Cosma Empire

Chapter 348: What [two]

At this point, Edgar felt like he was standing in front of a mountain, and he was a small rock, and Doolin was the big mountain. He really did n’t have anything that Doulin could see, and he rolled away from the mountain. When a stone is dropped, it will be bigger and heavier than his size.

Looking at other people, they also started from smuggling. Not only have they already had huge net worth, they have also joined the New Party team and become mayors of Otis City. Although the mayor of this city is not very valuable, it is the title that is valuable. He believes that as long as Du Lin is willing to spend money to run it, it is likely that he will be directly transferred to continue to serve as mayor, and may even enter the New Party internal organs!

And Edgar, he has been in the smuggling industry for more than ten years. In these years, he did have a little fame. He also raised 30 or 40 people under his hands. He still felt that he was well mixed, but he sat down. Opposite to this one, there was an illusion that he had lived his age on the dog. At this moment, his heart is really breeding a hint of jealousy, instead of showing himself, it is the real jealousy.

Edgar, who has always thought of himself as a "merchant," suddenly found out sadly that he could take it, as if he had it, and it was more and better than himself!

Whether it is a businessman or a politician, the premise of "trading" is essentially "traffic", that is, there is something that can be obtained, and then the "easy" thing is considered. He didn't have anything to do with it, and he didn't want to miss this opportunity of Du Lin's opening. It was really difficult for others.

He racked his brains and couldn't figure out what he could do to make Du Lin things. Just when he couldn't think of anything that could make Du Lin almost desperate, he glanced up and glanced at this young and excessively mayor. He immediately noticed keenly that Doolin didn't seem to expect anything from him, perhaps because he knew he couldn't come up with anything tempting.

The smugglers are all sensitive people, Edgar immediately abandoned his idea of ​​thinking, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Du Lin, what do you want from me?"

He quickly cleaned up his mood, and apparently kicked the ball to Dulin. He felt that if Dulin could make this condition, he would have to fancy one aspect or something of himself. Otherwise he won't make such an offer.

Only when you want to get something will you consider how to get it.

Du Lin didn't hide anything, and Edgar followed as he stood up. The two walked to the window one after the other. Du Lin pushed open the window and pointed at the dead city outside. Build something here, whether it's a high-rise building or an entertainment venue, build something, invest in a project, and after your goods leave me, I will give you a 20% mark. "

"As long as I don't leave here, I guarantee that this promise will not change. If I leave one day, I believe that the city will not allow its successors at that time to undermine the rules of the game we all set together!"

Edgar gazed at the dilapidated city outside the window and took a breath. His scalp was tingling for a while, and his body was a goosebump! He only knew at this time that he realized that people are different. What is different is not ambition and goal, but mind and vision! While he was still thinking about how to reduce the special tax of 50% a little, Du Lin had considered making a rule of the game here that does not belong to any party and political force!

There is no doubt that as soon as he walks out of the town hall, rumors of tax cuts will circulate outside, which will attract more people to come here, and bow his head in front of Du Lin, obey his will and maintain His rules of the game will make it a private kingdom that belongs to him! When the interests of all people are consistent, Du Lin will become a king without a crown here. His will is the will of the city and the will of all forces!

Yes, that's why Edgar's scalp is numb. He was still watching that Qian Zanzan. When he was careful, he was too far behind others. What made him even quickly wipe out the jealousy that had just risen was that Du Lin was too young! He still has at least fifty years to stand on the stage of the empire. The ghost knows what he will look like in fifty years. Maybe he planted it halfway along the way and became the bones of others.

However, it is also possible to reach the pinnacle of life smoothly and without risk, and let the whole world bow!

And as Du Lin said, once every inch of land in this city has traces of power, all powers in the entire city have the same voice. No one but the king of this city can change any of the rules here. Because no matter who wants to change what rules, even a small and insignificant change, it will cause a series of big problems, even confrontation with the whole city.

Edgar believes that there will be no "good guys" here. If anyone dares to challenge the bottom line of these bad guys, the end will be absolutely miserable!

He turned back from wonder, this decayed and run-down city has become different in his eyes, he realized that this is a good opportunity, whether it is to pay Du Lin well or invest here Lee, both are excellent things. This time he didn't even hesitate, he immediately made a decision!

"Mr. Durin, thank you very much for giving me such an opportunity. I don't know much about other things, but warehouses and bars ... if I can, I'm willing to start construction right away!" Although Edgar is very optimistic about Durin And the future development of this city, but there is no blind sweep, he knows what material he is, especially after comparing with Du Lin.

He doesn't know or even understand those unfamiliar businesses, but if he knows what he knows, then he can't understand it!

Du Lin did not refuse him, nodded his head and agreed, and held out his hand. "Then we are so determined, as long as your bar and warehouse starts and is completed, and your goods will go from here onwards, all of them will only cost 2%. Ten business taxes! "

Edgar also shook hands with Durin tightly again, "I will call someone immediately, please rest assured!" At this time, Edgar was motivated, maybe because of his wise behavior, he will change himself in the future. The future too!

Next, it's Durin's tip to teach Edgar how to strip private wine from the special tax collection list.

In fact, Du Lin registered a lot of patents after he arrived in Ilian, and also found some. For example, after a while, a scientist at Didu will find that the concentration of wine exceeds a certain limit, and it will produce an excellent killing bacteria in the test product, and call this what he calls high alcohol For clinical use, there are further significant discoveries. At the same time, it was a good luck guy who discovered how to extract the alcohol hidden in the wine to a medical level.

In the media, alcohol will become a magical thing that can be used almost everywhere. One by one, new discoveries, and the constant emergence of news, people will realize the important role that alcohol plays in life, in medicine, and even in industry!

At the same time, the production cost and price of cheap alcohol are much cheaper, easier to produce, and more promotional than what is being used now! With a lot of good news and some operations from Du Lin, there will be new news from the capital.

For example, alcohol is not a beverage, but a medical and industrial necessity. This is something that is closely related to people's lives. Naturally, no special tax can be levied. Instead, the collection point should be lowered. !! After the door is closed, there is a set of documents and tax payment vouchers. Who dares to say that the bottle is filled with alcohol instead of alcohol?

Du Lin is holding a patent ~ ~ holding a "method", a series of patent barriers, plus he has the power of "enforcement". Anyone who wants to set foot on this privately, Doomed to pay a heavy price. If you don't want to offend Du Lin and don't want to pay for it, it's easy, buy a license from Du Lin!

He could not be a tycoon in the field of cinema, but it might not be difficult to be a tycoon in the beverage industry.

Edgar left here with confidence, and soon a message spread out at Namindes, saying that there is a special way out of Otis city, which can safely go out with lower taxes.

The news was not spread by Dulin, but Edgar took the initiative to help Dulin. Since he felt that there would be more practical benefits to being attached to Dulin, why not simply be more thorough? Maybe this is the gap between those who lick blood at the edge of the knife and those who are very good-looking. One twitched in the end, maybe he couldn't please others, but he would offend people.

Before that, many people were still waiting to see. One was to determine if the line of Audis was really reliable. In the event of a problem, the loss will not be small. Secondly, I also felt that the 50% special tax was too painful. I lost a large part of my income at once, so that some people were not willing to go even if they thought it was a good route.

Everyone knows that taking a steam locomotive will save effort and time than walking by yourself, but the cost may not be affordable or willing to be paid by everyone.

But after the news spread among smugglers, more people went to Otis to explore the wind.

Among the many people asking for news, there is a special big man!

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