuilt opposite the old city, it will not only cost a lot of money, but the environment will be worse.

Should we demolish it?

Du Lin touched his chin, and some stubble began to poke his hands. After all, he was already nineteen years old in terms of virtual age, and he was considered an adult. Speaking of it, it seems that the buddha does not have a long beard, and I really envy the bright chin, and does not need to take care of it all day. After thinking about it, he started to drive, and after a while he thought of Mrs. Vivian and the child of Dufo ...

If not all Buddhas pushed in, he might have thought about it for a while.

Seeing a smile on Du Lin's face, he already had a laughing joke in his eyes, all Buddha looked down at his dress and slaps it a few times. He opened his hands and turned around, asking a little inexplicably: "I have something on me?"

Du Lin shook his head as he walked back to the chair and sat down. He leaned back and looked at Dufo, "What is it?"

In addition to Dufo, even Ji must knock on the door, because that guy has not passed the certification of Doolin, and only a few people have been awarded this honor.

Dufo went directly to Du Lin and sat down, pulled out his cigarette with his legs crossed, "Brother Andy is here ..."

The Andylin brothers are a heterogeneous species in Nami Lindes. They do not smuggle, but their income is closely related to smuggling. To put it simply, they are the kind of car bandit road bully. When you encounter soft persimmons, pinch them, treat those who are more powerful than them, and use the other party as a grandfather. The typical bully is afraid of hard people. But it's just such an unflattering guy who mixes very well at Nami Lindes.

They will not swallow after they have robbed the goods. After all, they have no channels for smuggling, and they are not willing to do so. They will draw a certain amount of income and then help the other party to send these things to their destination. To put it plainly, it is an alternative protection fee. Many small forces are also unwilling to fight for the loss of modest interests and the Andy brothers. They do not harm the interests of the big forces and the big forces also treat them as invisible.

They cleverly found a gap for themselves, which belongs to the kind of dogs who hate them.

There were about thirty people in their hands, all of whom were fierce and fierce, and everyone gradually got used to their existence.

These people came to Otis, needless to say, to find work here.

They were very clever and did n’t touch the official transport vehicle. They knew they could n’t afford it. Before, they lived in Nami Lindes because they had their source of information over there, and they could know who was loading what and how many things. . Now those smugglers intend to put the smuggling base in Otis. Some people have even discussed that the smuggled steam locomotive does not stop at Namindes, and goes directly to Otis to unload, forcing them to have to move their positions.

After listening, Du Lin nodded his head, and picked his fingers randomly. "Someone will come over in a few days, arrange for people to stare at them, and you can warn them if necessary." There are actually half a sentence later, If the warning is invalid, send them back to God's arms.

Perhaps this is the biggest difference between Du Lin and other officials. Other officials will also think about finding a group of people to balance this group of people, or to drive tigers and wolves, or to kill with a knife. Just looking at it and thinking about killing each other? Perhaps it is precisely because Du Lin is so unreasonable that it is possible to suppress these people before the rules are established.

Du Fu nodded to understand that he had just thought of standing up, his hips had left his chair, and he sat back again, "What the **** is in that box?"

Gina told him it was a fishing rod, and Dufo also believed ~ ~ and thought that Gina's brain might not be very good. But the problem now is that he didn't think the box was a fishing rod, which meant that his own brain was not very good. In addition to curiosity, he wanted to know why Du Lin was willing to take out Ji. To know what they do, none of them are in line with the rules, which makes it difficult for outsiders to truly join the group.

"You have to ask yourself and tell you a secret, that guy's ability to resist women is not high!" Du Lin kicked the ball back to Dover, and also wanted to verify whether Kenar could gain his trust.

Why does it mean that Du Lin brought the Buddha without anyone? It is because Dufo has been rushing outside since he was very young. He has seen a lot of scenes, and he has also been in jail. He is also very clever, and guesses that Du Lin's mind is also accurate. That's why Du Lin brought him here. Some things can be understood in his heart, but they can never be said. If Jose is changed, he may really always ask, if he changed Airlis, he may really go to find a few girls.

No one worry!

Early the next morning, the people who just woke up from their sleep walked out of the house and saw the notice posted on the outside wall. The literacy rate in Otis is generally not high, so there are crowds of people in the streets.

"This is a notice ..." Devil looked at the notice on the wall. After reading it, he could read it in a way that everyone can understand. "The City Hall plans to rebuild the city, and half of the houses will be demolished. Rebuilding ... start in the city center! "

The crowd that hadn't been quiet for a long time suddenly burst into more doubts, and Deir's brain began to boil.

But he himself was also curious. Is there any need for such a city?

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