Cosma Empire

Chapter 358: Anna [2]

When An Pu looked at this woman, this woman did not give him too much time to observe herself. Her voice was very nice. If it was not that terrible half face, she would definitely be a beauty. & 1t; /

"Hello Mr. Anpu, my name is Anna. You don't need to know my position at the moment. I came here to ask you a few questions." When she said that, she stopped and looked at Anpu calmly. & 1t; /

An Pu laughed twice, and then coughed violently. He was beaten many times. He suspected that something was wrong with his lungs or other organs. Every time you breathe too fast, you will easily cough, and sometimes cough some blood. He coughed for a while, then wiped his mouth, looking at Ms. Anna, who had been waiting for her answer quietly, and she developed some good feelings. & 1t; /

He knew that he would not like this ghost look now, and that the other party was able to be patient and had not changed his expression and waited for his own determination. This showed that the other party was very educated and made him feel comfortable. He nodded and coughed again. & 1t; /

"Mr. Amp, we all know that Doolin is suspected of a series of criminal acts, but because there is no evidence to get him out of legal sanctions. Instead, you, as a messenger of justice, end up like this. Do you regret it? "" Anna's voice didn't fluctuate. Her eyes were tightly fixed on An Pu's face. She wanted to seize even the slightest change in expression for a moment. "If I give you a chance to choose again, you will How to choose? "& 1t; /

An Pu is a smart person. Never underestimate the smart person's reactivity and reasoning ability. He raised an eyebrow and his eyes became a lot bigger. He immediately realized that this was his chance to leave this ghost place. He pondered for a while, then slowly said, "I don't regret my choice. What would happen to the world if I didn't have the courage to fight in the face of evil?" & 1t; /

When he said this sentence in a very relaxed tone, the body naturally sat upright, although doing so would cause a severe pain in his body, but at this moment, the pain did not Then he felt himself surrounded by warmth. Although the expression on his face was smiling, it was very sacred, and something that made people feel boiling was boiling. & 1t; /

"I am not the last person in the world to pursue justice and justice. The world is dark everywhere, and there are always people who will burn themselves and light up the door to justice for the people behind. If no one stands out, then I stand Come out, I'll make this street light, I'll light up all the roads. Even if in the end I will become ashes, but as long as the people behind me can take a few more steps and go further than the door we expect, I think I have all All the actions are meaningful, and I will not regret it. "& 1t; /

"Everyone will die. The difference is that after some people die, he only lives on the tombstone, but I will live in the sun." & 1t; /

"Ms. Anna, justice can't die!", The air in the room seemed to resonate when Anpo spoke these words, every word was so firm, just like his belief. Even in despair, they have not shaken too much. & 1t; /

For the first time, some other expressions appeared on Anna's face, which made her look a little embarrassed. She was silent for a moment and asked, "What would you do if you returned to that crucial time?" & 1t; /

It seemed that saying something made Amp in a good mood, and his body was not so painful. He thought about it and said, "It's hard for anyone to be perfect in everything. , Give me more time, I will definitely find Du Lin's fatal flaw, then destroy his seemingly hard shell, dig out the softest part inside, and let him accept his trial! "& 1t; /

"He is a very intelligent person. This is the second very intelligent person I have ever met. The first person is Kevin. In fact, you probably do n’t know much. I actually had a lot of enjoyment during that time. It ’s a pity that time is too little. "& 1t; /

Anna nodded her head. In fact, she knew far more than An Pu knew. An Pu didn't lose in the end, he lost in the beginning. When he accepted the case, he was already in a trap. On the one hand, there is a "victory" at your fingertips, and on the other hand, there is a distant phantom. In addition, some people are constantly attacking the empire and the ruling party. The people and public opinion have been pushed by some people to condemn those officials and the ruling party. These forces are pressing Those people made the decision, the simplest one. & 1t; /

She sympathizes with Anpu. She has read all the files. If Anpu is given more time and more free space to let him fully exert his strength, maybe the end will not be like this. She glanced at the two prison guards behind An Pu, and they left the room silently after staring at each other. They were not qualified to listen to the rest. & 1t; /

"Introducing myself again, my name is Anna. At present, my identity is attached to the Imperial National Police Preparedness Bureau, but we do not obey the leadership and command of the General Police Bureau. In turn, we have the power to direct them. We are one without ourselves The special unit of name and place of work, the main task is to search for criminals who may destabilize the empire and cause damage to the empire, and arrest them for trial. "& 1t; /

"The empire has given us a lot of power, but it has also given us a lot of restrictions. Here you do n’t need to worry about any one person making you have to close the case in a short time. We have ample time, ample budget, ample money. Manpower for your use and distribution, as long as you can remove all the unstable factors for the empire, everything you do is acceptable. In addition, if you are not working, you can put your excess Time is used to deal with some personal matters, even if it calls on organizational resources. "& 1t; /

"Mr. Amp, would you like to join us?" & 1t; /

Amp asked back, "Why me?" & 1t; /

"Why not you?" Anna smiled, her smile was weird, half of the devil and half of human. She took off the blindfold covering most of her face, and Amp almost stood up. Most of her face is missing, and even part of her tongue can be seen from this angle of An Pu, it is hard to imagine that this serious injury could survive this lady Anna. & 1t; /

Seemingly satisfied with her actions, Anna played with the blindfold a few times and put it back on again. & 1t; /

"Ten or twenty years ago, a group of self-proclaimed redeemers organized a terrorist organization called Scarlet Dawn. They instigated slaves and free people to rebel against the nobility on the territory. Many nobles were killed by them, and many Free people and slaves were suppressed. People were bleeding and dying on both the left and the right. Their actions have caused turmoil in the empire and formed two opposing positions between nobles and non-nobles. "& 1t; /

"I do not speak for nobles, nor for non-noble citizens, free people, and slaves. I am only stating a fact. At least before they appeared, not so many people died, the empire was peaceful, and there may be some discomfort. Everyone, at least, is alive. But after they appear, every month, week, and day, someone dies. They think what they are doing is right, right, and right, Mr. Amp, Do you think they did it right? "& 1t; /

She suddenly lost her mind for a moment, and her face was a little unclear about the unknown way, but she quickly returned to her, and did not let An Pu answer her question, but continued to say, "At that time, my superior assigned me A task, let me find a way to break into this organization, then disintegrate them, and stop all bleeding and death. I almost did it, it was a little bit worse. "& 1t; /

"Then you see, they left me scars and shame that will never be worn away!" & 1t; /

"You asked me why I chose you?" & 1t; /

"Because I suspect that Du Lin is the offspring of the person I'm looking for, that's why!" & 1t; /

"You can reject the job and go back to the cell and wait for what you call the light to light the darkness. Or you can accept the job and try to make some changes in this world as you can. Mr. Amp, I will only Come this time, no second time! "& 1t; /

An Pu's response was much faster than Anna imagined. UU reading www.uukanshu. He immediately replied: "Why refuse? If you can lighten the way forward without lighting yourself, why fearless sacrifice? Madam Anna, I promised you an invitation!" & 1t; /

On the same day, Anpu quietly disappeared in the prison. The prison declared that Anpu had died and was burned because of a sudden illness. Even the prison he lived in was isolated and disinfected, which caused the prison to panic for a while. Some even took the initiative to attack the prison guards just to put themselves in independent cells and wait for the disease to come out. & 1t; /

This incident was quickly known to all-pervasive journalists, who arrogantly attacked the Empire ’s Second Prison in a series of issues in the newspaper, which has aroused heated debate in society. & 1t; /

Then Kevin also knew about this. He sat silent for a while, then picked up the microphone and called Du Lin. & 1t; /

"An Pu died, saying it was a sudden illness, but the reporters got some materials, saying that he might have been killed." & 1t; /

When Du Lin heard the news, he was not surprised at all. A successful prosecutor was put in jail. This may be his only end. "It's a pity that there is another good person in this world. Help me to go to him. Put a flower in front of his grave, telling him that although we are enemies, he is a respectable person, all pure people are worthy of respect! "& 1t; /

Du Lin hung up the phone, walked to the window, looked at the city outside the window like a huge construction site, and sighed with a smile. & 1t; /

He suddenly wanted to drink. & 1t; /

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