Cosma Empire

Chapter 355: Demon in the Heart [1]

In the early morning, Igor ate breakfast and kissed on both sides of his wife's cheek. He left his house with a disgusting smile on his face, and said goodbye to his wife and children. The moment he closed the door, his almost perfect smile playing a good father and a good husband was put in the "drawer" and replaced by a faint bore.

He didn't look like this before. He used to love his wife and his children very much. He was almost willing to give them everything he wanted, and only wished them health and happiness. But when he became the director of the Telegraph Bureau, everything changed inadvertently.

He sorted out his clothes, carried a handbag with a smile, greeted his neighbors, and got into his car. He remembered what happened before returning home last night, that female operator. He sometimes feels a bit disgusted by this, but he doesn't know why whenever someone uses this method to deal with him, he can't completely control his desire.

The starting car slowly drove onto the road. The scenery in the block has not changed for more than ten years, only the appearance and heart of those people have changed.

The first time I faced this temptation was on a sunny afternoon. He had just become the director of the Telegraph Bureau. At that time, the Telegraph Bureau had seven employees, including eight people. For the situation of the Telegraph Bureau at that time, there could not be so many staff members, so Igor thought that his first work plan after taking office was "layoffs". He wanted to cut four people and leave only three.

One person is responsible for the daily filing and filing of the work, one person is responsible for the transmission and reception of the telegram, and one person is in an emergency at any time. With his director, the entire Telegraph Bureau only needs four people.

When he uttered his thoughts, those people had some incredible faces on their faces ... should be fear. After all, there are not many wages here, but the benefits are good, and the work is not busy at the same time. Everyone may complain that this job is not very satisfactory, but in fact everyone cherishes this job and no one wants to leave.

It was cruel to pick out four out of seven, but Igor thought it was necessary. After the New Party came to power, there was no new department. Instead, it merged some departments and also proposed the idea of ​​streamlining the membership of the organization. He did this entirely to cater for the governor and higher-ranking executives. He was still ambitious and thought he could climb higher.

But on the day he announced that, after finishing work, he packed up the papers on his desk and packed up some drafts before leaving, the female telegrapher at the time came in uninvited to push in. . He remembered that it was autumn, and the female telegrapher was wearing a nice coat, just when he stood up and sat down to ask the female telegrapher what was going on.

She took off her coat, exposing the white lace underwear inside.

This is the body of the second woman Igor saw in addition to his wife. He struggled and struggled with his own desires. When the woman took off all her clothes and sat on his lap, he took him. His head went blank as he entered the chest.

As a matter of course, the female telegrapher stayed and became the winner. Although her method is a bit mean, it may be the sharpest weapon for women. Since that day, Igor has become interested in women other than his wife. Whether it is a female subordinate or a skilled woman on the street, when he comes to sex, he will find these people to solve it.

Anything will have a fresh period, just like love, everyone's love will have an unforgettable and passionate time. But after this period of time, everything will be dull, as will Igor. When those women could no longer provide him with more freshness, he began to change his target and aimed at those married women.

He has also studied his own behavior. He believes that he is not seeking for pleasure from the body, but is to get deeper satisfaction through the psychology, and he is trapped in it and cannot help himself. When he saw those women in trouble, and had to treat themselves as their husbands to show their body and all enthusiasm, he was more excited than doing anything.

There is no doubt that he is a perverted, perverted mind. He had a secret and never told anyone that he had found someone to do something he should not do after his wife was drunk. That made him very excited, but he didn't dare to do it for the second time, because he was a man with a head and a face. He couldn't let his chaotic private life ruin him.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Igor patted his cheek with a free hand, and this long-extinguished flame began to surge again after he was rejected by the woman named Natalie. He needed a perfect vent to get the woman out of his memory.

The more he didn't want to think about it, the more this terrible thought rolled in his mind. He suddenly twisted the steering wheel, and the car turned suddenly, causing the driver behind to raise his **** and scream. He couldn't take care of it anymore. He drove quickly towards the station in the opposite direction to the telegraph office. He needed to find someone, someone who did not live in Nami Lindes, and talked to him Trade, then send him away forever.

His car was parked outside the station. The special status and environment of Nami Lindes made many people from outside come here every day, and many people left this paradise from here. He lit a cigarette and sat in the car, watching each one coming out of the station, and not much like a resident of Nami Lindes.

That didn't work, he shook his head, and a burly man walked past his car. There is no doubt that this strong man is definitely not a resident here. He is wearing very rustic clothes and is also worn out. He is not as good as those coolies in the station. He should have come here to seek work. He doesn't like strong men, because it will make him look "small". He likes those who are similar to himself.

After waiting for a while, the new train arrived, and another group of people went out of the station. He lit another cigarette and stopped looking at every male who looked like a foreigner. In the end, he watched the group a little disappointed, and didn't find one he felt fit.

At ten o'clock at noon, he had been waiting here for two hours, and just as he was about to give up, his eyes brightened! A satisfied man came out of the station. He didn't look like Nami Lindes, and he wasn't sure if he guessed right. The opponent did not look like a poor man, and there seemed to be a little money in his dress. When he glanced around at him casually, Igor immediately realized that this was the person he was looking for.

He immediately pushed the car door and walked out, and quickly followed the guy. The guy was very alert. He only followed for less than thirty seconds, and the other person stopped and turned to look at him.

He swallowed a spit, squeezed a smile, and pointed to the car not far away. "That's my car. I have a business and want to talk to you!"

The man shook his head and said he left without interest. Igor took two steps. When the man turned back again, there was a glow in his eyes that he couldn't even describe, like ... in the zoo. Looked like those lions dormant in the cage. He took two steps back and raised his hand to show that he was harmless. "I really have a business that I want to talk to you about."

The guy chuckled and turned away.

Igor shook his arm a bit discouraged. This is the person he thinks is the most suitable, because this person is very handsome, so handsome that he feels that he knows that the other party is male ~ ~ as long as the other party is willing Lie down on the bed with his buttocks, he has the idea to try it. If such a man takes home ... maybe that picture will be more beautiful!

He drove back to the Telegraph Bureau. The front desk in charge of the business reception at the entrance of the Telegraph Bureau stood up to say hello to him. He nodded casually, went up the stairs, and walked to his office. He was so upset now that he wanted to do something, but when he was about to do something, two women no longer appeared in his mind, and alternately appeared in his mind. One is the woman named Natalie, and the other is her wife.

He yelled at his hair twice, then stood up anxiously and walked back and forth a few steps. At this time it was 11:20, less than half an hour before work. He couldn't calm down and work here. The terrible idea was like a weed that was bathed in rain, and it was soaring in his head. He wanted to find a place to relax.

He changed his suit and had twenty dollars in his pocket. The moment he left the office and walked down the stairs, he was holding his back.

The guy who appeared at the station before is here again, this is an opportunity.

When Igor saw the man, the man also saw Igor, it seemed that he did not expect to meet Igor here, both of them were so short-lived. The lady who was still at the front desk reminded the guest and told him his true identity, the director of the Telegraph Bureau.

Igor sorted out his dress, walked with a smile, and stretched out his hand. "Sir, I'm Igor. If you don't mind, you might as well sit in my office."

The man was silent for a while, and stretched out his hand, holding him together, "Kalam!"

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