Cosma Empire

Chapter 408: The beginning of a shocking world 【二】

In this auction, Du Lin is only a participant and not a host. Of course, Stan Ein thinks that he can fully cope with these people's inquiries, but Du Lin still let him choose a more professional auctioneer, which charges by the hour and has a commission. That kind. Of course, under the care of acquaintances, the commission is definitely gone, but the cost cannot be discounted. The cost of 1,000 yuan per hour is indeed a higher level in the industry, but the hosting is really good.

One hundred and forty-eight representatives sitting in the venue from the first place of the auction started the killing of red fruit. There was no temptation or the like. The first person opened the mouth by 10 million and directly let some Ready to bargain, even the person holding the sign's hand raised his hand back.

In fact, the first bidder in each auction of similar items can always take advantage. As long as he shouts an amazing price, other participants will have a wonderful idea. They will feel that sending these powerful people out first, and then the price will drop. However, the fact is often the opposite. At auctions of similar products of the same type, the first bidder is often below the average transaction price, but people ca n’t remember the lesson.

In the next three bids, the price remained at about 10 million, and then the price began to rise sharply, because most bidders found that although there seemed to be four powerful people who had already got something to leave, the rest There are fewer things, and the competitive environment is even worse. Everyone wants to settle this matter as soon as possible, and the price keeps rising to the highest 22 million.

When the gavel finally fell, the little yellow hair that hosted the auction was excited and even his voice began to shake. He saw only more than 200 million auctions in his life, and more importantly, he hosted the auction and will become him. One of the most important capital.

After the show, he even assured Du Lin that as long as it was an auction held by Du Lin, he would definitely help the host free of charge, not even a penny, including the commission for this event.

The auctioneer is almost the same as a lawyer and more practitioners in special industries. They pay attention to a qualification issue. If more than 30% of the auctioned items are auctioned by an auctioneer, and there is a certain number of auctions, he basically says goodbye to the auctioneer industry. But if he can host an auction with a total amount of more than 200 million, it will be a huge opportunity for him, and his commission will increase by more than one grade in the future.

After the auction, fifteen bidders were invited by Du Lin to enter the 7th floor conference hall of the Empire State Building. The next step was delivery and other issues.

It seems that the amount of 200 million is huge. In fact, the cash delivery part is also 50 to 60 million. The remaining 100 million will be delivered through other methods, including mortgages and loans.

The fifteen winners are basically real capitalists. They know how to play the game of capital. These people are also the ones that Du Lin needs.

When they entered the meeting room and saw Du Lin, they were all surprised, and some of them took Du Lin as a waiter.

After Du Lin's self-introduction, these people have been honest for the time being, and then Du Lin needs to tell them the new gameplay method-they spent tens of millions in exchange for tickets for this game, and of course they should be careful He heard Du Lin's gameplay clearly.

"The distillation method we use can easily solve the expensive material cost of dracaena, and the wine made from raw materials that do not contain dracaena can obtain pure spirits by distillation. I will arrange artificial Everyone demonstrates and guides you. After that, you can brew your own wine and sell it to the market. "Du Lin talked face to face with these capitalists. They listened very carefully and spent so much money. Isn't it just for this?

Someone asked a small question, "Mr. Durin, as far as I know the owner of the patent is Mr. Clark, then you and Mr. Clark ..."

Du Lin smiled, "Clark is my good friend. I will make all decisions on behalf of Mr. Clark in the future. If you have any questions, you can come to me." He nodded and said The guy closed his mouth and went on to say: "I believe that everyone has spent a lot of money to get authorization to get higher returns, but the chaotic market will expose us to risks of different sizes, and I think we need to There is also an obligation to condense into a group, to organize the chaotic order in an orderly manner! "

The bidders all agreed, which is what they hoped. The purpose of using low-alcohol distillation to obtain spirits is to release sufficient profit margins to fight an unequal war on prices with other producers. . After eliminating the miscellaneous brewing manufacturers, at least 80% of the entire empire's brewing industry will be completely controlled by them.

It is no exaggeration to say that 80% of the billions of drinks consumed each year will become the food on the plates of these people, and the power represented by each person can obtain at least 60 million or 70 million shares, excluding various channels And sales, their profitability will exceed 20 million a year. So they did not hesitate to shout out awesome prices to seize this opportunity.

"I have an idea ..." After a brief communication, people already thought that Du Lin was worthy of attention, and what he said was more worthy of attention, and he never looked down on his thoughts anymore. Du Lin raised his hand and stretched out a finger, and pointed randomly, "Within a year, through reasonable and legal competition and other methods, squeeze as much as possible the breweries and manufacturers that do not belong to our circle. I Hopefully at this time next year ... ", he nodded his finger on the table, the crisp voice sounded like they were on the hearts of these people, let them straighten their bodies involuntarily." In the whole territory of the Empire, winemaking The size of the workshop is now 20% or even less! "

The eyes of those capitalists suddenly showed a red or green luster. The fewer competitors, the more their share. In addition to the recovery of the empire economy, people have more money in their pockets and need more enjoyment. This is A world with infinite possibilities.

Of course, some people have suggested what to do if someone steals this very simple purification method to produce spirits. The person who raised this question was immediately watched by fifteen eyes. He smiled awkwardly and closed his mouth.

How to do?

Of course, it is to protect their legitimate rights and interests and make them disappear through legal and illegal means. But this is a market of more than one billion yuan a year, dare to stretch their paws?

Not only will the claws be chopped off, but even the owner of the claws will be destroyed!

After settling all this, the settlement began. Du Lin received a total of more than 80 million transfers, and more than 110 million will be paid off annually over the next five years, and it will generate a point higher than the bank loan interest rate. Interest, which is 7.98%.

With this money, Du Lin returned to Otis. The purpose of his need for this money was not to build Otis, but in the next he had a huge plan that required a lot of funds, and maybe even said that the funds were not enough. To support his plan, he needs more money to flow into his pocket. He will definitely not be alone in this plan, and there will be more people involved. He calls this plan "pineapple pie". The reason why it is not "apple pie" is that he does not like apples and he likes to eat them. pineapple.

He will invite those who will be able to help himself later to join the plan, the new party's high-level, such as Magus and the like, and those big capitalists, such as John, Colliers and the like.

The return brought by this plan is about one thousand times, so he doesn't care how many people join the plan, but he is afraid that too few people will join, which will have an adverse impact on himself.

Now all he needs to do is silently prepare, and then shock the world again!

The next day he returned to Otis, he attended an opening ceremony and the warehouse area built by Mr. Jack was completed. Mr. Jack and the "poker" are very clever. They have not operated those businesses that may be at risk, or their ideas are balanced. The construction of the warehouse area will always be a profitable one ~ ~ Maintaining the warehouse area only needs to pay some maintenance costs on a quarterly basis and monthly labor.

Coupled with the fact that Doolin guarantees that the city of Otis will not exceed two warehouse areas, this is sufficient to guarantee the income of Mr. Jack and the organization behind him in Otis for the next three decades.

Du Lin was pleased to attend the appointment, participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony spread from the Federation, and also said a few words to give Mr. Jack a lot of face. After the meeting, Doolin pulled Mr. Jack into the corner, and found a place where no one was talking privately.

The two walked into the empty temporary stacking area behind the warehouse area. The empty place could not hide people, and the wind could completely silence their words. Du Lin looked around and said, "I want to talk directly to the queen or king. Is there anything you can do? "

Mr. Jack frowned, his facial expression was still very stiff and uncoordinated, and it was very uncomfortable to look at it, as if something was covering his face.

"Excuse me, is there anything important? If possible, it would be better for me to transfer them to two adults."

Du Lin took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette, and his **** stabbed at the cigarette case. In the past two weeks, he found that the cut tobacco in cigarettes was not as tight as before, which may have something to do with Raney's proposal to increase tobacco taxes. Economic construction began in almost all cities throughout the empire, attracting large numbers of people from the countryside to enter the cities. There is no place in the city to grow their own tobacco leaves, coupled with rising wages, the sales of cigarettes have started to rise significantly.

Raney came up with the idea in a timely manner, and after the election, he would discuss it in the Imperial Parliament and initiate a hearing.

He lit a cigarette, took a sip, and slowly spit it out, looking at Mr. Jack with a smile, "I have a business with a return rate of more than five hundred times. I wonder if the king and queen are interested!"

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