Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 425: Banquet [1] Not proofread, please subscribe to refresh later

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"Su Rui, my female classmate!", The moment Mei Lin said the word of classmate suddenly felt a weird feeling, like ... she is also a classmate.

But it was clear that Su Rui would not just accept it so easily. She pressed her hair behind her ears, exposing half of her cheeks and neck, and slapped Merlin a little bit, "It's a girlfriend!"

As a self-styled fashion expert, Su Rui saw at a glance that the price of this suit on Du Lin was definitely not acceptable to her, nor was she able to imagine it. Each tailor has his own pride, especially those handful of tailors who are at the top of the empire's upper society. Although they are not any great riches or officials, their identity is enough for them to call them celebrities.

There are many top tailors who have made clothes for the royal family for generations, and those who have made clothes for the big nobles. These people have their own pride, so they will use their works in ways that are not visible to laymen, Let's point out the source of this dress.

For example, tailor scissors have the most prestigious Orn family. Their family once produced eight sets of imperial clothes for the imperial court for six emperors. The heirs of this generation of Orn family will use the color of the sword collar to be worse than the bottom of the clothes Color, embroidered a crown almost invisible.

Some people also make articles on the buttons. For example, the coat of Du Lin has a ring of white gold in the middle, and the blue agate picks are used to hold the thread. The custom-made price of this dress is about 2,000 yuan. The tailor only accepts two orders a month, but he must be a person with status and status.

From the top to the bottom, all the clothing and accessories of Du Lin are designed by a dedicated person. The specific things are operated by Dove. He only needs to pay and then put on the clothes. Such a suit has already surpassed 5,000 yuan.

Five thousand yuan, the man who put a good car on her body is not unseen, but she hasn't seen it so close, so she is very humble and even humble.

Du Lin patted Merlin's arm and squeezed his eyes. "I thought you would have a little trouble in your life, but it looks like your life is much better than I thought."

Just as the three were talking, a driver in a suit and leather walked to a place about five meters away from them, and when they were almost done, the driver walked over, bent over, and lowered his head, "Du Mr. Lin, Mr. Jack knew you were coming to Nami Lindes, so he arranged for me to pick you up. Mr. Jack asked you to host a small banquet, and I hope you can come and see me. "

He did not expect that Mr. Jack would know that he had arrived in Nami Lindes. He remembered that he had not spoken with Mr. Jack, but since the other party had just come to invite him, he was not good at rejecting it. Especially after he talked with the king over the phone, there was no reason to refuse.

After seeing Mr. Jack last time, Doolin talked to the leader of the poker organization, the guy named King on the phone the next day, and the other party was very interested in his plan and was willing to devote 30 million to participate in this plan. But the king also had a request. Regardless of how many times profit Dulin has achieved, he only needs ten times, and the time limit is five years. Five years later, Du Lin must pay at least 150 million in return, at most not more than 300 million. No matter what, Du Lin has nothing to do with them.

Carefulness and a certain amount of courage facilitated this transaction, and the money quickly entered Du Lin's anonymous account in the bank, which also made Du Lin Gao look at the other side.

Being able to call over 30 million in just two transactions is enough to show that Du Lin's status in some people's minds is quite high, and not everyone's credit is worth 30 million!

Now that the two parties have cooperated more closely, Mr. Jack came to pick him up, and Du Lin was relieved. As one of the largest underground money launderers in the West, it is too simple to know what tickets a person has booked.

"Do you want to be together?" Du Lin looked at Merlin and explained by the way, "Mr. Jack is my good friend. It should be an ordinary party at night, and there won't be too many unrelated people."

When Merlin was thinking about it, Su Rui looked at Merlin with anticipation, her eyes begging perfectly with the vivid expression on her face, Merlin nodded at last.

After the three got on the car, the luxurious convoy quickly left the station in the attention of the people. Mr. Jack had an office on the side of Nami Lindes. He didn't live here all the time. Side, who controls the entire situation of the organization in the empire.

The convoy left the city within twenty minutes, entered the suburbs, and soon entered a carefully restored green avenue. The leafy trees on both sides of the road filled the road with mottled sunlight, giving people a very poetic and picturesque feeling. After another five minutes of driving, the convoy stopped outside a quaint castle. This is the residence of Mr. Jack in Namilindes, and it is also one of the real estate resources invested by the organization.

Before he got out of the car, Doolin saw that Jack had led three strangers to meet them outside the gate of the castle building. Even after the car stopped, Mr. Jack opened the door for Doolin himself. This is not a thing. Ordinary little things. Every behavior in the upper society was given special meaning, even Du Lin didn't think of it.

"You're so polite!", Dulin shook hands with Mr. Jack after getting out of the car. "It's a little disturbing to me, wouldn't you be prepared for anything?"

This was obviously a joke, and Mr. Jack and the gentlemen behind him laughed, because Du Lin guessed right.

"I'm coming ...", Mr. Jack just prepared to introduce the three behind him to Du Lin, only to notice that two more people got out of the car, a young handsome boy, and a sweet-looking girl. He was a bit surprised. To Du Lin. He thought he was alone.

"This is my elder brother, my elder brother, Merlin, and that is his girlfriend, Surui." Du Lin introduced it briefly without much explanation. Bringing Merlin also hopes to give him some insight. This will be of great benefit to him in the future.

Mr. Jack said hello to them before continuing to introduce Du Lin. He leaned slightly sideways to make room to highlight the status of the first person behind him. This person looks more than fifty years old, silver-white Her hair, with traces of perm, looked fluffy. However, he still looks very young, with no wrinkles on his face except for crow's feet, full muscles, and shiny skin. "This is one of the governors of the Imperial Bank, Mr. Wich."

Du Lin froze for a moment, and immediately stretched out his hand, "I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Veitch."

Mr. Veich also said hello to Du Lin, and said with a smile, "Jack, he said one less word, I'm just the vice chairman."

"That is also a great identity. After all, the central bank is the largest economy in the empire, and I am very happy to meet you here!", Du Lin will not feel that he has insufficient power because he said an extra word. The most powerful person is the chairman, but in fact, the deputy directors are responsible for the daily operations. The chairman is the decision-making level, and the vice chairman is the executor. It seems that there is not much weight to speak, but it is actually quite scary.

The person making the decision can never know whether the person performing it will increase or decrease something in the execution of their decision.

After the two released their hands, Vicki moved a bit aside and gave up the position to the second gentleman. Mr. Jack still played his role and introduced Du Lin to the second guest in detail. "This is The Angus Speaker of the Chamber of Commerce currently presides over the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce. "

Angus looks much older than Vicky, almost 70 years old, not tall, with some thinning hair and a lot of age spots on his face. His bags under his eyes were slightly sagging, and he looked as if he hadn't awoken. Time left too many marks on his face, making him look very old.

He was holding a walking stick, and when he laughed, he could only see the corners of his mouth rising, but the muscles on his face were still sagging, without moving. "Mr. Du Lin, I have heard too many people say your deeds, It ’s amazing. It ’s arguably one of the most successful businessmen in recent years. None. It ’s an honor to have the opportunity to meet you in this way. This is my lucky day! "

The little old man speaks very well, and Du Lin also politely compliments him. The strength of the chamber of commerce is still very scary. At the same time, Du Lin is also curious about the identity of the third person ~ ~ just this Once, Mr. Jack did not take the initiative to introduce Du Lin, but the third gentleman took the initiative to take a step forward, and stretched out his hand, "Paul of the Treasury of the Empire, you can call me Paul."

Although Du Lin reached out and held him, he looked at Jack.

It is not surprising that the Deputy Governor of the Empire Central Bank is here, and it is not surprising that the Speaker of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce is here. He is surprised when Mr. Jack has a relationship with the Empire Treasury. You should know that the person who hates Mr. Jack and poker most is the Imperial Treasury and the State Administration of Taxation. Every year, a large amount of black money escapes taxation after they are washed white. But Du Lin soon understood that the most important step in laundering these black money is to pay taxes, which may explain why Mr. Jack would let Paul appear here.

After introducing everyone's identity, they entered the castle together. Mr. Jack was a little behind and walked to the end with Dulin.

"What the **** are you doing?" Du Lin was a little displeased. "Be careful I turn my face!"

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