Cosma Empire

Chapter 353: Question one】

Du Lin deeply sympathized with the old man's encounter, and also sent a wreath, very beautiful. There are still some morning dew on the petals that are fresh and dripping. As long as you are close, you can smell a burst of quiet fragrance.

"Thank you very much!", The old man's child held the hand of a police officer tightly, "Please convey me and my family for you, and I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mayor Du Lin!"

After communicating with the hospital, the child of the old man learned that when the old man came, his leg was injured and his bones were hit. In the very urgent situation at that time, if conservative treatment was used, although it might be dangerous, and the elderly could continue to walk on crutches, they would also face great risks. Once the operation is unsuccessful, the elderly will have to saw off their legs after being tortured. The psychological and physical pain and shock will likely cause the elderly to have other conditions.

So the hospital can only take a relatively aggressive approach, but there will be no worries, that is, amputation.

As the attending doctor of the rescue room, Dr. Liam explained his situation to the family members of the elderly. He also repeatedly stated that as long as the elderly's mood is stable, they can try to use prosthetic limbs. There may be some inconveniences when walking. You can walk on your own. Moreover, Empire technology is so developed that there are already mechanical wheelchairs that use Lijing as a power source, and the price is not expensive. The elderly can simply go anywhere in the wheelchair according to their wishes.

Under the explanations of Dr. Lianmu with "lucky luck" and "relaxation", the family members of the old man accepted his explanation and that of the hospital, that is, the old man's situation is very dangerous, and his life may be in danger without amputation.

At the same time, the hospital also reminded in good faith that if not a few kind people sent the old man in time, he may be dead!

So there was such a scene. When Du Lin made people send wreaths, the children of the old man were very caring and excited. Even if his father kept telling him that the mayor of Otis was a devil, what a **** he was grateful for! If the other person is really a devil, an asshole, there is no need to send him to Nami Lindes, he just needs to throw him to a place where no one is, and he is finished.

The other party not only sent someone all the way to Nami Lindes, but also paid him for amputation and subsequent hospitalization. If this is not a good person, what can I do to be a good person?

The child of the old man actually understood his father's psychology. That small place had never had a complete city hall management, so many of them were residents in self-government. Correspondence with the old man, and when he met, the old man always unknowingly stated how powerful he was in Otis, and how many people listened to his decision. Whether this is true or not, now the city of Otis welcomes a complete management, which means that what many elderly people think is "power", belongs to the city hall again.

In the simplest, if someone has a dispute or conflict, they will not go to the elderly and "decent people" nearby, they will seek the help of the police and the court.

Under such circumstances, the stubborn old people will definitely not like the new mayor of Otis, and it is only natural to complain and hate each other. He has been doing business in Nami Lindes for so many years and has already figured out the minds of most people. Besides, if it is really Mayor Du Lin who wants to plot his father, is it necessary to be so troublesome? Those big men only need one look and one action to make the old father suffer a suffocation, and he ca n’t speak hard. It ’s like now.

Not only did he send him to Nami Lindes for the best treatment, but also paid so much money, this mayor of Doolin is really a good official!

He repeatedly told the police to say hello to the mayor on behalf of himself and his family, and also gave him a bag of gifts in return for some of the goods he was selling-dried fruit.

Both Nami Lindes and Otis are in the heart of the empire. The air is dry, the climate is changeable, and fruits are not abundant. These dried fruit are all wholesale from the southern coastal areas. They are sold in Nami Lindes and surrounding cities. The business is not bad. It can still be done by selling three or five thousand yuan a year.

The policeman smiled and said something nice, and finally thanked Fang Yuan again for sending it, and left with the things.

The old man's child stood outside the hospital and sighed. There was such an enthusiastic leader with good character in his hometown. Perhaps he could consider opening a shop there.

When he returned to the ward, the old man was still sulking. He sat next to the old man's bed, peeling fruit for him, and said, "In fact, I would also like to thank Mayor Du Lin. He saved your life after all. Life, and I have to say that it is a pity that this leg was lost, at least so you have to live with us ... "he was astonished when he raised his hand to feed the peeled flesh to his father. His dad twitched in bed with his eyes turned white.


After the two main messengers were solved, no one dared to obstruct the construction. The huge at-1 magic modified engineering machine was like a child beside a sand pile. It easily destroyed the entire park and began to dig deep into the foundation. It was also at this time that many Audis encountered the same situation, a situation that caught them a little bit off guard and looked aggressive.

Someone wants to buy their house!

If there is no real estate agent in the entire empire, Otis may be one. It has been more than ten years since the last real estate developer went bankrupt. After the last real estate developer went bankrupt, Otis has never built any large-scale buildings, let alone what kind of real estate or block development projects. This is like a huge black hole in real estate. Even if a huge real estate company squeezes in, it will be swallowed without any residue.

But when did the house in Otis sell?

Every resident who was asked if he was willing to sell the house lived near the city hall. They looked back at the dark house with a limited blankness, and then looked at those inquirers with the same blankness, how much can the house sell? Why buy your own house.

No one can give the correct answer. Some people gladly chose to sell their house, in exchange for a cash that they seemed very suitable, and then sold the house for a third or even a quarter of the money. To buy a new set of real estate-the real estate agent's house was finally mortgaged to the bank, they only need to pay a little money to get the property rights of the house and the ownership of the land under the house.

The city is changing very quickly, and more and more foreigners have poured into the city. When an uninhabited block outside the city center was toppled, people finally understood what Du Lin promised not long ago. The city really embarked on a path of rise.

On such a day, Doolin was a little unhappy.

Natalie lowered her head and stood in front of Du Lin. This time she changed into a relatively conservative dress, covering her figure and rounded legs. There was a little bruise on her left face and some dried blood on her forehead. To be precise, she was beaten.

Natalie dropped her job five days ago in accordance with Du Lin's request, and went to Nami Lindes to contact the construction unit to lay a complete telephone line for Otis. Her goal is very clear, that is, the Telegraph Bureau of Nami Lindes. Now the telegraph office is under the management of the Telegraph Bureau. They have a mature system and a skilled construction team. They also know the telephone lines and the computer room. So she went straight to the door.

The other party heard that she was a staff member of the city hall of Otis and wanted to build the entire city's telephone network, and she immediately became interested. After talking for almost two days, it was finally agreed that three million telephone networks throughout the city would be laid, and a complete and mature computer room for Otis City, and at least five exchange operators would be trained for them ~ ~ After that, Natalie was relieved, and the other party asked her to sign as soon as possible, but this matter involved so much money that she did not dare to arbitrarily open it. Before contacting Du Lin, she found two other contractors through her relationship. After a brief negotiation, the highest price was 2.2 million, and the lowest was 1.85 million. The same content, and willingness to accept the supervision and construction of the City Hall of Otis, there is such a big gap in it, but Natalie is somewhat unsure of how to choose.

If she is at least 100,000 or even 2300 or 300,000, she will choose the telegraph bureau. After all, they are the real experts, but this is a million dollars short. She does not know whether the contractors are deceiving herself, or The telegraph man lion opened his mouth.

Just as she was preparing to report to the situation with Du Lin, this morning, a person from the Telegraph Bureau found Natalie and urged her to sign an agreement as soon as possible. The other party's words are not very good, and there is a feeling of threat, and the attitude is aggressive. Natalie was already a bit disgusted, so she was too quick to learn what she learned from the market, told the other party, and asked why the other party would pay a million more than other contractors.

"Then what? Then what did they say?" Du Lin held a chair and placed it opposite to what he was doing, sat down, and patted the chair next to him, "Sit down and say, don't worry, there are some things to say It ’s far from valuable to come out. Tell me everything I should know first. "

Natalie hesitated, and sat down. It is not polite to sit down with the mayor, but now Du Lin has spoken, she will not consider these things.

In Natalie's narrative, the other party said that in fact the price could not be lowered ...

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