Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 413: Eve [one]

"Simon, have a drink in the evening?"

In the shady part of the construction site, Simon was squatting in the corner and smoking cigarettes. The sunlight outside was too strong, making the entire construction site like a steamer. Ice cubes came in cart after cart. To avoid heat stroke, workers wrapped the crushed ice cubes with towels and put them on hard hats. The blazing sun will continue to melt the ice cubes, so that the ice water can drip down and take away the heat from them.

Although it is very hard to work in the summer, the money given by the workers is very generous. Everyone is working hard, just to make more money?

As the foreman at this site, many workers are residents of the town where Simon lived before. Because he can speak and is not stage frightened, he gradually became a foreman and took everyone to work together.

He raised his head sideways and glanced at the standing guy next to him, and retracted his gaze. "No time at night, I have to hurry up."

He didn't like the people in the union. Those people who took the initiative to find them were definitely not good. He had also encountered such a thing before. The people in the union asked him to put pressure on the workers together. At the beginning, he just came out to do things. Followed. Indeed, their salary was a little bit higher, about 5 percent, but the problem was that he would have been given three phases of the project, but the end of the first phase made him leave.

He gradually came to understand that no one in this world is a fool, no matter whether it is to put pressure on those who work, or on others, the unlucky ones are always workers.

As for the workers' union?

They must have "again" won a war with the capitalists, received widespread attention and praise from the society, and no one will control the lives of the workers.

Seeing Simon didn't seem very interested, the guy in a suit and leather shoes didn't seem too hot, smiled, and nodded his greetings before leaving. It will be reduced, maybe it will be downgraded. "At this point, he smiled," I know what you are worried about, rest assured, I promise that after this event, no one will be forced to leave here, you will still Find enough jobs here! "

This sentence is not purposeless. Once the strike is successful, the union will suppress the city hall and the capitalists. If they want to start, they must bow to the union. At that time, we will contact one or two smaller projects, and everyone will work together. We are not afraid that the capitalists will not bow their heads, and may not be afraid that Mayor Doolin in the city hall will not bow their heads. Moreover, the president of the Federation of Trade Unions personally nodded in agreement to the matter, and there was absolutely no problem.

Once the union has firmly controlled the labor market in Otis, then the weight of the union in this city will become very important. Like many cities, it can even influence the political direction and public opinion when necessary. guide.

Simon hesitated. The guy in the suit and leather took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead. "At eight o'clock in the evening, Old Tom's Pub!" He waved his hand and walked away.

Simon smothered his head with the last few cigarettes and pointed at the two young men who had just come out of the town. They walked away with a stern face, "Do n’t be lazy, please be lazy and be careful. I will write to your parents! "

The workers on the entire site immediately laughed, and the two young people suddenly turned red, ashamed to find something to get in.

Finished at night, Simon found several old folks together, and told them about the afternoon things, I hope everyone can discuss an idea. This is his usual practice. After all, he is a local person, and he has been working together for several years. He knows each other well, and he is not the kind of dictator. This is why everyone is willing to follow him.

"I guess it has something to do with the accident a few days ago ...", the oldest man and a half was holding a cigarette, and took a few sips, with a pleasant look on his face. Otis was extremely hot during the day, but at night it was another look, especially cool. He smiled at a calm look that had already seen the glitz of the world and said, "You can go and see first, and listen to what those guys say. If it is good for us, we will participate, if it is not good for us, we will It ’s as simple as not participating! "

Several other people seemed to share this opinion, and Simon made up his mind that if it was not a bad thing, he would participate. If it's not good, then he stays away.

In the evening, Simon wore a coat and went to the old Tom's tavern. He was a little surprised when he stood at the door. After he opened the door, he was a little dumbfounded. The small tavern was full of people. He knew more than ten of them. I met each other while working at Nami Lindes, all foremen. He squeezed into a friend with a good relationship and sat down, asked for a glass of wine, and whispered, "What is the union saying today? Why are there so many people?"

His friend smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's a good thing!"

"Good thing?", Simon got up quickly before he finished speaking, took a small glass of wine from a grandmother in her seventies, and said thank you very politely before sitting down again. "How good is it?"

His friend glanced back at the innermost seat of the tavern and said, "Do you know the guy who fell from a height a few days ago?" Simon nodded. Almost most workers have heard of this. Many people feel sorry for him. After all, every worker is the backbone of a family. Once the ability to work is lost, the entire family will face great difficulties in the future.

The man continued: "Bucci said that neither the city hall nor the laborers seemed to intend to pay for medical expenses and other compensation. They said that the guy fell off was his own problem, not a work-related injury, so not only Without compensation, even the medical expenses need to be taken by that guy. Bucho and the mayor have talked, the mayor's attitude is very strong, so he intends to launch a strike to concede the city hall and the workers. "

"It's a good thing for us. By the way, we can raise our salary a little bit, and don't worry if something goes wrong."

Originally Simon intended to stay out of the matter, but hearing his friend say that his inner sense of justice suddenly overflowed, and he felt that his friend was right. If the city hall and the workers have a bad attitude and are unwilling to compensate and shirk their responsibilities, then they must not be allowed to fool around so easily. They must be made aware of the power of the working class.

It was about 8:30 in the evening that Bucho arrived at the tavern. At this time, more than 50 foremen have gathered in the tavern, and there are more than a dozen and twenty people who have clearly stated that they are not willing to participate in any action of the union. But Buqiao didn't mean to force them, but I have already drawn a × for these people in the heart, and he will never give these people excellent working resources in the future, he swears!

"Thank you for being able to listen to this guy for some nonsense after a tiring day. I thank you very much, thank you!" He walked through the crowd and stood on the steps of the inner stairs. "I think I put The reason for everyone's convening is clear to everyone, yes, we need to get justice for our injured people. Those abominable capitalists and snobbish city halls can spend money on spending, eating, drinking, and playing, but they do n’t want to Co-workers who need help assume their responsibilities. "

"Since they don't want to do this, then we need to use our power to make them understand that we are not nothing, we are not alone!"

"Our working class is always a powerful force. We don't want to show our edge at all times, but we don't mind showing our muscles when necessary!"


Bucho looked at the foremen with a stern look, "Strike! Only a strike can make them understand what they have done wrong. Justice and justice are on our side. The president personally instructed that he would support our strike , Some other social groups will also support us. We are not in order to get more salaries, nor to pursue better benefits, we just want to get justice for our injured workers! "

This was destined to make many people sleepless overnight, including Bucho himself who did not fall asleep late, especially when he first returned to the workers' union, when the lawyer handed him the procession application approved by Du Lin. He was even more confused.

He already knew that Du Lin had a very strong character, and that the mayor liked to pick words ~ ~ so he filed an application before the parade was required by law. He did not think that Doolin would approve, and in his idea, it is likely that Doolin would not approve the union's application. But it doesn't matter, he has already contacted the president of the General Conference, and he will apply directly to the state. If the state does not agree, he will apply to a higher level.

But he never thought that Du Lin would agree, why would he agree? Or does he have any conspiracy, or is he aware of the seriousness of the problem and is ready to compromise?

But all that Bucho didn't know, the only thing he knew was approval. Two days later, he would hold a huge strike procession, and maybe by that time he knew what Du Lin was thinking. At the same time, Du Lin will know that no matter what conspiracy he has, in the face of tens of thousands of workers, any conspiracy is fragile like a toilet paper and can not withstand the impact of heavy rain!

The next day, the sun still rose, and Otis didn't see any weird atmosphere. Every site worker was working hard, and no one was lazy. Everyone was energizing, waiting for the moment when the sun rose after dozens of hours.

[Strike is strike, parade is parade]

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