Cosma Empire

Chapter 377: End [two]

"I have an immature opinion on the 'illegal' issue you mentioned. How do we determine who has broken the law and who hasn't broken it? Do you, or should I go to 'find'?" Du Lin said in two words. The tone has been increased to make these people understand what the core of what he is talking about, that is, who stipulates what must be illegal.

He shook his head and said, "If I did a good thing and rescued many people, but my behavior is illegal in the legal definition, how do I fight and how can I plead? So the problem itself is contradictory, The problem is back to the original point. In our knowledge, those smugglers, I call them merchants, their behavior is illegal, and they are criminals. The reason for all this is that they transport and sell goods. "

"If they were transporting food and selling food, would we call them smugglers and find them guilty?"

"No, no, then can it be said that their actions are not illegal, what is illegal is what they transport? Maybe it can be said, but this is not the correct answer. If a commodity can increase taxes for a city , Increase taxes for the entire empire, and give them 'legal' control through me, so that they are subject to control and control, are they still illegal? "

"Gentlemen, we have discussed so far and have not found anything truly illegal in this matter. It is not like a murderer, a murderer has killed someone, he has satisfied himself, and has taken someone else's life. Also Unlike thieves, they steal other people's property and make others suffer. These criminals and their criminal behavior are essentially satisfying themselves by harming others, but smuggling does not hurt anyone. Go to the bar, go Take a look in the middle-class families. There is wine everywhere. Are they suffering because they have it? "

"Who were they forced to buy these wines, and were traumatized or even died as a result?"

"No, sir, you can say that I am defending these smugglers, but I think I just did something that is good for the empire and the people, and I am willing to be supervised from all walks of life to ensure that I am Without any selfishness. "

"Thank you!"

Rani first stood up. He crossed the table and walked to Du Lin's side. He shook hands with Du Lin. "Your reply is very interesting and meaningful. It inspired my thinking. This is very important. Mr. Du Lin Thank you for participating in today ’s reply. I hope to have a short time later so that we can talk a little bit about the topics we are interested in. "

Du Lin also answered very politely: "No problem, Mr. Rani."

After sending Dulin away in person, Rani closed the court door, then looked at the other ten adjudicators and shrugged his shoulders, "We can vote now!"

The results of the vote were sent to Magus and Bowers as quickly as possible, and a hearing record was also attached. After looking at it carefully, Magus laughed and tossed the two documents aside, and Harry is now safe. The value of Doolin is that if he can complete the hearing perfectly, then Magus can not use some restrictive means to interfere with the result.

This is a very important thing. It's like two adults watching their children fight together. Before any one of the parents takes the shot, the dispute only ends in the fight between the two children. But as long as any one of the adults takes action, the dispute will immediately escalate, becoming a battle between adults, and the problem will become more serious.

He had planned to take a shot, but Du Lin talked with him for a long time after the visit. At this time, he gave him another answer that made him satisfied. After that, Magus himself only needed to watch quietly.

As for the little tricks of Bowers-such as the issue of Xin Shi Ge, it is not within his consideration. As long as he is still the leader of the New Party for a day, no one can move Xinshige. Even if he retreats in the future, Harry can ensure that the power of Xinshige will not be lost.

So from the beginning, those little tricks of Bowers were a joke to the old-fashioned Magus, who completely "misunderstood" what the top political struggle was like.

Now that Bowers fisted out and retreated without any merit, it's up to Magus to move.

You can't beat me, I can't fight back yet, right?

At this moment, the durin guy has entered the sight of Magus.

Du Lin waited outside the court for a short while, and Rani walked out of the court with a smile. He reached out and invited the two. In addition to the court getting Rani's car, they went to a nearby cafe.

The cafe is nicely decorated and very quiet. The most important thing is that there are many "boxes" here.

This is the first time that Doolin saw such a pure box in this world, like a box in another world. People here don't seem to care much about privacy when dining or drinking tea. In other words, they think that their education is superior, and they will not eavesdrop on other people's conversations, nor will others come to eavesdrop on their conversations. The fact is that people who really think so are either dead or have nothing.

Therefore, there are restaurants and cafes near Empire Avenue, all of which have separate boxes and are completely soundproofed. Only in this way, those talents will come to spend and do n’t use money as hard as they consume.

As soon as the two sat down, Rani ordered a pot of coffee from the Federal Emerald Lake. Emerald Lake is a place name. It sounds very artistic, but in fact this place name has a little story.

Feicui Lake itself is a backwater lake, and its area is not large. At that time, the Speakers of the Business League faced a strong odor when they opened this area, and the lake water had turned green. language. You ca n’t say it ’s called Smelly Lake? So a speaker who likes art and collection proposed that it should be called Emerald Lake. In the later Kaizhong, they introduced the water of the Shudduoun River into the lake, and the dead water lake became a living water lake. The odor was gone, but the green lake water was gone.

The coffee of the Emerald Lake is a bit different from the coffee in other places because of its geographical advantages and long sunshine hours. The coffee color of the Emerald Lake glows a faint blue. It is invisible unless you look closely, only through sunlight. Only a little can be seen in strong places, coupled with special flavors, so the coffee of Emerald Lake has always been very popular, and it can be regarded as a local economic pillar industry.

In addition to this pot of coffee, Rani also ordered some other small snacks, which are all named "the secret of the palace." As to whether these snacks are made according to the recipe of the palace, that is another matter. At least they have a loud gimmick.

Just four plates of dim sum and a pot of coffee, one hundred yuan is gone.

This shows that Rani, the director of the State Administration of Taxation, still has a little value.

"I'm very interested in the economic construction and taxation you talked about. You know that the biggest problem facing the empire right now is the lack of sufficient funds. This is no secret." Rani's opening remarks were very transparent, and it really wasn't What a secret.

Taxes within the sphere of influence of the Old Party could not be collected, and the tariffs were still held by the federals. This is equivalent to the sap of the tax system of the entire empire. Therefore, there was an environment where the capitalists and capital forces were inflated. . The empire needed these capitalists' money for various exhibitions, and the capitalists urgently needed to exchange money for higher social and political status.

The two sides hit it off, creating a troublesome situation in which this capital has begun to interfere in politics and the military.

If the special zone proposed by Doolin and the new economic growth point can pry the internal circulation of the heavy imperial economic system, then the empire can gradually get rid of its dependence on capitalists and capital forces, return to the right track and enter a brand-new Healthy circulation.

This kind of thing does not have much to do with Rani. At least it is also something that the old men of the Ministry of Finance should care about, but everyone will not dislike that they need too much, so Rani has other ideas too. It's normal.

The advantage of the New Party in power lies in this. Officials are much more free than they used to be. They can try to cross the border slightly and can afford the consequences.

Du Lin nodded and Rani continued: "We can make a certain range of attempts to strip the city's tax system from the Empire's tax system and set up a new tax system specifically for the special zone. Taxes, so that your achievements will be more visible. "

"The new system ~ ~ Now Du Lin is startled. The general director of Rani is not small in guts and guts. Obviously he talked to Du Lin before discussing with Magus. With this matter in mind, it seems that he attaches great importance to the tax issue of Otis. He thinks for a moment and thinks that this is good for himself and for Otis.

Tax freedom means that Du Lin can set the tax title and tax proportion, which can attract more legal or illegal businessmen to gather in Otis, and it can also play a vital role in the construction of Otis.

As for personal interests ... Illian's distillery and the federal 70 million base, let alone corruption, the money he can embezzle may not have earned him much!

"I think your idea is very valuable, so if you can come up with a really effective plan and plan, we can try it!"

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