Cosma Empire

Chapter 368: Business [2]

When this young man said this sentence, all the people around him suddenly had an epic sense of tens of thousands of grass horses running in their hearts. Their mayor was actually a smuggler, but also the largest smuggler on the east coast of the empire?

To be honest, this is really hard to accept. On one side is the mayor, the ruler and the manager of a city. On the one side are smugglers, dangerous people who use the law as drinking water. It's hard to combine these two identities, but their mayor did it.

恍 Only then did someone realize that it was no wonder that Mayor Du Lin would issue tax payment vouchers to smugglers. It turned out that he was also one of them. Some even thought of what happened to the mayor of Du Lin. Maybe it was these smugglers who pooled money to open up his joints and made him jump from being a smuggler to becoming a mayor.

是 In this city where police can be maintained without a police station, the concept of right and wrong is still very clear. When the young people identified Du Lin's identity, they developed a subtle emotion towards Du Lin.

家伙 This guy did bring change to the city, but his identity made everyone feel a little unacceptable. This is a very contradictory psychology.

Looking back at Du Lin, instead of being ashamed into anger because his identity was made public, a smile appeared on his face. He watched the young man, and the young man generously let him watch. He asked, "I don't know your name yet?"

"Want to investigate me?" The young man also laughed. "My name is Martin. You are welcome to investigate all my things clearly. Maybe I can find some that I may have forgotten, or not Know things. "

"Martin!", Doolin nodded, "I remember the name!"

"I am honored, sir."

Dulin took a few steps over Martin. He now clearly felt that someone was targeting him. Exposing his details was only their first step. Their real purpose should be the mid-term election.

The term of office of the Prime Minister of the Empire is four years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms, so people always regard the point between the first four years and the second four years as half the term, which is what people call General elections. However, in the strict sense, the term of office is only four years. In the first four years, some people will always benefit from the policies and regulations promulgated by the Prime Minister. The beneficiaries are often more than the harmers, so the vested interests will Firmly vote for the person in power.

But for the people below, there is no concept of "mid-term elections", because their terms of office are not limited and they are not regulated. Every four years is a general election for them, a severe test. After passing the exam, everything is no different than before. But if you fail to pass the test, you may have to face defeat and lose your power.

If this step is reached, it is not a dead end. You can transfer to a place with strong strength of other parties, or hold a post in the party, waiting for the next opportunity.

With the development of Otis in a month, there has been a strong change in rapid progress. It will be normal for Du Lin to have someone who wants to pick peaches and win the fruits of his victory.

It is not a skill to develop a prosperous city to be more prosperous, but if you develop a poor place in Hou Luo into a prosperous city, it means political and word of mouth success, which means you can get more opportunity.

In addition, the nature of the rules formulated by Du Lin for this city is enough to allow anyone to assume the post of mayor, and it will not affect the sustainable development of the city, so some people are tempted. They only need to get the position of Du Lin, and then continue to develop in the way of Du Lin, it is not difficult to build a prosperous city.

But why should you take my city away?

There was a little cold chill in Du Lin's heart. He looked at the onlookers and observed the changes on their faces. After a while, he nodded. "I'm here. In front of everyone, I need to refute a wrong view of Mr. Martin. He said that I am a smuggler and I don't admit it." When Martin was about to say something, He glanced back at Martin, and his indifferent look made Martin's heart burst without interrupting Dulin's words.

"I'm more willing to ask people to call me a businessman than the less-than-smelling name of a smuggler. At the same time, I must say that my business is legal in Ilian. My business is very big. How big is it? ", He stretched his arms to his side, and seemed to want to embrace the whole world." It's so big! "The sudden little humor worked very well, making many people laugh out loud, and even some people directly addressed the people around them. People express their opinions, they think that Du Lin is a good person, at least he can make everyone happy.

Du Lin was also very satisfied with his rescue behavior. He smiled and continued: "I provide 600,000 bottles of wine each month to 57 cities in the Empire. Each bottle of wine includes various expenses including After paying taxes, I will earn three dollars, one month is 1.8 million, and one year is more than 20 million. My monthly income alone may be higher than the entire year of taxation in Otis. Why am I here? "

"When Mr. Martin identified me, I believe many people would think that I am here to make more money, but this is not my purpose here."

"When the mayor of Irian nominated me to come here as mayor, I refused from the bottom of my heart, because before that I didn't know the place at all, and then I went to look at the map. On the map I found After this place, my assistant also told me that this place is a poor place, so poor that my monthly income tops it up and pays taxes for a year or more. "

"I was very opposed at the time. Compared to being a mayor of a backward city with only a few old cars, why do n’t I continue my business? Every day I can bring girls you ca n’t imagine. Go out to sea and look for joy you ca n’t imagine in the sea. I can spend money to buy anything I want, and I can enjoy the same treatment as Her Majesty the Emperor. Why should I come here? ”

Du Lin looked at the citizens around him, and those citizens were gradually attracted by his impromptu speeches, because all the things he said were true and realistic, not those things that politicians could not understand. At the same time, people are thinking, why is such a rich man with a joy they can't imagine?

He hit a ring finger and pointed to the sky. This ring finger pulled some people's minds back and refocused on Dulin. "Because I found another joy, a joy of challenge. There is only one person I respect most, and that is the leader of our new party, our leader, Mr. Magus, who saved this empire, and saved us all. He can save me, so why can't I take you to make a fortune together? ? "

"To be honest, the guy who nominated me to come here was not kind. He just wanted to send me away. He was afraid that I would participate in the election and drag him from the mayor. So he sent me here, in In their mouth, this is a garbage dump. All people who have no value live here. It is dead and there is no future. Because their evaluation of this place is so special, I suddenly thought that it might be meaningful. "

"I came here, and led everyone to make a fortune together. Even when I first arrived here, I still wanted to lead everyone to do business with me?" He pointed to Martin, "What he said Smugglers ... "and then pointed to himself," I am a smuggler who can make millions a month. "

市民 Those citizens had a frantic look in their eyes after the panic. They didn't ask for more than one million a month. As long as there were more than one, they were enough to satisfy.

Looking at these hot eyes like the sun, Du Lin laughed and laughed. There is nothing more than interest that can make people swing their will ~ ~ They want to kick themselves away, unless They can promise something like him.

"But I quickly found out that there is a simpler and more profitable way here than smuggling. Why should you give up your immediate profits and go farther to find an uncertain future?" Du Lin took two steps, referring to The ground said: "In the eyes of others, this is a garbage dump, but in my eyes, this is a gold mine. The thing that embarrasses Otis is not anyone, but the idea and the desire for change."

"I will make this place as precious as possible. I will make it the pearl of the central empire, or even the busiest and busiest city in the entire empire. But until then, you must support each of my policies, only we each other. Together, I can bring you the changes you want. "

After saying these things, Du Lin looked at those who were unwilling to relocate, and made a decision on the spot, "Don't you want more compensation? Can you!" When he said this, those people suddenly faced him. Luckily, including Martin, had an imperceptible smile flashing on his face.

Once Du Lin made such a decision, he would be able to encourage more people to follow the trouble, so that the city finances that have just gotten on the right track and a virtuous circle will be ruined by him. At that time, Du Lin will definitely be responsible, if anyone comes forward within the party to blame him.

But the moment Du Lin said the next sentence, everyone's face changed color instantly.

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