Cosma Empire

Chapter 389: Accommodation [2]

If someone is very embarrassed here, then there must be Du Lin.

Doolin didn't know how Mr. Kesma got his child back that day, but he thought it would never be too friendly.

The reason for his embarrassment was that Mr. Little Kesma was now in the town of Alfalfa and was properly cared for by his father, Kesma and his mother, Kesma. He felt that he should tell Alyssa, and at the same time that he should not tell her now, because she was too emotional, what if she suddenly became crazy?

No one wants his mother to be a lunatic, so Du Lin thought about setting up a place for his children. As he soothed Alyssa, he found in his pocket a handkerchief that wiped the tears on his face, and ... those viscous noses.

Damn, why do women have this when they cry? !!

Du Lin glanced disgustedly at the clothes on his body. The clothes were broken and could not be taken.

"Rest assured, I will find him, I promise!" He opened the rear door and shoved Alyssa in, but Alyssa seemed unwilling to leave Doolin, hugging him tightly and his The arm, poorly, looked at Du Lin like a kitten who knew he was going to be abandoned, and shook his head constantly.

"We're just going to find a place for you to stay. I won't run ..." Du Lin pushed the hand of Alyssa with a little force, then shoved it into the back seat. He beckoned to stand in the distance, reprimanding the Dove named Buck. Dove gave Buck a glazed frost, before turning his expression on his face and sitting in the back seat, next to Ah. Lisa.

If Du Lin knew what Buck and Dove had said just now, maybe he would leave Buck now and leave.

Buck was particularly interested in snooping on the privacy of this rich man, but he was a little bit complained when he was called by his sister, but before he had time to open his mouth, Dove's face turned black. "Do you know Merlin and Alyssa? "Dave, the woman Alyssa knows, but hasn't seen it. Merlin has never heard of it, never seen it. Judging by the relationship Buck had talked to them just now, they should know each other.

Dove knew what his brother was like, a little vanity, a bit of a broken mouth, a bit of fun, and a bit of impetus. To put it plainly is a non-lethal bastard. If he says something on the train that he shouldn't say, it is likely to cause some trouble.

Du Lin is not a simple businessman or an official. For him, if such trouble can be solved in time, it will be resolved in time. She didn't want the news of her brother being lost suddenly one day. Although she didn't like Buck's character very much, it was her brother anyway!

But what she didn't expect was that Buck not only said, but also said something that shouldn't be said, for example-brother-in-law.

Before Dove had time to reprimand Buck, Buck asked: "What's going on with that woman? Why does she have a child with Mr. Doolin, is that Mr. Doolin's fiancee?" Although Buck is sometimes hesitant, But he still has great respect for Dulin, mainly respecting the money in Dulin's pocket and his fearsome horror rumors.

"Sister, honestly I'm disappointed in you, don't you know what everyone expects of you? You should take the initiative, no matter how to have a child for Mr. Du Lin like that woman, only then will there be a dawn! If Father and mother would be very disappointed if they knew it, because ... ", Buck felt interrupted by Dove if he was very helpful, which made him a little annoyed.

"Shut your mouth, if you dare to talk like this again, I will definitely send you back, no one asks for help!", When necessary, Dove still puts herself in the position and posture of being an elder sister, She also explained some places that need attention in the daily life, and just saw Du Lin beckoning. "After I go back, I will tell you carefully that this place is not as simple as you think!"

After getting in the car, Dove sat next to Alyssa and comforted her in a low voice. After all, the desperate suffocation of the child was taken away, even if it didn't happen to him, just thinking about it It's going to be crazy.

Merlin, sitting in the co-pilot position, looked at Du Lin from time to time. Du Lin knew what he meant, smiled and didn't speak.

The car was surprisingly quiet, and there was a sense of depression.

Even Buck closed his mouth and made no unwanted noise along the way.

The car finally stopped outside a small hotel not far from the city hall. This hotel was also included in the scope of demolition, but it has not been demolished here yet. The small hotel has four floors and a total of thirty-two rooms. Before the development of Otis, it was not a hotel but an apartment building. The original idea of ​​the developer was to build a living area around the city hall, but Failed.

Last week, a young man returned from Nami Lindes, bought the house from a bank with money, and converted it into a hotel.

A few days ago, many people thought that this young man was crazy. Where does Otis need any hotel? There are no outsiders at all in this ghost place. Even the workers on the site will only live in the sheds on the site.

But now, no one will laugh at his "stupid attention". A room can stay for one night. If hot water is needed, 15 points plus 35 points can provide two meals, lunch and dinner. Although the food is average, most people choose to pay 35 more points. From the beginning of business, business has been very good. In just a dozen days, many people have become jealous.

After getting out of the car, the hotel owner saw Du Lin through the gap in the iron cage, immediately opened the lock and ran out, "Mayor, do you need to stay?" The boss is the young man. Look He was only 21 years old. When he bought the building with 3,800 yuan savings, everyone thought he was crazy. Now it seems that he is the smart man. He patted his chest and said, "Free, definitely free, how many rooms do you need?"

Du Lin took out a ten-dollar denomination and shoved it into the young man's hand and said with a smile: "Although I am the mayor, I have no inclination to take advantage! Don't worry, arrange three rooms for me. Hot water. "

The young man didn't push the ten dollars either. This is a very clever guy. He knows that for a rich mayor such as Du Lin, ten dollars may be similar to the very rich coins in his pocket. Annoying the other side, he accepted it in peace. He ran back to the iron cage and took out three keys and gave them to Dulin. "The keys are numbered, and they are all on the second floor. They will not be too hot during the day and will not be too noisy at night."

During the day, the sun is very hot, so the fourth and third floors will be very sultry. Like Du Lin's office, the second and first floors will be relatively cool. However, there is also a disadvantage on the first floor. If at night, if there is a construction vehicle passing by, or if the construction site is still under construction, the vibration will be transmitted to the room through the ground. When people lie on the bed, they will hear the pile driving through the vibration bed. Or the sound of wheels pressing across the ground.

That's why he took out the key on the second floor. Generally speaking, the second floor will only be taken out at the end, or if an acquaintance requests it, otherwise he will go to other floors.

Du Lin gave the keys to the three of them. He lived in the office at night. Dove also lived in a nearby house. Du Lin bought the house temporarily and lived exclusively for Dove.

Merlin nodded, took a bunch of keys and patted Du Lin's arm. "Then I'll go to rest first. I'm tired after taking the train for a few days. I didn't expect such a trouble to go far!" He said In fact, after the beginning of the steam locomotive passed, the rest is irritability, especially the joints between each section of the rails will not be so smooth, it will clutter every about 30 seconds.

Du Lin nodded and looked at Buck. Buck was a little timid, and he carefully selected a key number "202" in Doulin's hands, smiled farewell to everyone, and carried the salute upstairs.

When Du Lin put the last key in Alyssa's hand, Alyssa still looked at Du Lin awkwardly, and also shook her head, squinting in her eyes and starting to fill with water mist. Du Lin had a headache. With a sigh, it's hard to say who is right or wrong, but he has a bigger responsibility. He gave the key to Dove ~ ~ and then asked the hotel owner to get a key. "I waited until she fell asleep before I left. I don't know when I will go back and you will go up. Take a break, don't go back at night. "

Dove hesitated and nodded in agreement, after the three went upstairs together, Du Lin chose to go to the innermost room.

When the door was opened, the decoration in the room was much better than he thought. At least the walls were whitewashed, some of the furniture was new, there were curtains on the windows, and there was a separate bathroom in the room. He looked around, determined that there were no other problems, and sat down on the second chair in the room. "You go to bed first, and I will go after you fall asleep."

As a person, there are things you can do, but there are things you cannot do. Du Lin knew that he was not a good person, but he was not facing a woman who had nothing to do with him. This woman had a child for him, and he was excellent for taking 30 million gold bars from the bank of the Imperial Bank. Contribution. He couldn't ignore her, maybe it was also a responsibility.

Alyssa sat beside the bed and started crying again. Du Lin watched her crying without persuading this time. At this time she needs to vent all the emotions in her heart, and when she cries, she will be rational.

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