Cosma Empire

Chapter 391: Assassination

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Merlin left Otis City full of yearning for a new life and a new world. He knew that Doolin didn't want to kick himself away. Is really good for himself, so he has no complaints at all. In the countryside, Mr. Kema did not seem to teach them to read characters. There was no school in alfalfa town, and it was possible that Mr. Kema planned to use this method to create children's fear of the outside world.

Regardless of the truth, Merlin finally took a solid first step. On the train to Nami Lindes, the noise of the train did not seem to be boring. He opened the window and looked at the vibrant world outside the window, completely letting go of his mind and body.

When Merlin arrived in Nami Lindes, there was a negotiation in a restaurant not far from him.

The negotiation between Chester's boss and Andy brothers, the Andy brothers want to get involved in this sale called Mr. Abel, so there is such a "negotiation".

Abel was born and raised in Namindes. His father was a blacksmith. When he was fifteen years old, he killed two adults with awl in a blacksmith shop and became famous. "Children's Party" leader. After nine months of imprisonment—his blacksmith father hired a good lawyer, and through the testimony of some witnesses, it turned out that the other party was provocative first, so he reduced most of Abel ’s sentence, and finally only because “considered that he was 15 The juvenile dare to fight desperately, without giving certain education and punishment, it is difficult to imagine what kind of person he will be when he grows up, "and he was finally sentenced to 18 months in prison.

When he served nine months in prison, his blacksmith father released him on bail of 150 yuan, ending his sentence early.

Since then, Abel at the age of 16 has become a very famous boy party in the street, because he has killed people, and all the young people who are about his age are convinced of him. Some people once described Abel in that period, saying His eyes are like a knife. Looking at his eyes, there is always the illusion that he will come over at any time to give you a knife.

After being released from prison, Abel did not embark on a path full of evil as others think. Instead, he used his prestige and fame to **** up a group of teenagers of the same age and began to act as thugs. career.

In the prison and outside the prison, he was transformed into an unexpected person in nine months. He also knew what power, money and status mean to this society through this period of experience. Instead of committing crimes directly, he chose to serve those in power.

This is a precocious young man, because most people realize that they are already in their 20s and 30s at this time, but he understood this at the age of 16.

After that he often went to the police station or even the court, but he didn't go to jail, because when he happened, the big men behind him would give money or talk to someone to get him out. This made him more and more sure that the path he had chosen was the right one, and he has been to this day.

The experience of doing dirty work over the years has also developed his somewhat distorted character. To put it simply, Abel turned his face faster than his books. The moment before, I may ask you what he needs to do, but after receiving a call, it is possible to get a knife into your body. He is a very pure person, a person who lives for money and his own purpose, and a very careful person.

His only advantage may be that he is good to those around him, and this is also to maintain his current identity and status.

This time Klaus's intention to intervene in his business made him a little annoyed. He had a war with Klaus, and both sides suffered damage. At that time, a rich man moved out of Nami Lindes and moved to Emperor Capital. His stuff was packed on the train. As a result, the steam locomotive was hijacked by the Andy brothers. The rich man found Abel and promised 100,000 yuan. Send things to the capital.

Abel contacted Klaus through other relationships and explained his requirements, but Klaus, who had never dealt with Abel, directly rejected his proposal, and the two sides fought in the wild. As a result, it was not clear to outsiders, but since then, when Claus faced Abel, he tried his best to refrain from provoking this person. Abel would also keep his distance and not approach Klaus.

But this time, the two former rivals had to sit together again.

Abel didn't look like a bad guy, he was wearing very expensive clothes, and his leather shoes were shining brightly to illuminate the figure. The cheeks are also well-maintained, and the chin is blue, giving a weird feeling, like the weird doctor in the opera "Dr. Monster". He is very particular about it, probably because he often comes into contact with people from upper classes, so he values ​​his image very much.

"Mr. Claus, it is a very mean behavior to rush into someone else's business and intend to rob others of their interests ..." Abel said, shaking his head, just like Claus Make him very disappointed.

Klaus is also dressed well. He may be lower in taste than Biaber, but the price of his clothes and accessories may not be cheaper. He sneered, interrupting Abel's words, "Mr. Yabo, we are sitting here today to discuss how to cooperate, not to give you a chance to face me to reprimand me." Klaus took out The handkerchief wiped off non-existent stains on the fingers.

"What we are talking about is how to achieve a win-win goal!" Klaus behaved like a civilized man and a businessman, but Abel, who knew the inside story of this guy, knew for sure that this was a villain.

Abel coldly snorted, "If you rob a business that originally belonged to me and plan to share my profits without my consent, it is a kind of cooperation and a win-win situation. It would be better to bother Mr. Claus and you should find such a business Let me also intervene. "

Aaron, sitting while eating, suddenly raised his hands and let go of the ox bones he held in his hands. He leaned backwards while curling his feet, and stepped **** the table. The table suddenly bumped into Abel, who has been behind the scenes these years. I don't know if he didn't respond or was fearless, as if he didn't see him about to hit his table.

The next second, an arm stretched out from behind his shoulder, holding the table tightly.

Aaron's eyes suddenly turned red. He knew that guy, a guy named Spike.

This sudden conflict made the two people in the room stand up instantly. They clearly distinguished that table and bounded Claus and Abel.

"What? Are you going to start a war?" Abel didn't have any fear of Andy brothers. He took out a cigarette and put it on his mouth, put an arm on the table, and leaned forward. "You nod, I guarantee that only one of us will be able to leave. If not, it's best to put away your claws, whether it's here or Otis, it's not a place where people like you can scatter! "

After speaking, he exhaled a cigarette and vomited to Claus, who had the smoke on his face. He smiled, as calm as before, "Is this your choice?"

Abel shrugged his shoulders, stood up, and walked directly toward the restaurant door. "Before threatening others, think about whether he has such ability ..." When he stood at the door, Abel looked sideways. To Claus who turned his back to him, "Some people can't afford to offend you, understand? Not everyone is let you be slaughtered like those fools. Here, you are just reptiles on the ground!"

When Abel walked out of the restaurant with a smile, he looked at his wrist watch. There was another big man in the afternoon who needed his help. He didn't have time to spend with the Andy brothers here. In his eyes, these two guys are only lions made of paper, so they are scary in appearance, and those who know them well will not be afraid of them.

"Go and drive ..." Abel ordered, and his driver ran straight across the road.

At this moment, three cars drove fast from the end of the street, Abel just glanced, and his heart seemed to be caught by an invisible hand immediately.

As a character walking in a gray area, he always had a similar instinct to the crisis. He squatted on the ground as soon as his neck narrowed, leaning against the roadside car and covering it up. In the next second, the guys in peaked caps came out of the car window and raised their weapons, and pulled the trigger towards a slightly flustered group of people at the restaurant door ~ ~ The bullets tilted out, just In a few seconds, a dozen people fell into a pool of blood.

The three cars started again, left quickly, and soon disappeared into the noisy streets.

At this time Klaus and Abersch, who had a bone in his hand, walked out of the restaurant. Aaron glanced at the painful Spike on the ground, walked expressionlessly, raised his foot and stepped on his face, the toes continued to force, and the tip of the pointed leather shoes fell deeply into Spike's eyes.

There was a snoring noise, and a stream of blood and water mixed with a transparent liquid sprayed from the gap between the tip of the shoe and the eye socket. Aaron frowned, and his shoes were dirty. He dropped the bone in his hand, raised his leg, and stomped on Spike's head ...

On the other side, Claus walked to the side of Aber, who was already scared, and squatted down. He showed a regretful expression, "Look, everyone will have a moment of regret. Are you regretful?"

"I know you look down on our brothers and down on us, but do you think I can look down on you? But a wild dog who eats crumbs behind a lion, dare to think of yourself as a lion?" Klaus Standing up with a smile, he glanced at Aaron. "Leave, we have other things to do."

Aaron stomped a few more feet before catching up with Klaus.

When Abel thought he had been let go, a young man in his twenties suddenly came up on the street. He was wearing a yellow shirt and a vest. He took the pistol out of his arms and aimed at Abel, then pulled the trigger continuously without hesitation, then threw the pistol on the side of the road, and ran into an alley in the sight of the end of Abel's life.

The sirens sounded in the distance, and the turbulent streets soon returned to calm.

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