Cosma Empire

Chapter 366: A smile flying to heaven 【二】

Vivienne knew that the news of Peter's assassination was three days later. Three days ago, the Governor ’s House had encountered a terrorist attack. If Vivien had not been involved in a car accident the day before, he might have hired several bodyguards to protect himself It was only in her next life that she could learn about it from history textbooks.

Her first thought was not happy, but a little angry, because Peter died, not in her hands.

The Governor's Mansion was attacked and more than 30 people were killed, including His Excellency the Governor himself. He was returned to the embrace of God by a grenade. Only a dozen people across the Governor's Mansion survived.

Undoubtedly, Vivienne believes that the messenger of this incident must be Peter, and only Peter and the Governor-General and himself have such a deep hatred. At the same time, the Governor-General poses the greatest threat to Peter. He must make extreme choices Only then is it possible to get through the immediate difficulties.

Mrs. Vivian also intends to avenge herself, but what he didn't expect was that Peter was dead!

After a short period of anger, Wei Wei lying on the bed was blank. She was a little embarrassed. When the Governor-General was alive, she always wanted to do something to make the Governor-General aware of his mistakes, and to let him know that he was not just his girl. But when the corpse of His Excellency the governor flickered through her eyes, she was confused, and she did not know how to go in the future.

What should I do?

Or do nothing?

She doesn't even have the goal of revenge. What else does she pursue?

Her brothers came to see her twice in an unreal way, and said something similarly insincere. The death of her father seemed to give them a kind of relief. When they spoke, there was not even a trace of sadness on their faces, but it was transparent. With a kind of ease.

She used to be the same, but now it is not.

These disgusting guys.

On the fifth day, Vivian received a bouquet of flowers with a letter in it. She was a little curious to take the envelope apart and opened it. She thought about it during the opening process. She thought it should have been sent to her by the Buddha, which made her feel a little better, but opened the letter paper after she opened it. She The whole person froze.

Dear daughter:

I haven't exposed weakness in my life, no matter when or where, I am the strongest. But at this moment, I actually felt like I was melting.

Yes, when you see this letter, it means that I have left you and returned to the embrace of God. I think this must be a less sad time, because I have been too strict with you in these years. I know that you don't like me, and even hate me, because I prevent you from doing what you want to do, forcing you to do what you don't want to do.

At this moment, I hope you will forgive me, this is my last request. As a father I was unqualified, and I felt very guilty, because apart from those imperative requirements, I didn't know how to get along with my children, that is, with you and those two bastards. I have to admit that it was my fault. I dedicated myself to the empire, but I didn't leave anything to you. I feel guilty.

I hope you will be happy, please believe that this is my most sincere thought and prayer. I still vaguely remember that you fell down for the first time, secretly used people's cosmetics, ran out in a skirt for the first time, and cried Earl Camus' son for the first time. I suddenly realized that I was really a failed father. Many of the first times in your life have not involved me. I watched quietly like a bystander. I have never hated myself so much. Why not give myself more time. And space to accompany you to grow.

It's too late to say these things now. Fortunately, from the beginning to the end, at least I am still in your eyes, and I haven't become another person. Perhaps this will keep me in your mind for a little longer.

I've done a lot of wrong things in my life and made a lot of mistakes, but I've never been so proud because I own you. You are the most jewel in my life, how much I want to spend more time with you, but God does not allow me to do so. For the first time, I felt that God is not merciful at all, why ca n’t you give me a longer time, why ca n’t you let me watch you grow up a little bit, and only take me away from you when I am completely at ease .

Please forgive me for leaving you selfishly, and please remember that I will always love you!

In addition to saying these things, I also want to tell you that I divided my property into three points. My old house and all the jewelry and paintings are yours. The cash and other properties are your brother. Yes, by the way, I have an illegitimate child you do n’t know, that is a poor child. If possible, I hope you can take care of him for me. My lawyer will tell you the details.

Farewell, Vivienne, I hope you are happy!

Love your father forever!

When Vivienne knew that Peter's so-called love was a woven lie, she didn't cry, she just hated it.

When Peter hit her, she didn't cry, she just hated.

When everything she thought violated her and betrayed her, she was not sad, she just made herself stronger.

But at this moment, tears were like raging river water, flooding across the embankment and causing disaster. She covered her mouth and nose and didn't want to make herself cry, but she couldn't do that. For the first time, she understood why there was the word sad. She felt a sharp blade pierce her heart, and she could not breathe even when she was sad.

After crying for a while, she suddenly smiled and cried with a jerk, which was also the first time she knew that the stubborn Governor-General had such a sensual side, and also knew that she had a younger brother.

She wiped away the tears, propped her injured body to the window, shoved the window open, the summer sun shone across the world, and the green vitality was like the ocean. She looked up at the sky, smiling, as if This will make her father in heaven see her smile.

The political earthquake in Tenell and Aldo did not affect Otis. As the construction of Otis began to make rapid progress, more young people could be seen on the street. They rushed back to their hometown from other places. In addition to seeing the changes in the city with their own eyes, they also wanted to find business opportunities from them. Any emerging city is full of gold, which is the consensus of young people who have crossed the big pier.

It is also because of their return to home that the city has become more vibrant. People are talking about the hottest topic in the current city of Otis-demolition.

There are many benefits to demolition. For example, after the old house is demolished by the city hall, people will be replaced with a new and larger house, and it may also be a building. Buildings are the topic people care about, and living on several floors has become the most popular content in people's chats. In addition to having a new house, the city hall will also pay a fee, which is about one yuan and five yuan, which is almost equal to the annual income of a local person.

Those families with many members are happy to shut up, and everyone is looking forward to a better future.

But there are also a handful of people who seem to be a little bit against the will of the mainstream.

Are they still unwilling to move? Du Lin frowned. About twenty families were unwilling to move away from their old house, because they had a deep feeling for the old house, so they were unwilling to leave there. However, the actual price is not discussed. They believe that the place where they live is in the city center, and the place where they move back is a distance from the city center, so they hope higher compensation to make up for the losses.

Natalie shook her head, and they wanted to talk to you in person. After three days of rest, she came back to work early, in fact, such things are not so serious to her. She once lived in such an environment, constantly facing malicious guesses from her colleagues and harassment from her boss.

Especially when she heard friends say that Igor was missing, she even more desperately wanted to return to work. In her limited life, she had never expected to work in a humble office building.

She still remembers what Du Lin asked her at the moment and asked her if she believed in the gods in this world.

She didn't believe it, but now she does.

Looking at Du Lin's eyes, there was something that made her feel painful. She had never been so tempted and never experienced this sense of security as if surrounded by warm water.

Du Lin put down the pen in his hand and rubbed his wrist. During this time, the only thing he may have improved significantly is his writing ability. He was relieved to see more than half of the prompts and guess the other half.

So let them know, arrange a time for me to meet with them, and consider other plans if they can't talk. After talking about it, Du Lin shook his head and picked up the pen to continue writing his plan. He plans to go to the government to meet with Governor Harry this weekend. In the next part of the Otis exhibition plan, Governor Harry still needs to nod, and at the same time, Doolin also wants to see if this guy is a target for cooperation.

He asked Mr. Jack to inquire about something about Governor Harry. The information had been returned back last night. The information he got was more dramatic than he thought. In fact, there are also different camps within the New Party, the cutting-edges with Margs and the moderates with Sean. Harry belongs to the cutting-edge. He wants to run for the next prime minister, but Sean also has this idea, so when Du Lin proposed the special zone plan, he would quickly pass.

He also needs allies!

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