Cosma Empire

Chapter 401: Killing [Three] "Send Star On Demand + Five"

Klaus had a gun in his pocket, but he didn't know if there was a gun in the other's hand under the dim street light, or he was already pointing at him. The man stood very skillfully at the edge of the direct light, and the street light was Like the perfect camouflage, separating the two worlds, but leaving that guy in the shadows.

Both men kept their movements, and no one did anything else. They looked at each other through the boundary between light and darkness. Time is in this second, here, it has lost its meaning.

After about ten seconds, or tens of seconds, or minutes, Claus raised his chin slightly. He didn't want to show a timid expression. At this time, maintaining his courage would be very good for what might happen next. Great help.

"Who are you and who sent you?" Klaus turned and faced the guy. He slowly bent down, put the suitcase on the ground, and unlocked the suitcase. He moved the suitcase in front of him, pushed it gently, and fell to the ground. The suitcase was shaken and produced some subtle changes. The reed opened the suitcase slowly.

There are several small metal boxes inside, I don't know what's in it, but the most eye-catching thing is the cash that is already a little messy aside. It's all in cash of twenty yuan, one by one, not even the bank's bandage. There are ten, twenty thousand yuan!

"I don't know who you are or who invited you to come, but I believe my life is more money than here, and more than you think. Friends, give me a chance, and give you I have a chance, there is a checkbook inside, already signed, the maximum limit is 2,000. I will not cancel this checkbook, one hundred, two hundred twenty thousand are yours! ", He tried to put Slow down your tone and make yourself look less threatening.

"As long as you stand here and wait for me to come out of the alley, you can chase me again. Why not give yourself a chance and give me a chance?" Klaus's hemming rolled down a sweat. , Rolling down his chin along his well-groomed cheek. More and more sweat was accumulated along the "channel" that the former wafted out, and that drop of sweat finally could not bear more weight, lost its grip, and dripped from his chin.

Little sweat beads set off a small splash on the damp ground in the alley. A car passing by the alley quickly passed, and the driver did not seem to find out what was happening inside.

On one side, the windows of the apartment building were closed with a crackle, and there was an old voice in my ear, which seemed to be screaming.

Everything is like countless calm and boring nights, but something less ordinary happened today.

"After I die, the bank will freeze my account for the first time. If there is no heir, the money will be swallowed by the bank forever, 20,000, or 220,000, this does not need to think!", Klaus reminded in good faith After looking at this guy who may be a killer, if he killed himself, he would not get the 200,000 in the bank.

More and more sweat made Claus feel uncomfortable. He wanted to tear his neck and take a big breath, but he was afraid that an excessively large move would cause this person to misunderstand. He knew that as long as he put his hands in his pockets, there was capital for negotiation, but he couldn't do it, even if the distance between his hands and his pockets was less than a foot.

The man waited during the long wait.

"You did something you shouldn't do, you said something you shouldn't say, Mr. Du Lin hopes you can remember this lesson!"

This sentence sounds like forgive yourself?

The surprise on Klaus's face had just surfaced, and a gunshot was heard in his ear. His eyes blinked uncontrollably under the stimulation of the gunshot, and his body vibrated violently. He slowly lowered his head and looked at his chest with a small wound on it. The blood spilled out little by little after a few seconds, staining the waiter's shirt he had stolen from that **** place.

He raised his right hand and touched the wound, and placed his finger closer to his eyes. The fresh blood was not sticky, but rather a bit thin, like red ink. He felt that the power in his body was quickly passing through this little wound by some unknown great power. His legs could no longer support his body, and he fell to the ground. Breathing hastened with fear, and a powerful force emerged from the body inexplicably.

This power gave him the illusion that he didn't seem to be in a big deal, and he could stand up, run, jump, and beat the killer. The five senses became more sensitive as a result, he heard footsteps, wide eyes saw a man with a peaked cap, and he stood beside him. Through this angle, he can see a pair of cold eyes, what he wants to say by opening his mouth, and a desire to cough interrupt his urge to speak.

With a sip, blood mist bloomed in this quiet alley. The old man who had been screaming closed his mouth, shaking the old bed that squeaked and seemed to be firm. The guy raised his gun and pointed at Face, the fingers on the trigger gently tightened ...

Durin only stayed in Ordo for three days, and left there to return to Otis. Otis still had a lot of things waiting for him to deal with, and it was difficult for him to stay outside for too long.

When he returned to Otis, it was nine days after he left, on Monday.

Just waking up early in the morning, Dove was ready to go early. He just took a bite and remembered what he asked immediately: "How is the new town hall built?"

The new city hall made a sketch according to Du Lin's ideas and the designers from the capital. It looks very elegant. It has five floors and covers an area of ​​about 1,500 square meters, excluding gardens. With yard. The style adopts an ancient style called "Ya". It is said that it was a great empire thousands of years ago. Later, due to the fragmentation of the civil war, it eventually went extinct.

This style is popular in terms of atmosphere. Six pillars at the door are enough for three people to dislocate their chins. The whole building is not luxurious, but it can feel a sense of weight and majesty.

It is said that Shengya claimed to be a descendant of "Ya", but it is not clear whether it is true, but they can't see any connection between "Ya" in their architectural style, it may be "shrinking"!

If the construction period of such a building is calculated according to the world in the dream, it will take at least half a year, but it won't take that long here. With the birth of the AT-1 magic modification engineering machinery, many projects that require labor, material resources and time have been greatly shortened. Take the pillar, for example, it took half a month to transport it from the west, but it took less than a morning to transport it from the station to the new town hall and put it up.

The two construction machines can completely lift the pillars and walk. Thanks to the weapon developers. Without their replacement, everyone will not enjoy the benefits brought by this kind of construction machinery.

The entire construction period plan takes two months to complete. Till now, there are thirty-seven days, and there are twenty-four days in two months. Except for the interior decoration, the main project should have been completed.

Sometimes Du Lin also feels very magical. It may be that the influence of dreams is too severe. He always thinks that it may take a long time to do it.

"Miss Natalie said that it would be completed in about half a month, thanks to the help of many people in the local area." Dove added some milk to Du Lin, for which she specifically asked Du Lin to transfer from outside Some cows come over. The locals do n’t raise cows. First, people here do n’t seem to be interested in milk, mainly because there may be young people here. Secondly, the economic value of dairy cows here is far less than that of beef cattle, so no one raises them.

Du Lin nodded, he knew it.

To say who is the happiest in the large-scale construction of Otis, it must be better than the locals. In addition to the changes in the city, they can also enjoy everything in developed cities and provide more job opportunities. For example, building a house, a daily salary of five or one days in other places, as long as one, two or even one person here is willing to do it. Under the premise that the financial pressure is less than elsewhere, naturally more workers can be hired for collaborative construction, and the construction period is naturally much faster.

Garfield also complained to him during this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is really too busy, because he is not only one of the landlords of Otis, but also a friend of the mayor, so many people order steel from Garfield in order to get familiar. This made him miserable and happy. He contacted the steel mills all day long for a large number of acquisitions. He just changed hands and sold them. Although the single profit has decreased, the overall revenue has been rising.

The city changes every day, and Du Lin's heart is full of sense of accomplishment.

He used to think that it didn't make much sense to be a mayor, but watching the city glow with new vitality in his own hands, just like a father treats his children, even though he has no children.

The application of the workers 'union has been placed on Du Lin's table. The first thing he saw was this document. The workers' union intends to buy a piece of land for the construction of the union, including the main building and the entertainment and meeting. The building, accounting for 5,000 square meters on the ground basis. After reading, Du Lin directly gave him a knife from the middle, and wrote his own opinion, which can not exceed 2,500 square meters at most, and Otis does not sell the ownership of the land, only sells the right to use for a period of thirty year.

It was perfect. He signed his name with satisfaction and left the document aside. Want to buy his own land?

Ha ha!

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