Cosma Empire

Chapter 399: Trapped by money [1]

The door of the warehouse was opened with a crackle, and Graf strode over like an angry bull. Every step you can hear heavy footsteps, like a hammer hitting people's chests.

"Brother ... brother!", Seaman felt a flame of hope, just like last time in Tenell, his brother was able to save him from danger, which was almost regarded as "inevitable" by him. Things. However, it seems that he has forgotten the danger that Graf may face. Those who have guns in their hands are not a good stubble at first sight. He seems to have forgotten the restrictions brought by the environment, only thinking that Graf can save him. .

He saw this rescue as a matter of course, as Graff's "inside" work.

Graf was not attacked by those wicked people in the eyes of Seaman. The young man instead gave a step. He watched Graff walk over the others and walked in front of him. He hadn't had time to say "Let me go." Graf's fist was welcomed.

Graff loves his mother, his brother, his girlfriend, and all his friends, but he knows how to measure this "love." When his heart is trampled on, he is also angry. If he is a friend, he will never have a relationship, if he is a younger brother, then only a loving education can express his inner anger at this time.

He punched out, a pair of glasses fluttered to the ground, and the lenses broke into broken glass. Himan was blown out by a punch, and after a very brief stagnation, he fell heavily to the ground. He groaned in pain and spit out blood, and he felt the severe pain in his cheeks, and a hot current made him more uncomfortable with a sweet smell. He tilted his head a little at a loss as he watched Graff striding towards him, his mind blank.

why did you hit me?

Graff raised his chair, dragged the knot that tied his brother with one hand, and pulled the live buckle apart with a strong pull. He grabbed Himan's collar and punched the guy with a punch.

The general vomiting desire accompanied by the severe convulsions and pain caused him to spit out a bit of bread that had not been fully digested in the morning. There are already some bread ingredients in the viscous digestive juices, with a beige color. He seemed to wake up after this sip, roaring loudly, "Why did you hit me?"

"Why?" Graff's eyes were covered with bloodshot blood, a kind of pain betrayed by his loved ones was biting his heart, and the flesh on his face was trembling, unspeakable, "Just me and Your mother has saved money for school these years, but you have done things that hurt your family ... "He hit Hitman's face with a punch, and Hitman shook his head back.

What can be called a spectacle by his classmates can imagine how thin Hima's physique is. At the moment of this punch, his consciousness was blurred, his eyes turned black, and the whole person lost his will the next second.

Watching Graf beating Himan, Du Lin took the cigarette that Dufo gave him, took a breath, "Look, this is the difference between wild and domestic! Nature is great!"

Dufo laughed a few times, "Would you like to remind him not to kill his brother?"

Du Lin shook his head and said, "Relax, he knows everything." After speaking, he looked at Daniel, who knew what was going on. He glanced timidly across Du Lin and Du Buddha's face, and then looked at Kelly full of resentment.

He was cursing in his heart, this female watch actually lied to him that Hieman was just a child of an ordinary rich man. Is this the energy that the word "ordinary" can describe? Just by looking at the means of these people, he knows that these people are really cruel people. They don't need to put ruthlessness on their faces, hang them in their mouths, or wave their fists or knives. They only need a simple action and a cold look to feel the terribleness of these people!

The expression on his face kept changing, and finally became a plea. He didn't dare to speak, but just looked at Du Lin with pleading.

Du Lin didn't take a closer look at him, patted Du Fu's shoulder and walked outside the warehouse.

Pete stood outside the warehouse door to let out the wind, and although he knew no one would come here for a surprise inspection, there was no harm in being careful. Besides, he couldn't get involved in the things inside. When he heard the footsteps, he immediately turned around, and bowed slightly respectfully.

Du Lin also reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile, "This is the end of this matter. Remember to turn off the lights when you leave."

There was a flash of light in Pete's eyes. "I know, boss."

He watched Doolin after they left by car, put on gloves and held the pistol in their hands, holding the **** feels good, he turned into the warehouse and pulled the door of the warehouse.

Footsteps are like death knell for these people, unique and appalling.

Daniel couldn't hold a pee anymore, and instantly felt a heat flow spreading from under the crotch, flowing down both legs to the instep. With a desperate expression on his face, he kept shaking his head, "Please ..."

Pete looked at him expressionlessly and raised his arm. The expression at this time was like a butcher with a knife in the slaughterhouse. No matter how struggling the prey to be slaughtered and how groaning, he couldn't shake him. heart.

A finger touched the trigger, and a force made his arm tremble slightly, a stunned shot, and Daniel and his chair fell backwards.

The sound of the gun also shocked Graff, and after a moment of solitude, he glanced at Seaman, who was unconscious, and spit on the ground. He threw Himan on his shoulder, paid tribute to the skin, said thank you, and left.

He knew that Pete was about to clear the field.

This time their movements are a bit big, but it is very surprising that their goals are not as terrible as imagined. From the beginning to the end, it can be said that Seaman and Kelly wrote and directed one under the temptation of Daniel. A farce. The only thing that made Graff unclear is what role Seaman played. He played an actor or a director. He didn't know, and didn't want to know, he was afraid he would not be able to control himself.

No matter how much begging came from behind, it all came to an end with a gunshot, no matter what kind of sin they had, everything was over!

There were only two of them in this car, Du Lin and Du Fo, both were driving. Du Lin looked at the scenery outside the window and asked seemingly casually: "Actually, I think you should stay here. I cannot evaluate a woman I am not familiar with, but I think if you can get happiness from her, This is your destination. "

There was no emotional reaction on Dufo's face, and he drove the car intently. He answered after a while: "We cannot get married, and we are not suitable for long-term together."

"Because of her current career?" Du Lin asked, both of them nodded, and Du Lin laughed. "That's fine, I don't need to think about where to find someone to replace you."

He knew what Du Fu meant. Vivian was now a feminist fighter. Feminists in the entire state regarded her as a leader and a follower. If she were married at this time, and the other party was still a gang ... In any case, two people together can cause a devastating blow to Vivian's career. Sometimes this world, this society is so interesting.

People are regarded as representatives of the pursuit of equality and happiness, but they ca n’t do what they want to do. Sometimes, “representing” most people is not a happy thing, because in the process of too many representations, gradually Losing self and independent stance, eventually becoming the ideal person of most people, no longer so real!

After the car entered the urban area, Dufo ’s mood improved a lot. In fact, speaking with Du Lin also made him feel much more comfortable. He said easily: "His two brothers are a bit annoyed and have always wanted to turn the governor The decorations in the house were all taken away, such as paintings hanging on the wall, and the lampshades of wall lamps, etc., which are all worth a lot of money. They have even turned their faces with Vivian for these money, and are willing to fight lawsuits. Unwilling to abandon this part of the property. "

This is a matter of course. Those paintings are tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, and the entire Governor ’s House occupies such a large area. Two corridors are rarely mentioned in each corridor. How could her two brothers not see this?

"Have you considered threatening them?"

Dufo shook his head and said, "It's useless. When the old man is alive, they don't notice anything at all, but after the old man died, everyone found that they were still capable."

Vivian's elder brother currently serves as a major in the Army, and rarely leaves the barracks ~ ~ so many people have not felt the presence of this person before. His second brother works at the Land Resources Administration of the state government. Although this department does not have any loud reputation, it has a lot of power in his hands. When the Governor was alive before, the light was so bright that it completely covered the faint light of all his children. After he died, people discovered that there were three little stars around the brightest star.

Although small, it is also very bright.

Du Lin smiled and asked, "What about killing them?"

Dufo rolled his eyes, "I guess Vivian will kill me!"

Du Lin thief smiled: "Are you in bed?"

In the end, Du Lin still respected Vivienne's choice, which was also a choice of respect for Dufo, but he found a clear way for them, that is, to find Kevin.

With respect to these big dogs, Kevin always holds 120,000 points of respect. Maybe with his help, he can not only win this lawsuit, but also shave a layer of oil from the two brothers of Vivian! As for whether Vivienne was willing to use Kevin, Du Lin was not worried at all. Although the guy was sometimes abominable, in the field of lawyers, even if it was not the first, it was also the top three.

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