Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Replacement [two]

The goddess of luck is always the goddess of the loser. It is the excuse that the loser makes for his failure. The goddess who will never be obtained by the loser is always under the body of the winner.

Du Lin never dare to bet his future on "lucky", so the person who did it already has moss on the tombstone. After hanging up, he thinks it is possible that this is a person from the Organized Crime Investigation Bureau. At present, this is the only new The department set up may be aimed at him.

Everyone wants to do something big to attract everyone ’s attention and gain valuable recognition and resources. If a mayor can be knocked out, and this mayor is also the head of an organized crime group, I am afraid that the entire western world will Shake it. After all, such a terrible political scandal is enough to bring down many people, such as Harry, such as Magus, and many, many others.

Would it be a hands-on arrangement arranged by Bowers?

Perhaps this is possible, so Durin just called Magus and told him that someone was investigating himself recently.

The opinion of Magus is that he will not move, and the trouble that can be cut off will be cut off. He will investigate who is doing this to Du Lin at this sensitive moment.

Nasha came much faster than Durin imagined. On the third day, Durin met her. She wore neutral clothes, and the smile from her heart made the chick a little radiant. With her hands behind her back, she kicked her feet at every step, and Du Lin felt cola in such a naive gesture.

"Why are you thinking about hiring me to help you manage the company? Don't you know that my father and my grandpa are working on your company's idea?" She said with a little threat, "Be careful I will Your employees are secretly sent to our home! "

This is of course impossible. If Nasha really wants to do this, Du Lin will definitely raise her hands to welcome her. Hundreds of employees who signed a competition contract with a huge amount of default will directly bring Du Lin up to hundreds of millions. Liquidated damages, maybe Doolin could swallow the George family directly. Of course, this is just a matter of thinking. As long as people with normal minds see those contracts with millions of millions of penalties, any thoughts will go out.

However, when it was time to lie, Du Lin was able to guarantee his own heart. He stopped and turned around and looked at Nasha very seriously, which made Nasha a little uncomfortable and took a step back. In her impressions, Du Lin always looked back and forth between shifting laughter and mean laughter. It was really hard to accept that she was so serious all of a sudden.

"I trust you!" Du Lin's tone was very firm, and he repeated, "I trust you as I trust myself!"

Facing Du Lin's scorching eyes, Nasha's cheeks were pink, and she resumed her smile and laughed with a seemingly bright tone. "Who believes, maybe you have any conspiracy!"

"If trusting you is also a conspiracy, then you should think that I have a conspiracy!" Du Lin shrugged regretfully and continued to move forward, Nasha took a moment, followed closely and followed him. pace of.

"Do you really plan to hire me as the vice president of Empire Star?" Nasa still couldn't help but ask again, not only did she find it incredible, but her father also felt incredible, and her grandpa felt incredible. When she heard the news, her father told her that she must promise and then arrange her own people. The operation mode of Xueguo Star, including various projects and ideas, must be copied.

After the election, in February next year, they will launch the George family's tape media company, and compete with Du Lin and more companies in this untapped market.

It ’s just that the grandchildren and grandchildren did n’t know what kind of ghost trick Du Lin was doing, knowing that the fox wanted the piece of meat in his hands, but he sent the meat directly to the fox ’s mouth. Is n’t he afraid the fox would run away with the meat ?

In any case, this is an opportunity to learn the most top-of-the-line operation methods in a brand-new field, which is beneficial to the George family.

Du Lin looked up at the building in front of the two of them and stepped in. "Now we will sign a two-year employment contract under the witness of all the company's management and key employees. If you can lead the company to develop Enough market, I will continue to appoint you and give you a certain share. If you ca n’t do that, you can only say goodbye, you only have two years! "

Nasha looked at Du Lin's back with a strange expression. It stands to reason that she should hate Du Lin, but she was angry or disgusted by this guy's hippie smile, but she thought Du Lin was very interesting. More fun than those she met when she was in school, more fun than those who look personable but have pus in their bones. She likes the short, easy time when she is with Dulin. She doesn't know why, but she understands that when someone can trust you so much, you should return that trust.

She clenched her fist and stepped into the company's door.

At this time, the company's management, including the main employees, gathered together, and I have to say that Freina did a good job in this half year, at least she was recognized by the majority of employees. When Du Lin notified the company to change the vice president, some minor troubles were encountered, and some of the founders even proposed the idea of ​​resigning together. He did not hesitate to completely delimit the film and television industry within five years for Freina.

Fortunately, there is Freina's explanation and appeasement. These talents realize that the company is no longer a monopoly, and the market is no longer only their own. The more and more predators enter this market, the company is growing in order to survive and grow. , You must exchange for a capable performer.

When Du Lin walked into the meeting room, there was a rare applause. Nasha, who was behind Du Lin, couldn't help laughing. She lowered her head and laughed and said, "It looks like you Of employees don't seem to like you. "

Du Lin glanced at her as she turned, smirking and refuting, "Actually they don't like you!"

He looked at the slowly crowded employees in the conference room and said with a smile: "Today is a very important day, and my newly-appointed Ms. Nasha George will sign the company with everyone's witness. A two-year contract, Ms. Nasha will be fully responsible for all operations and decisions of the company over the next two years, let us welcome! "

Nasha took a step forward, slightly stunned, and the applause in the conference room gradually sounded under the leadership of Flenna. In fact, most people did not have much hostility when they saw Nasha, so I have to say this. Although society often discriminates against women in many places, women also have some special auras, such as "not harmful" labels.

This makes it easier for women to accept, and the company's former vice president, Freina, is also a woman. This kind of replacement that people didn't realize was a good way to get them through this period of mental transformation.

"I'm glad Mr. Du Lin can choose me to be the vice president of this company. At the same time, it also made me very scared. I was still asking myself whether I could do the job well and reach Mr. Du Lin. Expectation of me ... "

Looking at Nasha talking and speaking in front of so many people, saying inaugural inaugural address, Du Lin sighed. If a large family wants to train a person, the time required is often short for ordinary people. . Just throw her in several big scenes and force her to stand in front of the stage, she can quickly adapt to this occasion and mature quickly.

Why do people often say that education in big families is better than education outside?

In fact, this is a kind of incomprehension of the big family. The so-called elite education is nothing more than smashing money to smash a guy who can stand alone. if not? Quite simply, if you continue to spend money with another person, there will always be a successor who can take responsibility. As for the money that was lost, it was nothing compared to that of a successful heir.

Freina looked at Nasha with a smile on her face, but there was a hint of jealousy in her heart that could never be relieved. She is bigger than Nasha, about two years old, but she is far worse than Nasha from any angle. The world is really cruel. She has worked so hard, she has persisted in the face of endless difficulties and ups and downs, but lost to a girl who has not experienced any storms.

If there is justice in this world, is everything fair to her now?

Or ... isn't it fair?

A round of applause brought Freina back to reality from her thoughts. She immediately clapped her palms and smiled and nodded to Nasha, and then watched Dulin and Nasha sign an employment contract in front of everyone. This was a dust. Settled.

Although reluctantly ~ ~ Keflena handed over the key of the vice president's office, and passed on some points that needed attention to Nasha. After taking Nasa around in each department of the company, she put a strong smile into the trolley case and left the company step by step.

This company has nothing to do with her.

After a long sigh of aftertaste, she saw Doulin and the slightly lower Housewright.

"If you want to prove that you won't lose to anyone, just seize this opportunity!" He threw out the cigarette case as a gesture, Frena went to the car and took one. "Some things don't depend on effort What you can get is that you need to spend several times more time and effort than others to be able to prove that what you have is the same as what others have in their lives. "

"Before that, you were just a girl coming out of the remote countryside of Tener, and no one would look at you squarely, except yourself!"

Du Lin knocked on the window, and Haus Luwei, flashing with silver light, slowly started, leaving only Freina standing alone.

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